Crafting A Sword That Does 275,000 Damage Per Hit in Minecraft Dungeons By Blitz

By Blitz
Aug 21, 2021
Crafting A Sword That Does 275,000 Damage Per Hit in Minecraft Dungeons

Oh, hey there, I'm blitz, welcome back to Minecraft Dungeons I've got the dumb idea for today's video, which is the best of ideas. So I like seeing big numbers, I've hit a level 163 —, some of you people, that's not a very big number —, others, that's unrecognizably and large. Anyway. We've got some fun stuff ahead of us today. So if you look at this, it's a claymore because it says Claymore and the power is all the way maxed up on here. Personally, I really, really like this cursed axe that we got in the last video, but its power doesn't go all the way to the top.

It has good solid melee damage, plus the area of effect is huge, but if you get a good claim or especially a unique one, that damage can go super high now, there's also the broadsword. The broadsword has relatively the same melee damage as the heart seeker stealer, whatever it's called, but it has the extra damage enchant to it, meaning it does more damage. If you didn't figure that out all by yourself now the problem is you have to get the proper enchantments on these weapons, so you can get the critical hit, which is an extremely powerful one, there's also sharpness which this one doesn't have any other. Does this third one that I have down below, so you really want critical hit and then the sharpness one and then there's a couple extras that could be really, really strong as well. Fortunately, our good friend mu in the end of the secret level likes to drop claymores and both the broadsword and the heart stealer are uniquely more.

Thankfully it was some properly timed trinket usage. I could run myself all the way through the mobs, and they barely hurt me I can jump over to the end boss and then change out my gears, so I can destroy this guy in a matter of seconds and taxa he's dead. Oh, I got a new Fox Harbor, that's not what I wanted and the enchants on this one are pretty much garbage so get rid of it. So I'm just going to farm this guy over and over and over and over and over and one more time and one more time and then maybe one more time. It's not gonna work is that going to work.

Please die, please die! Oh, it did. Yes, it died, but we still didn't get a sword. So maybe it's time just to sit here and buy a bunch of garbage I do have a solid 18,500 or so monies. Maybe something good will come out of this. Actually mystery armor with melee damage.

That's not terrible if it had two of these. That would be perfect, but it's not, but I got a dark Katina which I don't think I've ever actually seen before I'm kind of excited to click on it just to see what it looks like, but I have so much fun salvaging all my garbage. What is this wow? That's, actually pretty good power extra damage to undead, and it weekends that's kind of cool like swirling with echo that could be kind of fun. You know what I just realized these cows whoa, whoa. Okay, that takes quick.

Oh, we get it is that a strength, it's a strength, potion twelve. Eighteen thousand. That's not bad I like that, got a weird hit to it, though it is fun watching the cows fly everywhere, but these numbers they aren't very exciting, and I'm dying, because it doesn't have any way to gain health back all right. So this thing is not nearly as good as my ex was, but it did get a thirty thousand crits, which is pretty exciting there. Another twenty thousand.

Those are big numbers. I like this game, it's another twenty thousand, maybe another big one. Nope oh, is that a golem kit, gross yep, so goodbye and now somehow I think I have more money than I did before I started, which doesn't make too much sense to me, but I'm just going to open an absolute boatload of these stupid chests. Oh well, that's fun! Hey girl! What's your name diamond sword, you don't do very much damage. Why does it say extra damage when the damage is less than half of the damage to this one I can't math either, and I'm kidding I'm, not going to salvage, that just for collectors purposes and back to back got a twin BO? I will salvage this one.

Just because I, don't like it not going to lie this ax right here could do a lot of AOE damage critical hit. I know it has radiance, but it has committed which is really, really cool. Plus whirling, I'm going to give this thing a whirl critical hit and if it doesn't work we'll just delete it, but I'm going to hide my good axe way at the bottom of the world. So I don't accidentally delete that when I want to delete the other one. There's a lot of garbage in here.

Why do I have so much garbage? So, let's see what this giant shiny purple thing can do to a mushroom infected cows. Oh hello, we get some good ones right away: Wow, Wow, okay, let's speed it up a little. Did you see that spin move that was pretty sick? Why are there so many like enchanted cows? Here, oh, that was good. Okay, that's a lot of an OE damage. I, don't get the healing! No! There is something very satisfying about large amounts of red numbers on the screen at any given time.

I like it a lot it makes me happy inside. So this would be an interesting experiment. How big of numbers can it mate because I have a stealth potion active and will hit you with a Gong, and then it will do it. Oh 1415, nice, 16, 17, 18, 19 20. What why is it getting bigger and bigger 23, 23 thousand and one hit that was pretty cool here, catch some of those eat.

Those in your face, I think I overshot him. That's sad! Would you stop throwing fiery mushrooms at me? I! Don't like you when you do that, see it's all better now and another stupid sight that I'll never use. Okay, the verdict on this thing: it's decent, so we filled up our inventory once again, full of garbage Oh, but another cursed axe. That's the one I like so much a little less only like a little, but it has one radiance critical strike and leaching mm-hmm, not quite perfect. Okay, then I did get something.

