Apple Watch Series 0 vs Series 3 Speed Test! By Nikias Molina

By Nikias Molina
Aug 13, 2021
Apple Watch Series 0 vs Series 3 Speed Test!

Yeoman son my electric family and today, we've got an exciting one. The Apple Watch you see is really fast and the Apple says it's really fast. So let's go ahead and try them out. Let's go ahead and compare the original Apple Watch versus the Apple Watch Series feet. So without further ado, let's get started all right. So, let's start by putting up the both Apple watches and there it is the right one is the original Apple Watch and the black one, of course, is the series three and there it is the black one has just turned on at one minute and forty-four.

Second, now, let's wait on the original Apple Watch, alright. So at four minutes and 43 seconds, the Apple Watch has finally turned on. So it's a big difference. Now, let's actually see the actual app launching time alright. So let's go ahead and open some native apps by Apple, for example.

The word get out three two one and series three takes for the win right there: let's open the music app three two one and the Apple Watch three is open and none not that noticeable difference right here. Alright, let's open some third party, Apple Watch, apps Twitter three, two one, then Twitter open on the Apple Watch you three, and it opens on the generation: zero. Let's go ahead and open Instagram three: two one see your three takes the win, and it opens here, trivia, correct three, two one, and it opens immediately here, and it's not even in my dog. So that's pretty. That's pretty good, alright telegram, three: two one: an apple ITV's 3 and the original Apple Watch.

Alright, let's do the last test and that is opening maps and actually how fast the maps actually load. So, let's go ahead and open map three two one and the Apple Watch takes the lead all right. Now, let's see how fast the maps actually load, three two one and the spheres. Three you open immediately and the original Apple Watch. Let's see how much that takes and there you go, it just slowed it so serious.

We definitely ones on that. Let's go ahead and zoom it out, and there now boys' series three is pretty much faster, say again. If the Apple Watch you used to be it's definitely so much faster than the original Apple Watch when we were putting up both of the Apple watches the app watching Steve finished soul was so much faster than the original Apple Watch. The original Apple Watch took so long things such as sending messages checking the mail chicken calendar for the first time ever. It's just faster to do it with the Apple Watts, then with the iPhones, so I also just uploaded a video comparing the Apple Watch.

You use to vs. the Apple Watch Series fee. So if you guys want to check that out, links will be down below seeing us, or it's like comment. Subscribe, God gets up, and I see the next one.

Source : Nikias Molina

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