Can you use a sprint kyocera duraforce pro on hello mobile? By I Quit Facebook "Joe Wojcicki"

By I Quit Facebook "Joe Wojcicki"
Aug 16, 2021
Can you use a sprint kyocera duraforce pro on hello mobile?

Hi guys this is Joe with IT study that guide right now: I'm testing, a Kyocera aura Force Pro. This is a sprint phone and I want to see if it's compatible on the hello mobile network, which only works with sprint phones, hello, mobile, will not send you a SIM card and tell you have a phone. So if you're going to buy a used phone, you're going to need to get with your seller and see if they're willing to provide the IMEI, and you check on the hello mobile website to find out if it works, I've entered my IMEI here, and I'm going to hit check, but unfortunately the website doesn't say that it's not compatible, but it also doesn't say anything at all. It almost looks like the hello mobile website is not working, so I'm going to go ahead and save for now that the Camus here at her force Pro, which is a very good rugged phone with 32 gigs of storage. This is built to withstand rain being out in the weather. It's not going to be compatible with the hello mobile, at least that's what appears it doesn't tell you that it's not compatible, but it doesn't tell you anything at all.

I did check on boost in the Sprint Kearns idiophones Pro does not work on boost. It's not compatible on the Boost website. It does tell you this phone is not eligible, which is nice, that's what a website site should do. Furthermore, it should give you some kind of response, so hopefully, Hello Mobile will update their website to give more responsiveness to their users, and hopefully I'll get to try out hello. Mobile I have to find me a sprint phone that I can use over there because their service is $25 a month, but I'm still not sure if I want to do it, yet I do want to try it out and do a review on it, though just not sure how long I'll keep it, but we'll see how it goes and check back.

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Source : I Quit Facebook "Joe Wojcicki"

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