Wiko: working with Android to propel the French brand onto the world stage By Grow with Google

By Grow with Google
Aug 15, 2021
Wiko: working with Android to propel the French brand onto the world stage

Wiko is a relatively new French mobile phone brand. Over the last five years, we've built up a large range of mobiles, accessories and connected objects. Our goal is to provide customers with the best, most competitive, high-quality experience possible. We sell our smartphones in around 30 countries. Wiko is ranked fifth amongst manufacturers in Western Europe and has been second in France since 2013. We have sold a total of 10 million smartphones and have around 15 million mobile users.

Wiko owes its success to three things: the shift in the French market, the advent of the smartphone and Android, which enables us to equip our phones with a powerful and open-source OS. Six years ago we would sell 119 mobiles a month but in November 2016, we sold over 800,000 devices. Thanks to Android and Google, it's been a real success story. In just five years, we’ve made a name for ourselves in a market dominated by huge brands and long established companies. If I had to sum up Wiko in a few words, I’d say that Wiko is to the mobile phone industry what jeans are to clothing – a cool kind of revolution.

Source : Grow with Google

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