The Fold 'n Roll - Android 12 leak, Sony Xperia 1 III, Lenovo Legion Phone Duel 2, Now Playing By All About Android

By All About Android
Aug 16, 2021
The Fold 'n Roll - Android 12 leak, Sony Xperia 1 III, Lenovo Legion Phone Duel 2, Now Playing

Coming up on all about android, it's me Jason, Howell, Florence ion and Ron Richards we're just hanging out doing our thing. We got a lot to talk about too android 12 features. Uh DA did a little tear down of an unreleased version of it. It has some features that we talked about also Samsung's next unpacked event, which doesn't sound so android-y, but we have some details: new devices by Sony, ZTE, Lenovo, Redmi and a prototype by TCL that folds and rolls plus we answer your email and more next on all about android podcasts. You love from people. You trust this episode of all about.

Android is brought to you by headspace. Devoting just a few minutes per day. To focus on your thoughts can change your life. Headspace is the easy-to-use app that can help you sleep, focus, act and just be better: go to headspace. com AAA for a free one month, trial, hello and welcome to all about android episode, 521 recorded tuesday, April 20th 2021, that's a lot of 20s and 2021s, and all that stuff.

We're your weekly social latest news hardware and apps for the android, faithful, I'm Jason Howell, and I'm Ron Richards, and I'm flooring, scion blaze it up. Oh boy, you went there. I couldn't see it I couldn't commit. I didn't start by saying 4 20. , I said April 20th like I did.

Furthermore, I did the shortcut around it so that listen I figured I would just go for it where one of the night shows at twit. So I figured you know, and it wasn't technically a curse word. So, okay, that's true! You know we have to imagine. We are based in California yeah, you know and Ron's home state just legalized. So just you know blaze it just I'm not talking about it.

I'm just thinking. I just feel like we're better than today. That's all! I just feel like you know so look. This is just you know, we're throwing this out there to our fans who do uh enjoy before every episode of all about android and to you, we salute you. So there you go.

Thank you all right in no way related to that in other news, uh. Unless you've been living under a rock or and or not, you know, haven't checked out any other shows on the twit network. In the past couple of days you may have already heard, but if you haven't, I'm going to tell you about club twit want to let you know a little about it. We just launched this. We're super excited about it.

It's a members only ad free uh, podcast service. So basically it's its a way to subscribe to twit content and get all of our content ad free. So you can do that. You also get a twit plus feed which, if you're, if you've ever tuned in live, sometimes some of the best stuff happens before the show. Actually, today was a prime example.

We had a really great conversation about the Apple event and that went in a bunch of different directions. It was a lot of fun uh a lot of times the pre- and post-show can be really entertaining enjoyable, informative and just kind of weird. So we've got a new feed. That's members only twit, plus, where you're going to get all that as well as some bonus content that we record uh throughout the weeks, and then you also get access to an exclusive members-only discord channel that we're uh digging into that's a lot of fun as well. So anyways want to tell you right up at the top.

You can uh, you can check it out for yourself. Seven bucks a month be one of the first uh to join club to it and see and help us build it, because it's really designed for you, the hardcore fans who love the twit content that we're doing this is a way for you to uh pitch in and uh get access to some new cool stuff. It's twit dot, TV, slash, club, twit, twit, TV, slash, club twit, and it's supposed to know this is about club. Okay. Will there be club music? Oh? Well? I mean, I guess.

If, if we come to the pre-show of all about android armed with club music to play during the pre-show, then yes all about android studio, 54, it's what you make of it flow! It's! What you make of it, but it's important to note everybody that we're all in the discord we're we're chatting up and not just during the show but popping in between episodes and all that stuff and so uh. It is definitely a cool place to be so uh hope to see you there yeah and also, also important, to note that nothing changes uh for anyone else. So if you enjoy getting all about android with ads for free, nothing, changes we're not changing anything. We've just added this additional kind of way for you to subscribe to the content, get it ad free and get all those um those extras as well. If you're, just you know, subscribed to the feed like you have for the last 10 years of the show's existence or any show on twit, uh, and you're popping into the chat room during our live show.

Whatever we happen to be doing, the IRC chat, all that stuff stays the same. So there are no changes there. So don't worry, nothing's changed its just kind of some new stuff, sprinkled on top another option. So yeah there you go. You've got your you've got streets, additional, treats that's right, so that's twit.

TV club twit and there you go um all right. I think we can do it now. We've uh we've got some news to report. I don't have my papers on my desk, but I'll pretend like I do as we transition to the news always bring in good news. Um Jason, your news reference made me think of The Muppets newscaster.

