Apple Watch Edition Series 6 (Titanium) - Unboxing and Review By Delont'e M.

By Delont'e M.
Aug 14, 2021
Apple Watch Edition Series 6 (Titanium) - Unboxing and Review

What's up guys, debate here, welcome back to the channel. Today we're going to be unboxing. The Apple Watch edition series 6 titanium version. Now the titanium version is the premium version of the Apple Watch, the base titanium or the starting price of the titanium Apple Watch Series 6 is 799 with a sports loop. Now with that being said, let's go ahead pop this thing open see what we get inside, so my so as we can see, Apple has included a charger in the box, which is pretty crazy, because Apple is currently in the thing where they're getting rid of AirPods and chargers, but why titanium is harder to find. As a matter of fact, this particular titanium setup is 850 dollars.

This particular titanium setup is 1250. So why titanium well titanium is a much tougher, more resistant material, it's about as tough as steel, but much lighter. Also, it's very corrosion resistant, which means you don't have to worry about sweat or something like that, giving you some type of skin rash or corroding. The watch or anything like that overall, if you're looking for something that will get the job done but won't break the bank, the standard Apple Watch Series 6 or the Apple Watch Nike edition series 6 will do just fine. The Wi-Fi version starts at 3.99 and the cellular version starts at 4.99, and you also get all the multiple colors, the yellow, red, blue and so forth. If you're looking for something tougher, if you're looking for something, that's a little more scratch resistant bump resistant, it won't corrode things like that.

Then the titanium watch edition series six might be the one for you now keep in mind. It only comes in two colors titanium and space black. So if you're looking for that colorful, if you're the colorful type of person and that's what you're looking for, then you may want to stay away from this. What do you guys think did I miss something you want to add? Let me know in the comments below like the video. If you liked the video don't forget to subscribe, hit the notification bell.

So you know when the next video is posted, and I will catch you guys in the next one. Thanks for watching.

Source : Delont'e M.

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