The hawk brand increased critical hit chance, that's about all it has, and it does low damage. Let's just be a regular sword. I, don't know if I've seen that one before oh, but this could be fun. The Ember broke it's a 107, it gives surprise gifts, but it doesn't have cooldown swift-footed makes you run faster, I kind of like that. It looks like I got about 20 different unique from there not too much interesting, a bunch of sighs that one's a sigh and then some of these stupid venom claims, not my favorite in the world, so they're going to get destroyed, and they'll use that money to buy more things and I just took it a unique item that I've never seen before the Highland Armour I might have seen it I.

Don't really know at this point. I personally, don't know why I would use this one. When I have this one I mean it does give more health, but this one gives so much more damage reduction so deleted. So I guess I'm going to spend the next few hours trying to grind through a whole boatload of these cows until I can get something cool, a drop so there's something kind of unappealing about running the same boss over and over and over for four hours, trying to get a single weapon to drop that doesn't like dropping ever once in four hours time. So I've been breaking up the monotony, no more killing Moo just running through the desert temple, hopefully not getting caught by spiders and other creepy animals.

Although it is pretty easy to avoid everything, because this map is pretty well spaced out. The only annoying thing is going in here and then trying to collect this little key guy I, don't even understand what that thing is and then trying to escape it's actually kind of fun trying to escape without getting hit. Oh, look at his little face in the background he's like. Oh don't, kidnap me to shove me into this hole. I! Don't like that idea! Then I killed that guy because.

It was fun, oh all that things in my way go out of my way, stop being in my way, but once we go in there, we can come over to this thing, and we can go inside this room. And then there is a secret chest over here: check that out and I got more common garbage, but there's also something else interesting. If you listen closely, there's a door that just opened you hear that the door that open, and it's a secret this way, but you can't actually get into it. So you go in your head and reset the dungeon only to find that door again. Yay, and a secret room appears with an obsidian chest, and then we get some rare mystery armor, which we actually need.

But my inventory is full, so I guess I purge all the garbage I've collected for the last 4 hours. So I go to my way to find myself a piggy to kill because something satisfying about making bacon and trying to get a better loot. But then they get the Big Brain idea. I get thinking that this game is all stored locally on the local computer. All of our items are in a save file that you can edit.

So why not try to work smarter instead of harder and then just make up a weapon that could be very, very good. I. Think that's I think that's a good idea, I think because, well frankly, it's taking just forever to find anything. Useful I just need a template to go off of a few soul-crushing hours later. Finally, a level 106 weapon after I, don't know 30 minutes of grinding, even more I finally got one.

You know on second thought: maybe it's not entirely the best idea to modify the game's files, because well I did something with my enchantment points. I don't exactly know, but now I have negative eleventh billion enchantment points. Thankfully it still kind of works which I've frankly I, don't really understand how it can work. I'll also say that I've done everything else up to power level or up to level 170 completely legitimate, like I played the game for 40 or 50 hours and I loved playing it I, just kind of wanted to take it to the next level. So I did, and I found a couple of these things like this.

One was cool, but it only had two slots here so now. I will say that I've completely beaten the game entirely on my own I didn't cheat at all I've gone through everything on the hardest difficulty, and I've ground up to level 170, literally on my own, without cheating at all, so I thought it would be fun to maybe try something else. I also did create a backup of my save file in case I. Do accidentally the game and I seem to have done them anyway. There's a couple cool things here with mystery: armor when I was editing them I realized that you could have enchantments, but you don't get three in some of them, and then you don't get three things here.

So I've found a lower level one. It has less health, but I could stack three times melee damage. These are additive, so it's 90 percent higher melee damage. So if we put that in there also, we have cowardice uh, which increases melee damage even more hey, that it is my favorite, and then we've got the broadsword with extra damage. Now I got the sharpness which increases damage by 33%.

I also took critical hit, which is a 20% chance to trigger a CRT and then echo. So we hit twice we'll do a critical hit. Do super sharpness damage and then well, um, everything's, gonna, explode. I really want to see this. We should see it without the weapon or without the armor on, and you know what.

Let's just get rid of all of this. It's kind of pains me: oh whoa, whoa. What happened yeah. We unbroken that was fun I'm glad, because that was kind of scaring me there's a 1215, so those seem to be the general cries without having with that armor on okay, now we throw on the gong show. This should do a little better, make faster, Oh tour, 37 45, that's nice! Alright gong show me some big numbers again: 66, that's cool, alright, those are pretty big numbers 4566 again now, I did make this spelunker armor — and if you will notice, I made these unique, so I can recognize that there, oh no I'm out of points.