You know like the glasses and the blazer, and just today's news was he always frowning too. He was always flustered. He was always very. It was yeah yeah. It was very fluffy anyway, okay, um, so uh android 12 uh, our good friends over at DA developers, got an unreleased version of it uh that has some more hints of what's to come.

So there's some juicy little bit nuggets here for you of what to expect in android 12. , I'm still thrown off and not used to talking about this in April. By the way. This is all it's, it's just too much for me to handle um. So the interesting things from android 12 that you can expect uh, possibly are the recycle bin or trash can uh.

This is introduced in android 11, but has not been user accessible, so those of windows, 95 fans or macOS fans will have a trash can soon with android 12 users might have direct access to the trash. Can inside of apps, so that'll be interesting to see how that works. Um. They also saw a hint of app hibernation, meaning unused apps might have a temp temporary data like a cache automatically deleted when an app hasn't been used in a specific amount of time. So, almost like a healthy cleanup, you haven't used this app we're going to wipe out the cash or the temporary items to not take up space, which is kind of smart and kind of cool, and this follows in the footsteps of the auto revoke permissions feature that launch an android, 11.

, um and finally, android 12 will likely be able to automatically translate an app's UI to the user's native language, which just sounds like magic like and that's leveraging. The great things about. Google Translate all that. Google has behind it, but talk about an accessibility tool. If English is in your first language, you are not uh gated by the app developer, making a non-English version of their app.

That's amazing! So yeah, I'm curious on that last one. How deep? That goes, because I know the article from DA now this is all based on a tear down so of an unreleased version. Like you said so, things could change. This could be pushed off to android 13, who the heck knows but um. They mentioned that.

It's that it's limited to UI elements, and I'm trying to think like there's, probably other aspects of an app that wouldn't get translated. If that's the case, if it's just limited to the UI, but they've they've included some photos uh about halfway down the article Burke, if you, if you go to that article, and it's just cool to see like this article, because, oh sorry, the the translation article, it's the last link in that block and uh yeah just like- reaches right into the app and does this on-the-fly uh translation, which, with like menu items that I mean I, I suppose, if you know if you looked at the icons you could, you could probably figure it out like that the middle one is kind of like a menu. That's been translated, but it's just like. I wouldn't know that I was looking at a translated app on the example on the right side, so it's uh just kind of cool. It's its like that.

Google magic that Google magic that Google magic. I like it yeah yeah, pretty neat. It seems I mean it seems neat again like you said they could not make the final cut like it's still so early um, we're still in the middle of the developer, previews and all that sort of stuff um, but that that seems like a cool feature. Um. I think to hibernate stuff is cool uh the trash.

Can I don't know I mean like I, you know I rarely delete something where I'm like? Oh, I want to get that back, but I guess someone could use it. I mean I don't know flow. Do you? Do you think that we need a recycle bin like Windows 95? It was a feature that was and actually still is on some other versions of android. So I think r. I.

p lg's quote unquote. Os was using it and I forgot what other brands, but I mean in theory it's fine. It's really not any different from just dragging and immediately uninstalling, but I do like the just immediacy of being able to do that. Um. Also, a little note on that feature that automatically translates apps um.

I wonder if that's going to depend on just like the elements that they're trying to translate just like the way that material is broken down. The way like the UIs are broken down in an app like I'm, very I'm very excited for that. I guess is what I'm trying to say: yeah yeah, I think that's a that's a big opportunity for developers right and maybe not necessarily uh in the US. I think this I mean. Certainly there are apps that are in other languages than English that it would be helpful, but I have to imagine there are an insane amounts of apps in English that aren't in other languages that folks in other countries, finally have access to through a feature like this um.

I don't know. I think anybody that uh you know has experienced that is going to be really happy um to see that that's an option given it works as well as, as I feel like it seems to when, when I'm using it through the web. What do you guys think, like? I know I've seen some people some pushback, even in the comments on this article where they're like well, if it works, you know as well as it does on the web. This is going to be a disaster. Meanwhile, I've had like great experience, translating uh pages on the fly.

What about you yeah same here? I just did it earlier today. In fact, I there was. I was looking up something in uh, Portuguese, Brazil, and I was like translate and I could understand what it was great. Like I don't know I mean my exposure to it has been limited. I don't do it often.

