You Won't Believe What the NEXT iPad Pro Will Feature!
You Won't Believe What the NEXT iPad Pro Will Feature!
Aug 13, 2021
The m1 iPad pros are already the pinnacle of iPad evolution. They have more performance that we coul...
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Apple iPad 2021/22 Roadmap Explained! (NEW LEAKS)
By Max Tech
Apple iPad 2021/22 Roadmap Explained! (NEW LEAKS)
Aug 13, 2021
If you’ve been thinking about buying a new iPad, you’re probably wondering if you should either be b...
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iPad Pro 2022 Release Date and Price – M2 Speed Increase!
By Matt Talks Tech
iPad Pro 2022 Release Date and Price – M2 Speed Increase!
Aug 13, 2021
So with the surprise of a m1 chipset inside the iPad Pro earlier this year, we've had a report for t...
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M2 iPad Pro 2022: Apple's just getting started.. (LEAKS)
By Max Tech
M2 iPad Pro 2022: Apple's just getting started.. (LEAKS)
Aug 13, 2021
Apple’s M1 iPad Pro has been out for over a month and we’ve already reviewed both the 11” and 12.9”...
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