Asus Rog Phone 5 Gaming Test - Genshin Impact Gameplay & FPS By Android Addicts

By Android Addicts
Aug 14, 2021
Asus Rog Phone 5 Gaming Test - Genshin Impact Gameplay & FPS

Hi, it's john from android Alex, and today we're just doing a quick gaming test of genii impact on the ASUS ROG phone five, and we'll go through the different graphical settings and just see how the game performs. Okay, so we're on the highest, so I've selected highest here, and we're going to select 60 frames per second, and I'm just going to do a run through back to the sort of town center area, and we'll just see how it copes. Now you can see the fps down here at the bottom. We've got the temperature battery as well, so we've started at 90 here you can see what the GPU is doing. It's at 75 utilization. So that's quite a lot CPU at 50.

Again, that's quite a lot as well. I just need to remember what trigger buttons I set up here, see we're dropping around about 51 frames there that loads up the next section, as you can see. Overall, this is running really nicely. I have got x mode turned on as well, so just bear that in mind, so this is really running at the maximum it can. But this run basically takes you through quite a lot of different environment styles, so we've got big wide, open expanses.

Here, we've got the water, and we've got some other creatures along the way, I'm sure hey. So the speakers on this phone are really nice. As I've said in my previous video, very good stereo sound bet, you can't keep up with me. The phone is getting quite warm. We can see it's at 48 degrees at the moment, a bit of a stutter there.

I have noticed that when it comes into this city area, just load up some bits and pieces. Also, when you go up these stairs here, it does tend to load and stutter a bit more. I found on other phones, so we'll see how it is on the rock down to 51 there, 55 54, 50, 46 43 down to so yeah. It does uh. It does take a bit of a hit every now and again.

That does seem to be just when it's loading into these new sections yeah. At the moment, the phone's feeling pretty warm, looks very warm here in the sort of center. In fact, we're going to get our temperature gun out and just have a look here hey, so you can see that strange over there come on. Let's take a look, it's quite hot on these sides as well. Actually, I'm not sure if I'm about to properly measure that but yeah you can certainly see here- 45-47 yeah, it's very, very hot, again, 46 very warm indeed.

So it's funny really because I haven't noticed in any other games apart from this it's getting that warm. It gets to about 39. Maybe in things like pub g but uh yeah 48 degrees is extremely hot, so you may want to consider some kind of cooling fan. They do obviously do the active cooler for this phone, but I haven't got it here, but yeah, that's what it's like. It does run very smoothly at 60fps on the highest settings with just the odd little stutter here and there, when it's loading up new sections of the map.

Okay, I've, let the phone cool down now we're back at 32 degrees, so I've just been using my active cooler here. The phone doesn't fit in there. Sadly, so, hence I'm just holding it on there, but we're going to go back into against impact now, and we're going to try on the lowest settings and just see what sort of comparisons we can make between that and the high settings. Okay. So we can see straight away that the quality is obviously a lot less here.

We've got a more pixelated character and just the visual effects of a lot more pixelated, but let's see how it fares when we go our little route back to the town, so we're starting 84 battery we're already up at 36 degrees here. So hopefully it won't increase too much more night. We've gone up to 38 spokes too soon, I'm interested in seeing how much it does drop frames, if at all, obviously, during the larger sections where it has to load up more of the map, it certainly feels very smooth, but obviously it doesn't look quite as nice. Hairdresser's working really nicely here bet you can't keep up with me see that was a big jump. There.

We dropped to 10 fps, as it was loading up cow. So, let's see how we get on coming up towards the city here, this will drop there down to 49, but yeah there's a lot uh, obviously a lot better than it was in the highest settings, and we can also see the temperatures sort of eased off at around 39 degrees. So the back of the phone does feel warm, but compared to what we had, so we've gone. What we're 35 degrees now on the back of here 34.35! Oh, we are a bit more up here near the sticker here, so I'm guessing that's where the actual CPU is based and on the front a bit warmer 38 39 degrees. So it's interesting.

It certainly doesn't feel anywhere near as bad as it did when it was on the highest settings. But obviously, if you want the best graphics, then you're going to have slightly higher settings than the lowest anyway. I would imagine, but if you want to keep and extend your battery life, we're going to use two percent on that little run there, which took about five minutes or so then I would obviously stick with the lowest settings. So I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please click on the like button and be sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos in the future. If you want to become a member of the channel, then click on the join button that really helps out, and you've got any other suggestions of games.

You want me to try on the rock phone five. Let me know down below in the comments, and I'll do my best to add them to the list. Thanks again for watching, and I'll see you in the next video you.

Source : Android Addicts

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