I probably can count on one hand the number of times I've done it the past two weeks but um. It seemed I mean if you think about where we were with translation ten five years ago. Right, I think it's come a long way, and they've got to have confidence that they're going to roll, this sort of feature out, um yeah, I don't know I think it's fun, but I'm sure there's always the tractors. It's always the tractors so of course, of course, uh and uh. Oh sorry, wrong! Go! Oh! No! After you, after you Jason! Well, I was just going to say the very first link so Burke, the very first link is kind of the uh, the mage, the main article that Michelle roman, who posted about this and got access to this uh.

This uh version of android, it's kind of like his full detailed rundown. So some of these things that we talked about are touched upon in there. If you scroll down about a third or do a search for quick setting, tile uh you'll, see yeah, keep scrolling, keep scrolling, keep scrolling. Sorry, audio listeners. There you go.

You just passed it, okay, up one more uh, and you can kind of see it there, but um these sliders. So we're also starting to see some indicators um, no pun, intended uh on kind of like changes to the UI, and I don't know how much of what we see there is a result of like customization like a user goes in there and says I want this slider to be really fat or whatever, but this is a big change. If this is kind of like default, UI changes, I'm curious to know what you guys think about kind of the visual kind of refresh aspect of what we're starting to see more of with android 12. I mean a slippery slope right. I mean we just right for two weeks.

We railed on lg for this very thing, right, yeah right. Well, that's true, yeah um yeah! So I'm going to be curious, and again it's its going to be. In the same, you know same vein of what you were talking about Ron like some people are going to love it. Some people are going to hate it because change is hard and anything different from what they were used to is not good enough for me. You know in their quotes, so it's also chunky.

It is chunky yeah, it's chunky like I don't like I'm sorry. I hate saying this because you know I recognize that there are like teams of people behind all of this, but from what I'm seeing in these teaser shots, who just not quite feeling it yeah, yeah fair enough, and you know again um reiterating, because if, if anyone who was working on this is watching right now, they're probably yelling at the screen right now. This isn't even meant to be seen by anybody. You know what I mean they're, still working on all this stuff, uh and that's the thing with the kind of the developer preview aspect that we have with the last few years of android is that we get to see these developments as they happen and many times we'll see things early on that end up getting reversed or touched up in a way that later you're like okay, I'm so happy, it ended there because where it started was really you know, fugly, so um, so anyways we'll see where it all uh where it all ends up. I mean fugly is a little harsh.

It's not it's not fugly! It's just wow! It's its thick! Furthermore, it's uh t-h-I-c-c yeah. There you go now because being thick, usually thick t-h-I-c-c, usually you know resonates with something uh, plump and plushy, and I don't quite know that. Okay, this really looks like a thick sharpie, just yeah yeah yeah, that's a good way to put it right across we'll see, never hold. This never hold this against the final product. Again.

Never keeps me from installing the next version of android. So totally I'm I'm looking forward to it. Um, even based on what I'm seeing here, I'm looking forward to a little of a visual kind of stirring of it. It makes sense. It'll make sense.

I bet in terms of like a whole, you know experience yeah, uh robot in chat says it's a very bold bar bold's, a good word for that bar. It is very bold, um, okay, all right! Well, as for android 11, we've talked so many times on this show about scoped storage. It's the gift that keeps on giving all the way back to android 10 when it almost happened, and then it didn't, and then it came back in android, 11 and everybody was upset. Uh, but it was implemented a little better this time. Well it ultimately, it brought with it the inability for apps to see files and directories outside their own kind of explicit uh sandbox, which is more secure right, but the challenge with scope storage has been for developers.

How do we get the feature set that we're used to offering to our users when we don't have access to the entire file structure? And so it's its kind of that balance that trade-off between you know: uh, proper security and securing those files so that the wrong app can't get it and functionality you know, and ultimately, in many ways it ends up reducing functionality, especially for file managers, as you can imagine, if file managers were playing ball with scope, storage they'd have a really hard time, because they'd only be managing a small subset of the actual files on the device. So apparently they were told by google to continue targeting android 10s API levels. That was so they could continue doing what they were doing, and they would be forced to opt into scope, storage down the line. Well, we're kind of there now we're almost there now google's notifying developers that on May 5th they must tell google why their app requires that wide storage access, um ahead of the November deadline, which is kind of like the official time that the switch flips, if they don't have it in place at that point, they're not going to be able to target those android 11, APIs and they're going to be out of luck. Um, I don't know if that means the app is pulled or what that means.

But anyways google says you got to do it so googles now telling those developers that they will be able to request all file access with android 11. If they are creating a file manager, it would of course get reviewed and everything. So I think ultimately, this is a story with hopefully a happy ending for file managers that want to stay up to date on current APIs and still offer well a file manager as an app uh. So that's good news. I think- and it is good news because I feel like a file manager app- is a place where I wouldn't want the Google file manager app that you only can use like.

