Fixing a Pixel Stuck on Charging Battery Screen By NovaComputing

By NovaComputing
Aug 14, 2021
Fixing a Pixel Stuck on Charging Battery Screen

Hey everybody in this video we're going to be looking at an error that sometimes happens with the Google Pixel I, don't know if it happens with the EX or the ? or anything else. This just happened to me and I. You know happen to figure it out a while ago, but I, don't typically let my phone dial the way. So this from what I've read. This only really happens if you have the magic root installed on your phone. So if you do- and you see this, there is a way to get back to the regular phone screen, letting the phone die.

Won't, actually do it. If you die, if you let it die completely, you could just damage your battery and that's a bad thing, so try to keep your phone from dying. Luckily, though, I did a test to see if my phone would actually get all the way down to 1% before dying, and it did, and it did it quite well. So that's good news for me. So what you're going to want to do to start is, if you look at the side, you'll see the power button in the volume down buttons, go ahead and click both of those click, the volume down button first and then after a few seconds, click the power button, and now you could need you may need to hold these buttons down for about 30 seconds.

It depends on I, guess when your phone last did the check, but sometimes it doesn't take that long. Sometimes it does so. Let's see your device, software bright can't be checked, BLA, BLA, BLA, and now you can see it's booting up normally so the first time I. Did this, though I'd like to note that I had to get the phone into the recovery menu, and then I had to try to run a test where I would basically try to run a test for corruption on the disk, and it said your device can't be checked for corruption, because you know it's not. The default operating system goes here to find out more above all, BLA, and then, after that, it said at the bottom press.

The power key to pause, boot I didn't press the power Khan it booted up normally, so it was fine, but otherwise, as you can see this time, it didn't even ask me for that. So go ahead and fiddle about play around with the bootloader menu and things like that. Try not to lock your bootloader, though you don't need to do that, and you know that's how you fix the batteries like the battery charging logo stuck on the screen when the phone is off so take that DA forums hope you guys enjoyed it, and I'll see you next time.

Source : NovaComputing

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