BRAND NEW Apple iPad 2019 7th Gen 10.2 Inch 32GB WiFi in Gold UNBOXING and review | 2020 By Tabby George

By Tabby George
Aug 15, 2021
BRAND NEW Apple iPad 2019 7th Gen 10.2 Inch 32GB WiFi in Gold UNBOXING and review | 2020

Hey guys welcome back to my YouTube channel, so I'm really sorry, I haven't been around for the past week, I had a bit of trouble with kind of filming and what I was recording on and my phone's okay, but only in like good light, so I had a bit of an error and I had a bit of a situation, so I ordered my dad. So I'm really excited all this, but I thought I'd show you guys and me boxing the iPad and everything about it. So I got the rose, gold 32 gigabytes, one which was the seventh generation 2019 iPad. The screen is 10.2 inch and there's not much else about it. It's not like kind of think amazing I saw those or reviews and watching the videos on it, and it seemed like a perfect iPad, just to do kind of I want to use mine for universe, doing video editing and like you to be stuff. So for me, it was like the perfect kind of I.

Don't avoid Edward I've always wanted iPad. It's one of those things that I've just kind of got my karma for it like I'm, not gonna, even try and say well, spend the money on X is so much money decided I wanted one I decided I like I need this, and so you just kind of end up buying it on a whim. I was like, oh damn, oh so now, I have one, and I just want to share it. You guys so I'm going to show you on the unboxing and profundity. This is the parcel.

I am very excited it's from John Lewis, which was actually perfect because. It was cheaper that, so I'm gonna, try and open it up. I'm not going to die on camera rocks I cannot do it. One-Handed go to my ROG entertainment, so guys here she is beautiful, so I got that gold, one which is like rose gold. Out-Of-Date.

Sorry, I can't even like focus on talking right now, so I got the rose. Gold gone I'm, like you know, like apples, packaging, it's just always absolutely amazing, and so I got that 32 cake one because it was enough to do like editing and things like that, and then the one that 128 cake was actually like.50 quid more and I'm just trying to do this like. Why can't save money I just got the one with wife, I, don't want anything like I'm, not going to be using forward to hear anything like that, and it was the seventh jam on some 2019, and it was because it was the cheapest 342 from John Lewis. So the rose gold color, which was like even Beck's like you, I, wanted that color. So it makes excited, so I just had to record this to like to create some dramatic effect.

Show you guys me open in X. It just seems so exciting when I was like. Oh my god, it's just so good, so actually open in the box is so hard. As we all know, because most of us probably have an iPhone. It was so difficult, potentially who put the box, but it just adds to the excitement.

He doesn't. It and then I said getting out was actually quite hard as well, because but never think you boxes for Apple, don't get it. The whole product actually feels on top of it, so I actually love the color of this. Like it just looks, amazing I was incomplete or when I open if it's just. It is what everything I've jumped off.

What I love is how rosy this is like. It's rose gold, it's not just gold, it just it's actually gorgeous I just wanted to show you guys what was like in the box. So I've actually got my charger, which is great to see, and it looks so new I love, Apple things how new they like, then. Obviously I also got a charger as well. This one looks so different, though, towards the number one.

So many it's just a plug, but you know, but he's got a charger and got stickers as well, which is exciting, I love them they're. So pretty guys, I've just got my parcel from Amazon as well good, so this is by the company mono I haven't used in four. It was just it was on under some point and I thought was a really nice case. It's one of those with this like high shine on the fold back front on it and I had really, really good reviews, and it was only $8.99 on prime. So if you have a lot of Californians in the case, I think one of these are the best ones, because you can fold back the lid and Essen.

So this is the case on my iPad now, I actually think it's so nice I love the pink on the front and I love the pink on the back as well, and I love that, like jelly silicone effect as well, so I just thought, I'd show you guys, like a brief little of me. Setting it up. I think you've probably all seen this, because you must have like iPhones or maybe iPads yourselves, I, think I'm, just a bit behind everybody on the hip front. I just thought: I'd show you just so you can kind of get a feel for it, and I was just so excited. Because I've never had one before that.

Every little bit was like fun to do. I had always just enjoyed it like yes, the other great thing about this iPad is the size of the screen. Is 10.2 inches as well. So just remember it's the seventh gen 2019 one, so guys it's not been two days since I've had the iPad. It feels like so much longer.

I think because I've been on it. So much, and I am in love with it, like best decision ever actually well, one of my best decision ever so I, just I, genuinely I, think the color is so nice and the fact it was the cheaper one. Even better yes batch life so far, and it is actually perfect I think I've charged it like I've tied it once, but that's after being on it like quite a lot I'm doing loads of video editing on it, I actually managed to collect my old iPhone that broke ages ago to it as well, which has taken up quite a bit of memory. But it's not that much. If you know I mean it's not only have things on my iCloud anyway, so I could always take it off.

The iPad I have a nice you download in that many apps yet, but it's I'm just finding it perfect. It's really nice. It's easy to use, and with this one it's got the three dots on it to the connector are at their keyboard, and you can connect the Apple pen to it. So I really want to get that Apple pen, because I want to use this for my dissertation stuff for, like my master's degree, so I was really happy. I got it I think if any of you are quite like deciding a few more one and definitely go for it because, like it, this was the cheapest one.

It's cheaper than a mini like it's quite big like, and it's cheaper than a mini. So I had a hundred thing go for it like you can get if you want to spend another 50 put as barking at the one that 128 gigabytes. So if you want more space, go for it like that's still pretty cheap for iPads and like Apple stuff, so I don't understand, go for this one. It was made last year. Obviously, so it's still glad I think, like it's quite updated, and those people said it's perfect for a first-time iPad because has everything you need on it.

You can collect stylus to it. You can connect the keyboard to it. So ideally is kind of the best iPad you can get. So if you're questioning it- and you want one get this one like so worth it um, yeah, I, just I know it's a bit of a running video I just wanted to show you guys, because I was really excited about getting it and I think. Sometimes this is kind of fun like I.

Think I love watching people, unboxing because I'm, like 10, do I have it is my excitement and I kind of wanted to explain my haven't been I didn't know my videos the other week and I know right now, there's a lot going on like it. It's quite very different for a lot of us, and we've not experienced this, but a lot of people have experienced this kind of turmoil in the situation going on in a minute and I just want to say, like oh I'm thinking about them and this whole situation, and if you see my Instagram I, am what a posting and trying to like, educate myself and maybe help educate others on everything. That's going on, so I just wanted to point out. I am a aware situation. I still wanted to carry on doing my YouTube, but it doesn't make me any less aware or educated to what's going on at the minute, and I am still deeply involved in it and would like to carry on with it.

So I just wanted to point that out. You guys, but I hope you enjoyed the video and I hope it was I mean it's not like exciting, because maybe there was I love it, so I hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope you liked it. Please get the thumbs up. Please subscribe and please share with everybody. It's just a little video I thought you might want to enjoy it and hopefully obviously positive, keep busy and keep on top of everything in a minute.

I know there's a lot going on, but we can all do this all together, and we will come on the other side, so have a good day. Enjoy everything stay positive thanks, guys.

Source : Tabby George

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