I want to see the innovation that app developers like so many that we've talked to on this show could bring to the concept of a file manager, and so I'm glad that there's a nice uh google recognizes that and giving them a little uh room to maneuver. So I mean it would be pretty darn silly if, at the end of the day, Google's like sorry, sorry file managers, you can only look at the files that you create. You know that they're, like all right, google. No, you really do need to figure this out, because file managers are a utility that everybody expects to have access to on computing devices. End of story, so, so yeah good news, good news, all around good news, all around hey, Samsung teased, some good news, uh you're, just so happy because you're, the Samsung fan club, uh leader right or that was so such a big fan.

That's that's a joke! That probably needs to die at this point. We've had that joke for too long yeah I mean if you were listening to the pre-show. You know that, like I'm super dubious about Samsung versus anyway, listen to the pre-shows uh, so Samsung speaking of, has announced that it's doing another unpacked event this year, and this time it is teasing the most powerful galaxy device. Now, maybe looking at the little render, you might think, oh gee, could it be a Galaxy Z, fold? Three. You know there have been rumors that uh it was going to launch in July, but we're not quite there yet.

So it's more likely a new lineup of galaxy laptops. Yes, we are due for a galaxy book, lineup of laptops um. The current models that we have right now on the stands are from 2019, so they're, really due for an update um and what I'm very excited for is the possibility of some new Samsung Chromebooks, because I am in the market to. Finally, I have to think about updating. You know my pixel book, and I'm kind of thinking kind of thinking Samsung might have something for us.

So I hope that's what we can see also expected is a smart keyboard trio, 500 accessory that pairs with three devices at once, a button to switch between them and hotkeys for favorite apps. So, like a lot of a lot of uh wireless keyboards that you can get could be really handy for the decks as well. Maybe Samsung's still trying to push that ecosystem and the event marker calendars is April.28Th at 10 a. m. Eastern time yeah, probably not going to get a lot of android at that event, but um, but you never know.

Samsung may surprise. I think I saw that uh they've got a new tablet, that's kind of making the rumor mill rounds, although I think that's that's expected more early summer. Um. So probably not going to happen at this event, but you just never know, like apple Samsung's, always trying to be like apple. Who knows they might have one more thing: uh that surprises but yeah yeah, probably Chromebooks yeah, probably yeah laptops Chromebooks, I mean even the teaser image.

I mean there's no way to look at that teaser image and not see a laptop of some sort of form factor there, so um so anyways, that's a different one. This is a teaser image on the invite. That's like a silhouetted thing, but anyways um. Let's take a break and thank the sponsor of this episode of all about android, and I am thrilled to have headspace back on the network. Why? Because I never stopped using headspace from the last time they were on they're awesome.

Uh headspace is just a really fantastic service, fantastic app for meditation and for mindfulness. That's what it's all about. You probably tried meditation before and if you have, maybe it worked for you? Maybe it didn't- or maybe you felt like you were doing it wrong, or you couldn't shut your mind up. That's the problem. I think a lot of people have when they get into meditating is how do I get my mind to stop talking to me when I'm trying to like focus on nothing and that's kind of part of the journey, to be honest but uh? If mental health is part of your self-care plan this year and boy, do you owe it to yourself to do a little self-care this year you should try.

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com AAA all right and now that we are centered and grounded it's time for some hardware. Oh hello, Sony welcome back with your number seven premium flagship phones, Sony announced the new Xperia 12 mark 3, which is essentially its 2021 flagship device, and it's got a few, a few powerful aspects to it. So, first 6.5 inch 120, hertz 4k display. So that's an upgrade from the last one. That's good um! It is a premium device.

So you're going to get your snapdragon 88 you're, going to get your 12 gigs of ram uh in there as well, and it has a mass powered quad camera system uh. These are pretty awesome, lenses, 24, millimeter main wide lens. It's got a 16 millimeter ultra-wide. It also has- and this is fascinating- a dual pd variable optics center, which basically means sorry sensor not center sensor, which means that the telephoto lens can shift between 70 millimeters and 105 millimeters uh of focal length, while retaining focus. So it's kind of like it's kind of like a transformer in your camera, pretty neat also- and this one I understand a little less.

