Fortnite on iPhone 12 Pro Max Gameplay & How To Get Fortnite AFTER Ban! [2021] By Alf Saunders

By Alf Saunders
Aug 13, 2021
Fortnite on iPhone 12 Pro Max Gameplay & How To Get Fortnite AFTER Ban! [2021]

Welcome everyone in front of me, I have the iPhone 12 max, you can see by the LIDAR sensor and also, if I go to settings and the about page, you can see iPhone 12 Pro max right there, and I have fortnight, and so I'm going to be playing. You know one match or Fortnite um. I don't have the typical control, so I'm gonna probably play like crap, but the one question you're wondering about is not how good this guy is at the game. But how old does he have, even though it's removed on from the app store on his iPhone 12 Pro max? And the answer is with the tutorial in the description only watch it after you watch this video until the end and also smash like on this video, because now after watching this um your gameplay, you will know how to get fortnight onto your device. So because um the game was banned, and you know the tougher max is a new phone. We only have high quality, um graphics with 60 fps.

There is no ultra option. I've also downloaded all the additional assets, as I thought. That was the reason why we didn't see ultra, but now and 3d resolution is going to be at 100 percent. Sure PS on allow the power mode off, so you'll be able to see the frame rate as I am playing the game, and I will also have sounds on I'm not a big fan of the commentary in a Fortnite gameplay, so this is going to be no commentary and look at that 63 days or whatever, no idea. What that is, but um make sure you leave a like after the gameplay check out the tutorial in the description and let's get fortnight and um well check it out, enjoy so you uh.

So if you're wondering well I'm playing like utter crap, it's because I'm playing on the phone, usually on my iPad, I have a special HUD and I play five-finger claws, but I chose like the default HUD. Let me show you, so I got the hot layout tool: layouts, okay, why is it showing me a tutorial? This is the one that I have, but you can see it glitches out because I'm on the phone, so I can't really play with this. So I just chose the old school and um yeah. Well, I mean there's not really much else to say I could do a three-minute video, but as far as the phone temperature goes, I mean I played on this for about 30 minutes. It does get warm, it doesn't get boiling hot, but it does get warm quite warm and if you're going to charge and play it's going to get very hot, so I advise against doing that, but really overall, pretty darn good I'll make sure you leave a like before you go subscribe, because I'm going to do more game plays and check out the video in the description on how to get Fortnite on your device.

If you're interested I'll see you guys later, bye-bye.

Source : Alf Saunders

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