WORLD'S FIRST 90FPS Fortnite Mobile Tablet... By DuckyTheGamer

By DuckyTheGamer
Aug 15, 2021
WORLD'S FIRST 90FPS Fortnite Mobile Tablet...

Yo, what is going on guys? It is whatever gamer back in with another video now in the latest, 14.4 update, there's something for mobile that flew pretty under the radar. If the games didn't announce it, not many really people were talking about it, but that is the fact that the Samsung tap s7 natively got 90 fps added to the device. Now this is actually pretty big, because this is the only 90fps tablet currently in the world. Obviously, the iPad pros have 120 fps, but iPads go from 60 to 120. So technically this is the only 90fps tab in the world. There are 90, fps phones, you know with the OnePlus 8 series.

What did you guys know? I've already made a few videos on the tab. S7 I've been really harsh, I'm going. To be honest. I had to pick up another tablet because the other tablet with 60fps was so bad. I returned it to Best Buy, got my money back and then today I was like crap.

Furthermore, I have to go buy another one, so boys we're here with another tab, s7 playing with the new 90 fps setting. That is in the game. Once again, this video is not sponsored by Samsung but uh. We actually do have a sponsor for today's video aim lab guys. Aim lab is a free-to-play game that is designed to give you Jarvis levels of aim bot on PC, aim lab has tons of specific programs, and many games decided to help players of any skill level become more comfortable and proficient when it comes to aiming at PC.

As all of you guys know, I recently switched from mobile to PC myself, and I'm not going to lie. My aim was the absolute worst part of my gameplay, however, with about four weeks of consistent aim lab training 15 to 30 minutes each day, I quickly turned my aim around for being pretty trash to actually pretty impressive. I know most of you guys watching this video are mobile, gamers, but guys don't worry. Aim lab has you covered they're, actually working on a mobile version of aim lab right now, and it's soon to be getting released on both iOS and android, but once again right now, aim lab is free to download on steam for PC players, and you guys, I better be sure the fact that as soon as aim lab drops on mobile, I'm going to be letting you guys know the minute that it drops. If you guys, are interested in trying out aimless for free today, then head down to link in my description and get training once again, a huge shout out to aim lab, I literally cannot wait until they get their mobile app coming out boys you're about to be freaking, aisle, left and right, but uh until then, I'm going to have to rely on.

My mobile aim assists to carry me without further ado boys. Let's just hop into this. So once again tap s7 head into the settings you see, we have 90 fps goes 60 uh 45, which is kind of interesting, 30, 20 and back up to 90. , so I'm playing on low graphics. I want the best fps and uh we'll do about 80.

Today. I do have show fps on, and I did find out how to turn off vibration. If you go to the vibration in the controller setting, that is how you turn off vibration. I got no clue. Why don't ask me boys, that's how I turn off? The vibration applies the setting screw.

Let's not do creative, let's just hop right into solos. I'm going to do a little of pub solos, and then we're going to be hopping into arena solos, because that is where this bad boy struggled like crazy. I have high hopes, but so far my high hopes have let me down quite a lot. So hopefully it's going to come in clutch boys, and we can crank some uh no way. No, yes, we've crossed bro.

Don't tell me Samsung, don't tell me, I'm going to have to return this tablet as well. I've already bought one. I hope I could at least kept the second one bro. Furthermore, I just want to play Fortnite on a tablet that doesn't suck okay second time to charm. Let's get out the bus, okay, I was deeming someone the other day um yesterday.

I think, and they said that they crashed in 50 of the games they played on this tablet. It's not a surprise, because it's a brand-new update, you're increasing fps, there's going to be in some instability, but this person was playing scrims they're playing competitive, so my hope is just. I want a competitive device to plan something I could play an arena on, so I think I could maybe play and tournament him uh so for crashing in tournaments and crashing in arena. That is not good and uh.90 fps uh we're still we're still about 60 fps, though uh, which is not, not looking good. I do have to give a clear bit of cl.

Oh my god. Oh my god, this is so bad dude. Why am I lagging so much? I have to give a bit of clarification. I am screen recording on this tablet because, if I plug in my legato once again as I've explained that kicks it back down to 60 fps, so the only way I can show you guys, 90fps gameplay is by screen recording, which obviously screen recording is going to be messing up. The performance of the tablet- but this is this just- does not feel good, though oh look at that, I mean hey, doesn't matter the fps you're still getting aim assist you're still playing against bots on mobile, and I do have to say I don't mind playing against bots.

You know when that's about the only people I can beat on mobile. You know fine by me, brother, fine by me, I was just playing with uh Bluetooth, earbuds and these things just are so laggy like it's just not vibing, so I turned off the Bluetooth we have. Oh, it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if I've got sound bro, it doesn't matter if this dude this, oh my god, it's a little, I'm not joking. It's just not good, like. I really went out of my way to Best Buy again spent 700 again on a tablet that claims to get 90fps claims to get 90.

Fps bro. I don't think I've seen it hit 90fps one time this entire sessions crashed one time. Oh man, so disappointing bro boys. If g can't fix this, nothing can like dude, I'm it's 70. Sometimes it's got like.