Maybe the two of you understand this more than I do, but DP review uh, which has some pretty trusted. Reviews of camera hardware and stuff say it's most: they are most excited about the device because it has the first camera system ever to snap 20 pix per second, while simultaneously performing temporal noise reduction on every single frame. So I think this is just like an overhead, so every second, with noise reduction on each temporal. What was that again? Can you read that again yeah temporal noise reduction? So is that so? Can you travel through time with that with temp temporal noise reduction yeah? Is it temporal time isn't that yeah yeah or doesn't mean like my temp, my temp per roll, a temporal is, is, like time travel right temporal or temporal lobe. What does temporal mean? Yeah? That's what I was thinking I mean if it has to do with time.

It's like. Maybe that's a reference to the fact that it's so fast at its uh noise reduction, that it can do 20 pictures per second and that's so and they can the uh. The phone has the hardware, obviously to support that which is apparently a first. So the dictionary definition of temporal is relating to time so example, the spatial and temporal dimensions of human interference and complex ecosystems, or relating to worldly, as opposed to spiritual affairs secular. So I think it's probably the time one, not the secular one, yeah, probably so, probably so um like I'm wondering I would like just maybe it's from that.

Maybe it's a camera, and you take a picture of someone, but it takes a picture of them in the past. Yes, it's like or the future the problem where you take the picture, and you're always like a second late, and it's like. No, we time travel before you. You always get the picture, we're minimizing the temporal noise in your photos, and you can adjust the setting. So I would like my camera to take pictures of everyone five years younger than they actually are in the photos themselves.

This is actually all the makings for a perfect sci-fi story, and I hope someone who can write better than I will take it and run with it, because the idea of a mobile phone whose camera is a top like you, take a picture, and you can see what you took a picture of in the past or the future. Would that be cool? That's a cool story, yeah yep, good idea and Lauren. If you're, if you're, if you're listening Dan Morin uh. That idea is for free exactly and the thing is that you have to you- have to use the Sony experience so yeah. So um, let's see here anything else, oh, it can also do the thing that the Xperia pro remember.

We talked about that and is really expensive, but it could also be an external monitor, camera monitor sure because it had a HDMI in what I read here said that it can also be used. As an external camera monitor, I did not see a specific reference to a HDMI in, but I imagine that means it has one but um. There's no pricing on this yet and no availability outside of summer 2021. So maybe it is, you know going to be priced similarly to the Xperia pro which off the top of my head. I want to say it was something like 2500 dollars somewhere around there.

I don't know uh somebody finds that valuable and Sony. You know Sony. I understand why Sony does it? It really ties into their camera ecosystem yeah really nicely so yeah cool. So there you go. That's a big old phone.

It looks like it's a big phone, um yeah. I mean that we're looking on for those watching the video, not this photo perk, but the previous one, the person holding the camera with the phone camera looked enormous, and I know the phone looked enormous in that shot, um, which is bigger, the camera or the phone with the camera in it yeah yeah that one doesn't that phone looks enormous. Doesn't it like yeah yeah? It really does. It probably is to scale too I mean that's a that's a tall drink of water. That is like a tall I mean I would like Jason.

I would like to see you holding that phone, because that's the normal good scale, because you are so tall and you know, like a big phone, looks normal and a small phone looks small but anyway so yeah, um yeah. So all right challenge accepted. I don't know that I'm going to buy one, but if Sony sends me one, I will happily hold their phone and maybe even review it too, just saying yeah so for people who are watching the video Jason's sitting down, but in real life he's extremely tall he's like set he's like seven foot. Eight and it's uh- it's really impressive yeah there it is yep there. It is yeah what bring it.

Okay, so uh, moving on uh TCL uh, the exciting manufacturer unveiled a new family of phones, uh, the 20l, the l plus and the 20 pro 5g, because if you don't have a phone, if you don't have a phone with 5g in this name, you're, not really a phone manufacturer, you don't want to be left behind exactly, but all three of these devices are affordable and have quad camera setups um, but they are decidedly mid-range offerings that range from 229 to 549 euros. So this is an affordable line of phones, um, which is nice I mean, which is like quad cameras at an affordable price. That seems, okay, that's all right um, but I don't know instead of this how about a concept device from TCL called the folder the fold and roll, not two, but three display sizes in one device um. So it starts off like a phone at six point, eight seven inches, and it unfolds like the z fold into an 8.85 inch display. But then it unrolls resulting in a 10-inch display.

So it's folded, it's rolling, and you get three displays in the fold and roll. Oh goodness, this is fantastic before you get too excited by the fold and roll um, it's important to note that TCL hasn't shipped any of their previous foldable prototypes. Um and they've had a lot too yeah. We talk a lot about them, and yet none have come to fruition uh, but given the uh, the level of marketing put into this uh fold and roll concept, video uh, maybe this is the one uh and I have to say: if you're going to do a foldable. Why stop it two sizes? Go all the way for three? That's my thought! So yeah, it's a phone, it's a phone, it's a square, and it's a tablet all in one.

