By Joshua Densing
Aug 14, 2021

Hi guys this is Joshi here and today's we're going to have the unboxing of the y68 smartwatch that I got from shoppe. Let's go all right guys. So now we are going to open our 168 smartwatch. I actually ordered it two weeks ago, and it has just arrived today so yeah and I already- and I just bought it for around five dollars guys. So, let's open it yeah here it is guys. So, as you can see here, the packaging is somewhat, I don't know like kind of deformed, but anyway it's okay, considering the price and the reason why I got this one.

It's also the look is nice and also for the price. I think it's quite reasonable guys. So, let's open it, but before that, let's try to look at the packaging, so the generic kind of packaging that you have- and this is the front here and at the back- so you can see here the specifications of this smartwatch, so the display it's 240 by 240 TFT screen and the data transmission of BLE 4.0. I assume that's Bluetooth and the master chip is hs62220d. Yes and the charging interface is USB and the data save time is one month or no it's one-month guys and the battery it's well 150 William and charging time it takes about two hours and the strap material is CPU.

Yes, so let's open it guys? Okay, so you can see there the manual it's in Chinese yeah. I cannot really understand, but at the back, so you can see here the English version, so yeah here guys the manual all right. So let's just set this aside. Okay and now guys, so we already have here our smartwatch, but before that let's have the strap. So I got here the white version and I think it looks nice guys, so I think the strap looks familiar.

I know, what's on your mind, so it looks like the watch guys. Yes, so this is the strap yeah, so it has also lots of holes in it, and it doesn't have a steel buckle, but it's just a kind of lock here yeah. I think you probably know that one and uh okay- now, let's put our strap aside- and here- is our phone. No, not here is our smartwatch guys its hidden, okay, so this is the let's just take this out: okay, yeah all right and uh. Okay, so the screen looks nice, guys, yeah and then at the bottom part there is kind of like circular um design and I think that's the touch area and on the sides guys of the smartwatch is.

It looks and feels like metal gas yeah. I'm not sure if really it's really like metal, but it looks metal. So that's why it kind of looked like an eye watch and on top you can see here the two pins here for charging the same as our d18 and our 116 plus smartwatch, and at the back, so you can see here. I think this is the sensor. Yes yeah it looks nice.

So let's try to turn it on. Okay. I think we are running out of battery, so I will get back to you later guys. I will just charge it for around five minutes, all right guys. So we're back- and I just want to tell you that this smartwatch is a little heavy.

It is not the same as the d18 and the 116 plus smartwatch that we've got before that. It was just they were just light, but this one is quite heavy guys yeah and then now, let's try to look at the features of this smartwatch. Now, when you press this circular area here a circular button, so you can go to the home screen so in the home screen, you can see there the date and also the time and the step and the kcal, and I think this is the kilometers yeah. So let's try to press it, and you can see here the steps. So let's try to long press the step.

Yes, so it will give you how many steps that you made and also the kcal the bits per minute or the heart rate. Let's try to, so it has the spo2 the blood pressure and also the heart rate. So let's try to test guys. So this is our heart rate, guys it's 76. Sp02 is 98 and our blood pressure is 109 over 80 so which yeah that's.

I think that's good guys and now, let's check another feature, and that is the sports. Yes, you can see here, let's try to long press it and there's run so. Let's try to long press this run here yeah. So it has the time that you're running and also the kcal yeah, which is good, I think, which is promising so yeah. I hope that this is also accurate and there's also set setup.

So let's try to long press here and yeah so the time as well and also the kcal, and we have the skip, also yeah. It's also the same yeah and now, let's move on to the message. So let's try to long press it. So I think that you that's why it says null guys, because it means that you have not connected it to your Bluetooth. Yet I mean you have not connected it to your smartwatch yet, so you need to connect it first before you can get the notifications or the messaging feature and there's more here.

So let's try to long press it. So if there's camera and looking for, I think the camera guys. You can only use this one if you are also you if it's also connected to your smartwatch- and this is the theme guys there's theme here. So it's quite good yeah. We never had this one with our previous smartwatch yeah.

So let's try to long press it yeah. So they have here the themes, yeah and let's have to. Let's try. Oh, oh, I think that's the same! Okay! Let's do it again! Oh yeah, that's the same guys, so I'm not sure if I'll try to dig it a little deeper and try to check if it's really changing the theme and another from the more is the reset. I think that's quite understandable and the qr code, and also the shutdown guys all right.

So I think that's it for the feature guys and on another thing here guys the circular area here or the circular button is very responsive. So when you touch it with your index finger, it's just working and working perfectly and your thumb yeah, which is quite the up an upgrade for the others, affordable smartwatch. We had in the past, because the 116 plus that I had last year, yeah that when you're using the thumb, it's quite responsive but when you're using it with your index finger that can be a problem. Yes, all right, so now, let's try to wear it guys yeah. So here are the straps yeah you just have to.

I think this one is correct: yeah it wows. It looks nice guys yeah. I don't know how to really say this, but it looks really like an eye watch. Yes, I think now guys the theme is different, so I think we have already changed it. So let's wear it so of course, so there are lots of holes, so that is just easy guys for you to wear it and boom.

We already have it, so it feels nice guys in the hand, and it really feels that you're wearing an eye yeah, so I think guys for the price and for our first impression and initial review. I think this one is good yeah I can say, and um yeah. I think this is perfect for the price and also for your yeah. It's good all right guys, so I think that's all yes and um. At the end of this video, I will be showing you the pictures for your additional reference about the specific look of this smartwatch, all right guys.

So that's the unboxing of our 168 smartwatch and if you have any questions about this smartwatch just comment down below and if you have it kindly share your experience about this, and we are going to try this one for one week and I will get back to you next week on the on my first week, experience of this y68 smartwatch, okay. So and if you like, this video guys kindly click the like button and also consider subscribing once again, this is josh, and I will see you soon.

Source : Joshua Densing

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