Galaxy A9 2018 Android 9.0 Vs Galaxy A8s Speed Test By Tech1Tv

By Tech1Tv
Aug 22, 2021
Galaxy A9 2018 Android 9.0 Vs Galaxy A8s Speed Test

Hey, what's up guys, this is a speed test. Galaxy a 92018 on enjoy a 9.0 PI versus the Galaxy S 2019. So let's do a speed test. The phone down up. Now, let's go back the message up next: the Play Store. Now, let's go to games movies on TV books, music and now, let's go back to home, just like song.

Now, let's go to the up driver now the camera. Next, let's go to the gallery up like so. Okay, now, let's check out some social media, let's go to Twitter. Okay! Now stop shut it crash on the galaxy, a nice. So let's continue next it'll be Tumblr.

Next it'll be kick now: let's go back, it will be. May we on both devices? Okay, nice, let's go to Facebook next it'll be Esther Graham, just like so now, let's check out some cool apps there we go okay, nice next, the Google Maps nice. Now, let's go to the YouTube app on both devices. Now, let's go to joining subscription and bugs and like well, and let's go back and check out the play music up nice: let's go to Google 12 on both devices and there you go. Let's go back, let's go to the Google photos, nice and now, let's check out some Samsung up.

Let's go to the files up. Next there will be the calendar up there. We go next it'll, be the galaxy store. Okay, let's go back next, it will be the clock up. Next, it will be the calculator up there.

We go okay, so let's go back now, let's check out some games on performance, and we'll see who's the fastest. Let's go to a fortnight like so and as you can see, the galaxy and I did the galaxy. It is the next game. I'm gonna. Try will be pop G mobile, like so, and this time the galaxy it s beat the galaxy NI.

The next game, I'm gonna watch will be unclear and the galaxy and I beat the galaxy. It has the next game: I'm gonna, try will be candy, crush saga like so, and the galaxy NI beat the galaxy it s. Next, every bit Tampa want. Oh, there we go and the galaxy a nine, the galaxy s, the next game, I'm gonna lunch will be subway surfers and, as you can see the galaxy a nine again with the galaxy it s, the next game, I'm gonna, try will be for ninja there we go and the galaxy a 9 bit the Galaxy S. So now, let's check out the last game.

Going to be when you get to rocked rgb2 I mean not that we get to so the galaxy and I beat the galaxy s4 Rep tar gp2 there. You have a gasp, it says: galaxy NI, vs galaxy. It has thumbs up, leave a comment below, and I'm out, peace.

Source : Tech1Tv

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