I don't know what to call that one yeah. What is the middle one? If there's a phone and there's a tablet and then there's a middle point? Is that a tablet? I know what it is. Obviously, obviously it's a phone, a tablet and the middle one: oh okay! Okay, that's that's what it is. It's probably somebody's going to want a middle one coming soon, yeah. I know honestly from a naming nomenclature perspective.

Phone, phablet and tablet makes sense if phablet didn't already mean tablet right, didn't it right, no fabric. No, that actually might have actually been a tablet phone tablet. It was a yeah, but then phones became phablets, like phones made them phablets, because Samsung needed that marketing and then everybody just like rolled everybody, folded and rolled it with it folded and rolled it with it. Yep. It's true.

Well put I like it for what it's worth. I like it folded, it's cute, it's like unassuming, it doesn't take itself super seriously, and the form factor looks cute, but I don't necessarily know that I would feel comfortable having my phone. I just I don't like the backwards folding to me. That's yeah, scary yeah. It's the display with it with the display folding in on itself or with this display on the outside, which one are you talking about, or you just don't like the folding in general? No, no, no, the way it folds like backwards, instead of folding clothes, to hide the main folding part.

So you don't like it Samsung. I love the way. Samsung does it. I think it's great the way they do it, but this way, and also I think it was like the Huawei phone or Xiaomi. I think, like that scares me, because it rolls yeah.

It's exposed yeah, yeah right on the outside gotcha. It's you know it's confusing with all the folding and rolling going on so uh. You have to know when to fold them yeah that joke you have to know when to fold them. You have to know when to roll them. I love it.

That's great that that wins for this. Thank TCL for this. Thank you, TCL for your wild and wacky ideas that we love now just make one an actual phone. Please there we go. I know all right flow.

You got to release it, release it give a price come on yeah yeah! Give it to us. Well, speaking of being released, ZTE is bringing the axon 30 ultra 5g to the US, and Canada isn't that nice uh. This is a high-end device with snapdragon 888, uh, 8 or 12 gigs of ram a 6.67 inch OLED display with up to 144 hertz refresh rate. It has three 64 megapixel cameras on the back. That includes oh, my gosh, 164, megapixel, f, over 1.6 main camera, 164 megapixels, with an f over 1.9 lens camera and a 64 megapixel ultra-wide. That's a whole other 64 megapixels um also also also a five time: optical zoom, so zoom in five times.

Um no pricing for this one, though not a five time like time travel. I just want a phone. That's just time travel. Does anyone realize this? I know there's been yeah. A lot of people want a phone.

I want a phone that does that minimizes temporal noise and rolls and folds and sends me back to 1986. Can I get that? I know I that doesn't exist Ron and I don't know how it's going to, but you've you've uh identified a part of the market that you can capture, and you can make exactly buckets of money if you can figure this out, hang on. I can plus this up we'll make the phone rug rugged. Oh yeah, yeah, rolling, folding, rugged time, travel phone, see and here's the thing with all of those features you might get into your r d and get down the road and realize there are certain things that you have to. Let go of you at least know that you can pull off the rugged part right.

Exactly, exactly the other stuff might not happen, but you'll still have a product. I'm wait! If we go back to 1986 what happens to me because then I disappear. Oh yeah, you start fading in the photo. That's true! Well, it depends on what month you go in, but yes, then I disappear. Okay, oh! Well! I don't know we don't want that.

So we'll go one year later, thanks 87, 87 yeah. Just give me 87 all right. You got it all right with you guys before 1986. Then there is no way that I would run into my former baby self. That's a perfect point.

You don't want to do that. That is supposedly a awful idea. Um, well we'll noodle on this a little we'll chew. I'm just saying: if Ron wants this and is manifesting it, I just want to make sure that I'm a part of it so yeah, you know yeah making sure that happens. Yeah, we all want to benefit from this yeah.

We were there all right, um. We are not done with hardware news. Oh no, we've got gaming phone news up next and Ron. You've got the first of two gaming phone stories. This is just this is a category that I'm I don't know I'm continually kind of uh interested in because I never see them, but apparently they're a deal they're a thing, because more of these are coming out every day.

