Apple Watch Series 6 - Blue 44mm vs Product Red 40mm By Doobrey

By Doobrey
Aug 14, 2021
Apple Watch Series 6 - Blue 44mm vs Product Red 40mm

Hi guys welcome back to Derby's day today on dubious day we're going to compare the 40 mil product red series.6 Apple Watch versus the 44, mil blue Apple Watch Series 6. , let's go hi guys welcome back. So what I wanted to do. I wanted to do a video on comparison of the 40 mil watch. So this is the series 6 Apple Watch, 40 mil compared to the 44 mil uh Siri, six Apple Watch um. Some people have been commenting about it and me, I didn't know which one to buy the 40 or the 44.

So I thought it would be quite useful, also be able to show you product red um, which is the first time as I understand that apple's done an Apple Watch in red. So we can have a quick look at that uh going to be quite a quick video. Just to give you a quick overview show the both the watches on the wrist. So you get an idea what it's like, and then I can answer any questions or queries down below. Okay, let's zoom in let's look at the watches.

So here are both watches in their wonderful colors. You got the blue on the left and the red on the right, the right hand. One is the 40?mm left hand, one is the 44 mil what I'm going to do, I'm going to pop them both onto my wrist and let you see um, I'm going to put both on the wrist and let you see the difference in sizes um, the blue one's a bit bigger when I first knew she was going to buy one of these watches. I wanted to pick the 40 mil here on the on the right-hand side, but in the end I, after trying on, I went for the 44 mil. So let's buy my rest and let's show you what they look like.

Okay, what I've done is I've gone for the same face on both of the watches that gives a sort of true comparison. Initially, I was wondering whether the real stay above the watches was going to be the same. In other words, could you use all the four corners etcetera- and by looks at this, you absolutely can now, as you can see, 40 mil to 44 mil is virtually no difference inside the sizes on your wrist. However, for me personally, I think that the bigger watch looks a little better. What I'm going to do, I'm going to take the big watch off and just leave the 40?mm on.

Let you see what that looks like too. So this is Mrs due's watch, and she's got quite small hands. Small wrists um I'll, perhaps do the measurement with the apple measurement device on my wrist to show you how the sizes differ, but it looks okay, it's not terrible on my wrist um, it's fairly good size, but I just think I prefer the bigger watch um for myself in regard to the real estate. Everything is identical, so you can see on this. We've got the heart rate, monitor ECG.

We've got the oxygen meter all on the outside, as well as our rings and in the center we've got how much battery power messages, the fitness app and the temperature, and then, when you compare that to the 44?mm watch, it's exactly the same. So from that perspective, absolutely no difference. The one thing we have noticed is that the 40?mm watch does seem to have slightly smaller battery, and I don't know if that's true or not, but that's just what we've experienced and that the battery wears down slightly quicker than the 44. It may be that the 44's got the bigger battery because of its size, but that's pretty cool. Let me show you the 44 on the rest, so here's the 44 on the wrist, as you can see a little is clearer screen a little bigger screen, there's really not much in it.

It just depends, I guess, if you prefer a bigger or a smaller watch real estate wise, as I mentioned, exactly the same, no difference there whatsoever um, comfort, wise though I've got the new loop and I absolutely love it so comfortable. Mrs due's, on her watch here, um she's got the rubber sports band that comes with it, and we realized that to have the loop band is another 100 pounds in the UK, which is quite a lot of money um. But from a comfort perspective, I think it's thoroughly worth it and Mrs tubes is going to buy one. Let's look at the product red, as you can see the shell. This is the aluminum shell is a lovely beautiful, red, color um we've got the red uh sports strap on this because at the moment, there's another hundred pounds to get the additional new loop in red and the store that we were in.

They didn't have them. So Mrs dudes wanted to get the watch, so she took the rubberized strap, which comes with the watch, and then she's going to swap it out. As you know, you can swap these straps out with any other watch um in the coming weeks, but just to note that the new straps are an extra 100 pounds. So it's quite a lot of money to invest in not only the watch, which is about 400 pounds. Circa in the UK, but also for the additional strap um, the red isn't gorgeous red.

Hopefully the colors give me justice really, really beautiful, color beautiful red. But apart from that, everything else is exactly the same on the watch compared to the blue watch um, as you can see, beautiful, blue color all around first time, uh apple's done on blue watch as I understand it, and it just stands out when you're wearing it people notice it, which I think is quite funky so anyway, that's the comparison.40 44 mil not much in it. Um pretty, pretty standard uh the product red is beautiful. I nearly bought product red myself, but I decided I want to go with the blue. It's funky enough as it is for me um, but yeah.

That's that's the comparison, not much difference in size, okay, guys! That's it! A quick update on the blue watch, red watch product red uh, the 40?mm versus 44?mm, hope somebody's found that useful out there. If you have given me a thumbs up, share like give me some comments down below and again guys thanks for watching Debra's day, I look forward to seeing you next week cheers bye.

Source : Doobrey

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