Emma Pretend Play Staged Chocolate Toolbox Toys Challenge | Kids Making Chocolate Food Toys By Toys and Colors

By Toys and Colors
Aug 16, 2021
Emma Pretend Play Staged Chocolate Toolbox Toys Challenge | Kids Making Chocolate Food Toys

Wow, it smell like chocolate, hmm, surprise, how's the chocolate. It's perfect, you guys like chocolate. Hmm, I got an idea open it up and find your surprise wow. You know what that means. Minnie takes the tool fix my house, okay uncle jay. Now for the next one.

I want to switch it. Okay, one two! Three! Okay! Here you go! Thank you! Ah, good job Minnie, it's my turn to build the house. Wow yay, chocolate players, my turn again yummy my turn open it up. Oh a chocolate, screwdriver yummy my turn again awesome huh. It means both of you guys, win and fix my house chocolate hammer, chocolate screwdriver.

Now the house, here's your final one, keep it or swish it switch it Emma! Okay, um! I shouldn't have switched it. Yes, awesome chocolate paintbrush at least I like painting, it's so much fun. Your house is not a good day cool. Thank you guys, no problem. Thank you for the chocolate now go brush your teeth.

Okay, remember: to brush your teeth after eating wow. What is this a toolbox? It smells like chocolate. Let me try it MMM, so good yum. Now for the chocolate wrench yummy, what are you doing? Wendy I'm eating cool chocolate that is really delicious. Oh, no! What happened Eric now, our uncle's birthday present? Oh sorry, what am I gonna? Do hmm I'll ask Alex for some help.

Hi I need a chocolate tool box. Do you have any hmm? Let me check I sold out. I really need it for uncle George's birthday. What should I do? I can help you really, but first you have to sort these chocolate into this machine. Huh! That's a lot of work! Yeah! If you want something you have to work for it time to get to work.

Oh, this is so boring. I'm going to take a nap now huh, let's bring the chocolates back to Alex, Alex and finish. That's not enough Wendy. I can't make the toolbox with this, but it takes too long and it's so boring yeah, but that's the only way. Hmm, okay I'll try this time.

This is taking way too long. I think I have to quit the only okay Alex the chocolates are finished yeah. I need 20 blue 20, yellows, 10, red and 6 greens. Now you have to put it in the microwave wow whoa. It's ready, wow cool.

What next now we have to mix. Now I pour the chocolate into the mold. Hey. Did you guys know I'm the best baker whoa yeah nobody's better than me now? You're going to see the best chocolate huh. Oh sorry, I didn't turn on the machine.

Is it gonna? Be? Okay? Don't worry, it'll be good. It's ready! Awesome! Wow! That's super cool here you go! Thank you! Thank you. We have a present for you. Uncle wow are those chocolate tools yeah it's a special present just for you. This is for you or I get the screwdriver cool, and this is for you Wendy.

Thank you. I got a chocolate hammer awesome and I get a crescent wrench. It's delicious. It's the best chocolate danny huh. What happened? Do you want to play with me? Sorry, I'm busy huh JD.

Can you help? Okay? Jenny? Can you hold this? Okay? We're almost done cool. I think I'm okay now Jamie! Thank you! It's chocolate! It's good, but where's, my paintbrush hi! I got you Andrew haha. Give me back my paintbrush uh. Oh sorry, huh, can you play with me? Sorry Andrew. I need to finish fixing this.

It's chocolate. Oh, it's chocolate! Everything is chocolate. Haha, got you Uncle Sam Andrew, that's not nice, they're, so good, not good! Andrew! Where are my tools? Sorry Uncle Sam they're right here. Nobody wants to play with me huh. Can you help me with the homework? Let me see.

There's problem Danny. Oh, let me see. Look at me. This one's two huh, chocolate again ha ha! I got you Andrew is the chocolate good, it's good, but we're doing homework right now. Sorry, all done! Let's start cooking get some vegetables put up what happened.

Jenny, I'm hungry it will be ready soon go ahead, set the table okay hold on before we eat. What do we do? First, wash my hands correct: let's go wash our hands all done. Let's go! This is not quite it's chocolate, but I cooked vegetables. It's chocolate! Ha ha! I got you again, girl! Oh sorry, guys! Here's your food! Why are you trolling us so much Andrew yeah? It's not good! Sorry! Nobody wanted to play with me: oh you want to play. Let's play yay, let's go! Let's go ready, guys! Yeah, Andrew go ahead and serve okay, huh, huh! It's chocolate! We got you! Oh you're, Andrew, no, more trolling, sorry! Oh, no! This doesn't work.

This one doesn't work either. Hmm! This smells like chocolate. This one too MMM. It's chocolate, it's good, but where's, my lipstick! Oh, no! Hi Wendy! What did you do? Um actually Wendy help me please! Okay, thank you. You're welcome! Oh no, the lipstick's, broken Wendy will be mad.

Ah, I know uncle King okay. Can you fix these lipsticks? Sorry, I don't think so. I only sell chocolate I'll be in trouble with Wendy. Don't worry, Andrew uncle k can do everything. What do you mean just wait here? Oh, andrew look, huh, I told you uncle k can do everything you think it's going to work.

Just trust me Andrew. I am awesome uncle Kay, okay, here's your money! Thank you. You're welcome, bye and some uncle k, selling delicious chocolate Wendy's. Not here yet you're. Welcome, Michael bye.

Sorry Wendy, no lipstick! How can I go to the party? Ah, follow me: okay, only three dollars. Thank you! Okay! Oh hi, chocolate! No, look! Okay! I want lipstick. I got it right here, but it's not for doing makeup uncle Kay, hmm real makeup; ah hi uncle jay. Okay, thank you! Bye, hey! If you guys buy my chocolate I'll, give you real makeup for free, okay, here's your package, sir! Oh,, thank you! Okay, we're gonna, buy these chocolates only five dollars, and you have this one for free. Let me pay Wendy.

Okay! Thank you. Thank MMM. You yummy! I love chocolate me too uncle k, yeah chocolate is the best.

Source : Toys and Colors

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