I'm with you, and again we have to put out a call to our wonderful all about android community. If you are someone that would be interested in this phone or any of these category funds, please write in at uh AAA at twit TV, because we want to hear from you, especially actually. I was just going to tack on that. If you are emailing us, if you have one of these phones, what I'm really curious about is like photo. Oh yeah, of course, share a photo please, but I really want to know like okay, so I have this phone, and this is the game that I need it for.

What is the game that you need this phone for yep, anyways, good question yeah? So tell us if you use the phone and what game to use it for, but that said you might be in the market for Lenovo and the legion phone duel.2. we're just we're just throwing words together by the way the legion phone duel too. It's a high-end gaming phone uh that you could say, looks unique uh. Those of you watching the video you'll see in a moment, but it's a 6.92 inches high-res 144 hertz display two batteries full charge up to eight hours of intermittent gameplay, two USB-C ports, uh one on the side and one on the bottom uh two cooling fans. No wonder that it's it's the legion phone dual two, which is funny because dual and two are anyway um.

Maybe it's 2-2 yeah um. It's got a pop-up selfie cam in the center when in landscape mode um, and it's yes, it's running the snapdragon 888 with uh, with uh 18 gigs of ram. Is that correct, 18 gigs um either way a lot yeah a huge, huge centered camera bump in case you're, curious about that um, and this sucker sells for between 799 and 999 euros. Uh, which is, let's see 9.99 euros to USD, is 1200 U. S.

um. This phone is the real deal and I think that the fact that it's got two batteries, two cooling fans, two USB c ports um, and it's clear that the USB c port supports I've got to assume or for um accessories right, mm-hmm like it's. It's got to be for gaming and streaming, maybe you're hooking up to like a legato streaming deck or whatever yeah yeah, maybe something like that could also be like. If you are playing a game, that's uh, that's portrait, and you want to be plugged in you want that power at the bottom. If you're playing game, that's the landscape, and you want to be plugged in you want that power at the bottom.

Still too um yeah. I wonder if the extra like, like accessories' aspect, what that looks like that's a good idea. I will say that they didn't go as far as they could have gone because they could have made this fold in half yeah, two screens, yeah yeah, two screens yeah, I didn't know yeah so Lenovo you still got room to grow so uh the legion. It is an interesting looking device. Yeah, doesn't look like the kind of phone you want to set down on a table, though, with a bump in the middle uh, if you're putting it on the table, it's probably fine as long as you never touch it because it'll just flop all around anytime, you try and tap like a mud, kip yeah, but uh we're not stopping here.

We're not stopping here, no flow right, there's another gaming phone there is and here's. The thing is that when Jason originally wrote the notes for this, he he he was thinking. You know why not? But I'm thinking you know this makes sense with everybody just trying to have something like the Nintendo Switch. I mean there's a reason that Nintendo Switch is number one selling console likes forever and ever um. Now this switch wannabe comes from Redmi, so they have this gaming phone in the works, and it has spring-loaded shoulder buttons, so very similar to that right and left.

You know little trigger that you do on the switch controller um. Now the Redmi k40 series is what you would go and google if you're curious about this Redmi published a teaser on Weibo, which is a Chinese social networking site which shows off a dedicated game mode, slider on the side of the phone. So, instead of maybe like an automatic game mode like you would get on the OnePlus, for instance, when you immediately go into a game, I imagine this would do something a little more than just silence notifications and go into full screen. Oh yes, once activated shoulder buttons pop out from the corners of the device, that is cool, look at those shoulder buttons all pop out stuff. That's crazy! That's really! That's! Like! That's gamer, uh cat nip yeah right totally is well other gaming phones have allowed or have enabled shoulder uh buttons, but they're, usually of the kind of uh capacitive touch variety um.

So this gives you a little of that kind of that tactile feedback when you're pushing the buttons at least I have to imagine this is certain. Gamers are going to love that this phone is going to debut in China on April 27- and again, I have to note- remember: esports is a huge deal outside some of our Venn diagrams circles of community, and I have a feeling that yeah this is going to get yeah this. This looks fun. I wonder if uh Mateo can sneak us one when he's flying again, I know he might have. We have to give him a list.

It's a backlog, of everything. We've not been able to get from him because of you know the whole pandemic, and then we'll just do a catch-up. Show yeah we'll be like all right. You need to come out here. You need to bring these 10 devices.

Furthermore, you need to bring a goat joke for Ron and uh. Do you think do you? I mean? I think you probably shouldn't really all right, fair enough. You know what it's not that he should. I just think that he will, so I'm preparing you for it Ron. This is the bit that never rains it goes on in on my friends.

