5 Reasons Why I Bought the iPhone Xs in 2021 & Why You Should Too! By JAXTWIN

Aug 14, 2021
5 Reasons Why I Bought the iPhone Xs in 2021 & Why You Should Too!

Hey, what's up guys, my name is genome tax. Turning on this channel Utah tech in today's video, we're going to be talking about five reasons why I bought the iPhone 10s in 2021 check it out, but before we begin, if you're new to this channel, please consider subscribing to stay up to date. When I drop new videos every week now, first up build quality and design. Now the iPhone 10s is by far probably one of the best built iPhones that I've had the pleasure of using, and I have to say that it's probably the best iPhone the best feeling iPhone that I've felt in quite some time and now obviously, I've used the iPhone 12, the iPhone 12 mini the iPhone 12 Pro max and the iPhone 12 Pro. What I do love about the iPhone 10 is definitely the rounded edges and the stainless steel case that it comes along with so reason, number two is the display. Now the display comes at a 4.8 inch, OLED display, which is freaking amazing. This is probably one of the nicest iPhone displays that I've seen on an iPhone all right next up.

I think one of the reasons why you should why anyone should consider the iPhone 10s is the price now believe it or not. When the iPhone 10s came out, those phones were probably the most expensive iPhones at the time. It's amazing about three years time can change. Currently, you can pick up the same iPhone, the iPhone 10 and the iPhone 10s max at really steep discounts. Now I ended up picking my iPhone for about four hundred dollars uh, but there are deals out there where you can pick them up for as low as 300 on sites like eBay sites like Amazon, so definitely check those out all right.

So the fourth reason why someone should consider buying the iPhone 10s is the actual storage size. When I picked up my variant, I ended up buying the 256 gig iPhone, which is insane nowadays. If you try to even go get the 256 iPhone, 12 or 12 pro or 12 12 mini you're, paying north of a thousand dollars for it. So at 400 for uh an iPhone with an OLED screen. You know what more can you ask for and last but not least, one of the reasons why you should consider getting the iPhone 10s.

You can get really cheap accessories for your iPhone 10s. Now we're talking about skins, we're talking about cases we're talking about screen protectors generally with an older phone you're able to get those at really deep discounts at really cool prices. So those are my top five reasons why I bought the iPhone 10s and why I think most people who are considering switching to the iPhone should consider buying the iPhone 10s uh. But what do you guys think? I definitely would love to hear your comments down below if you guys had the iPhone 10 or the iPhone 10s tell me what your experience has been like. So that's the video guys.

I really appreciate you guys watching the video through the end and um definitely would love to see you on the next videos. If you are new to my channel, please consider subscribing as we're trying to get to a thousand subscribers um again. Thank you for watching uh. Until my next video peace, you.

Source : JAXTWIN

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