That's the saddest day of my life. That's fine, because if I just do this, I should get potions now, I have a bat friend, I'll name him Kevin, and also this mystery armor wasn't working because that thing was fully geared up, but as he continues taking more damage, she should be getting hit harder and harder, and this training dummy can't take damage because, it's dumb, oh right, give me a potion. Yes, oh this would be big stocks, cake, we'll take the strengths first, then one will hit this and will go three and boom Oh. Would you see that a hundred and sixty-six eighty-one without the shadow? Also, if you are wondering this chest plate is theoretically possible within the game? It would be extremely, extremely rare, but it is theoretically possible. I didn't want to mob the game too far to make it fully unrealistic.

I totally forgot to have this armor on when I was doing that crazy testing I also haven't found a strength potion. Yet, okay, lets uh, we got a straight right shadow portion and there we go ninety-seven. That was a good, now another 97. Why do I get so many strength, potions and hardly any shadow ones, alright, strength, potion a shadow booby gong time and attack 54, and we'll do another one and let's see boom? Ah, that wasn't good, so we have to time it right to get the shadow potion with the strength potion and a CRT on the first shot. It's going to be interesting, hello, cows.

How are you today Oh twelve thousand? Eighteen thousand? They still hurt me. That's because, I'm kind of a glass cannon right now, alright, so we have our mystery armor of cowardice, our big broadsword of killing, hopefully, and a friend he's a name's Kevin uh. We already named something Kevin in this video, but it's that's fine, I'm, not very good, with names anyway, I've got a boatload of potions, ready to go um, probably gonna. Let Kevin like have fun with them for a little. There you go Kevin, you go play with him.

I'm gonna gear up here for just a second, and then we're gonna. Do this and oh, oh, that 174,000 okay, do it again and boom only 58 that time give me another shadow portion, another shadow portion ready and oh I forgot I need to have the Gong ready. That's why I didn't do damage well. I got five seconds left on this, so um 19000, okay, I got one more shadow, potion, and I'm wondering if this'll kill, we'll see ow nope you killed my friend die. Oh I, didn't see that 18,000! Oh, it's you dork! This is not cool! We didn't agree to these terms.

Oh, it wasn't full health. That's what happened No! No, no! No! No! No! No! Okay! This is bad. This is awful. I'm going to die I'm, so dead, I'm still going to be dead right now, Wow. This will be funny.

He doesn't even know about me right now. So I'm going to hit this swiftness potion grab a shadow brew jump over here, I'm, invisible, there's, a strength, potion waiting for me and then here's Moo watch this Bob. Oh, we didn't get a CRT there's still 58,000. The best one I saw was 174. Let's try that again, I think I can get higher.

All right attempt number two ready to go. Let's gear up. First, we'll do a swiftness potion and then a strength potion and a shadow potion come on Kevin. Let's go have some fun here. We go ready attack and boom ooh 58,000 that wasn't too exciting.

Let's grab another one ready Get Set, oh, that was another 58, and we'll grab another shadow. Actually that was an echo too. Oh, and I don't have the Gong up what am I doing with myself it's going time, let's refresh the strength, potion 2 and whatever other one that was, and boom 58 and 18 Kevin died. This isn't good. This boss is very anti-ranged damage.

He doesn't like me: okay, third time's, a charm Kevin's here I've got a couple. Different shadow brews I've got two gongs this time. So, let's do it: let's grab a sickness strength, a shadow, and then we'll summon our friend mu, hey buddy. How are you ready gong time boom, Oh 56 that wasn't too exciting we'll do it again? Oh, he's still up 67. That was pretty good, but that was an echo as well.

So I was like a hundred okay and that wasn't great, because I didn't hit a shadow, okay and then now we'll do this one and boom. Oh I, didn't see that look like 56 and 16 Oh No I'm injured, oh and I. Don't have my right, armor on hot dang, I'm doing so bad right now, okay, shadow brew strength, potion come on in. He can't see me hit the gong and boom 56 where's, the shadow bruise that I need another one: oh I, don't have anymore. Kevin died.

Alright, one more attempt: Kevin go, have some fun swiftness strength. Shadow come on my dude come on my dude. Where are you? Where are you there? You are and attack Oh, Oh, 175 and 18 together. That's almost 200,000 we'll grab another one well run over here, we'll go park and pow 175 and 54th. That's 220.

If I can do my math correctly No you stupid, cow, die, okay, strength, lotion, shadow brew. Yet again another gong is ready. Now I fell down the hole Kevin. What are you doing? Why do you have to go mess with the cows? We're making videos here, good news, everyone, Kevin's back and I, got another strength, potion shadow brew and swiftness. He doesn't know I'm here.

He knows he injured me. Okay, that's not cool! Well, we'll sneak up behind him and smack him for ya. Not too much do I have another shadow potion ready, no I don't die I killed it Kevin, 84000 crits! That was pretty good! Oh, well! I! Guess! That means the video is done. I hit for 200,000.

Source : Blitz

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