I might try game, but the thing is: if I, if I play a game without screen, recording, then there's no proof of me actually playing on 90 fps, like I can't show you guys the gameplay, I'm assuming that's, what's happening, hold up real quick bro, I'm going to go dark, I'm going to turn off the screen. Recording. Okay! Let's see now, oh well, that actually that kind of fixes it okay. Well now we have a hand cam going on of the tablet. Oh, no bad timing, laser absolutely layered bro! This is by far the most disgusting mobile gaming setup.

I've ever played on this makes me want to cringe, but I have to be honest. I got to give the tablet a fair review if I'm screen recording, and it's breaking the tablet it's kind of unfair, but at the same time it pretty much just means if the tablet ever overheats or if the tablet has any sort of like problems, then or if you try to run the game at anything higher than low graphics. It's probably just not going to run well, but it fares pretty well when you're just playing the game and not trying to do anything fancy with it. Like look at that bro, look at that bro! Okay, I mean as the. At the same time, though, I'm a consecrated, my I'm not going to play on this tablet.

If I can't record it where I can't stream myself playing the thing, and so if you guys are like a casual player, a competitive player who doesn't stream, who doesn't make content, you can see myself in this in the reflection. That's so weird, then this thing, this issue probably won't affect you, but for me as a conjugate, it is. It is really weird and unfortunate how uh this tablet just really can't handle screen, recording and uh playing at the same time, but it seems like we've got the issue fixed, and I am playing uh funny mobile on 90fps on the tablet. Nice and you guys are getting a free hand, cam video out of that wow who would have thought yo, yo. Okay, I mean he just got absolutely beamed but like that was also kind of trash aim in the beginning.

Oh, I just realized you guys might not have gameplay audio guy. I am so sorry. I am so sorry for the quality of this video. Furthermore, I have there's literally nothing else I can do to capture. My gameplay like this is, like 2010 YouTube, pointing a video camera at your screen to record your gameplay, but I've got no alternative.

I mean I would love to screen record, but it just absolutely blows up the tablets like dropping a nuke on it. Oh god, the mobile aim assist, never gets old dude it just never. Does its amazing. I freaking love it. Oh, my god, what a snipe yo! It's kind of fun bro, most season, four kind of fun sucks pretty much.

No one else could play it. Let me hit a nice one pump on only a nice. Oh, double edit nope can't eat no, oh wow. What a good guys that's going in the time that's going in the montage dude! You know what I could do is I could just farm clips on the tab. S7 uh, okay, maybe not, and then I could join faze clan.

Just on these bot lobbies bro. It's genius, easy free limb, street dude. We could drop a 20, please whoa dude. What was that? Why did I aim just flick up to Narnia? For no reason? No, I can't get a 20 anymore. No, okay! The input delay is still there.

I will say the input delay is really not as bad as it used to be on 60 fps. That's probably the main thing I'm noticing right now is an is an increase or, I guess, a decrease in input delay. You know it's performing better uh, and he's dead. Let's go purple wall gang uh, wolverine, you're, dead, dude. We don't lose these.

We don't lose these. Oh there's, no slo-mo, that's lame, bro little default dance for the dub uh. What the heck just happened. What game am I playing right now? Well, gamers, um, yeah, that's weird! I'm not going to lie uh, I will say I'm gonna, be honest. I've been really harsh so far on the uh, the tab, s7 and uh.

It's not. This is definitely in a step in the right direction, but the still weird hitching is still present. There's still input delay. Do I think I could be competitive on this device? Honestly, no um. I also can't record and share my gameplay with you guys, because once again, if I plug in the legato how I normally record to my PC uh, and then you know obviously my editing software- that won't work because it automatically kicks it down to 60fps and 60fps uh is with the input delay, and it's just it's awful.

As I've already shown, you guys and then 90fps the only way I can record it is a literally with my phone camera pointed at the freaking tablet, which makes you feel like I'm back in 2010, and it's really uncomfortable it's just not good. So all in all, I don't think I can use this tablet, especially for consecration, for you guys, though, I'm going to be honest, there might be potential for someone to go out there and pick up this tablet just as something to use, but still six hundred and fifty dollars, seven hundred dollars after tax in the United States, for this tablet right here to play Fortnite mobile at the level it's currently playing on. It's honestly, it's its still a disappointment, um and considering this is optimized, I don't think they can even optimize it to 120 and if it does once again still can't make content on it still can't play on it because of the weird android thing going on. So all in all, it's a bit better, but it's still very hard to recommend to any competitive player. If you could play competitively on this, god bless you.

You might be the most insane old player ever, but for the casual player, it'll probably get the job done, but at a very expensive and very steep price tag. There have been some fascinating signs for iOS coming back sooner than we thought, and I will hopefully be making a video on that shortly of uh. Some things recently that were happening on iOS, that might mean Fortnite can be coming back to the app store kind of soon but anyways. Thank you guys so much for watching today's video big shout out once you get to aim lab for sponsoring today's video, but on that spin board like the gamer, we still don't really have a good android tablet, and I'll uh see you guys the next one peace you.

Source : DuckyTheGamer

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