Part of his identity on on on Twitter is like built around goats now, and I think that started on this show didn't it. I mean goats are very, very helpful in California they're the reason sometimes hills don't catch fire. So we appreciate that we do appreciate the goats their service. The goats are the goat, um yup. They are.

Okay, sorry, awful, dad joke. Let's do some app news. I've got one app news to share with you all, okay, um, so poll raise your hand and fill in the multiple choice to let me know if you like, Google's now playing feature or not. I like it. Oh sorry, no that's a good question.

I was trying to go see if I could get it up and then I, and then I missed the queue. So I apologize it's okay, so I'm, but I'm I'm taking from this that I'm the only one that likes it. I think it's a cool feature. You guys don't like it. No I do.

I think I like it. I do think I like it. Furthermore, I have to think about it. Oh, I don't have a pixel. What am I doing? I'm trying to look at this on an OnePlus.

Of course, I don't find it, but you've had a pixel, and this has been on the pixel since the two I don't know, I find myself using it a lot. Actually, oh, oh, oh the one that shows up in the notification shade. No, it shows up on your lock screen, so a song's played sorry, the lock screen so-and-so technically it shows up the notification shade too. It's supposed to. I thought but um.

I do miss that feature because, but the thing is, I haven't left the house much. Furthermore, I don't even out in a year and that's usually when I hear music in the background. Yep, that's true, that's true, yeah, no restaurants or bars well, and I know it's playing at home yeah. Well, sometimes I put on a playlist and I don't know who's playing it's easier for me to just look at that than like unlock my device and jump into the app Spotify, which we could talk about that after this. I want to talk to you guys about that for a second um anyways uh apparently well.

Well, we know that that feature has been a pixel only feature since the pixel 2, a DA developer, quinney899 created a hybrid exposed, magic mod called ambient music mod that actually ports over the functionality completely if you're on a rooted device- and you have both exposed and magic installed on your device, they both need to be installed. Like I said it's a hybrid feature. DA has the walkthrough on installing this mod, but I just thought that was kind of neat. I thought that was one of those features that google rolled out that I never expected to work as well as it actually does consider it's not sending data online, it's all happening on device, and yet it always seems to know the song that's playing like it's. It's that's total google magic to me.

That's like google voodoo. I don't get how that works, but it does. I don't get how they index. They knew to like index different mixes of different songs and different, like b sides, because sometimes they'll get it down to that kind of level specification like blown away. I'm like how do you know this and supposedly this is this- is on my phone like it's.

It's part of the data set that's stored on my phone and not in the cloud anyways. I think it's neat uh and if you happen to have a rooted device which is not a lot of you, but if you do uh, this is one way that you can install it on your phone. That's not a pixel and uh yeah, but since I mentioned it um, I just want to say that I have officially cancelled YouTube music um, I'm waiting for the 30 days to end, and I'm a little frightened about the ads on YouTube that that might be. My biggest regret is getting ads on YouTube, but we are now on Spotify for our music service, and I have to say I am super annoyed like I like, like. Maybe I just maybe I'm, maybe it's just impossible for me to be happy with the music service, but I like their kind of their um, their algorithms around, like analyzing, my taste and offering new things.

I feel like that. That's working for me and the service itself is fine. What's so annoying to me is how it interplays with my Google homes in the house. We have not. We don't have the full family account.

Furthermore, we have the duo account because we figured like our kids are just listening through hours, anyways, so we'll just pay for my wife and I- and there is a way supposedly to set it up so that uh voice match is activated for me and for her. Furthermore, we are both signed in to our own accounts with Spotify, and so, if I'm in one room- and I want to play something, and she's in the other room- wants to play something else, it would recognize our independent voices and use our independent ass uh Spotify accounts in order to play it no matter what I do, it doesn't work, so I'm listening to something in the kitchen and one and a k, the kid in the other room, the kid one of my daughters in the other room, uh, you know, starts playing something. My music stops and says: Spotify is playing in the other room and it's so annoying. It's one of those things, though I didn't think about that. But whoa.

This is like huge. This is actually a big deal. Well because you're not using it the way Spotify wants you Spotify. Once you get that family plan, it wants you to create family kid profiles for your kids, and it wants you all to be in on that. On top of that, Google wants you and your daughters and your wife to all have your own accounts, wants all of your voices individually recorded.

So it's actually working as it was meant to work, which is to push you toward falling into line. Okay go get those accounts, go, you know, get your daughters registered and all that um, and I can understand how that's really frustrating. I agree with you. It's frustrating, but I understand what you're saying that that is how the system is designed. The thing is, I'm doing that right.

We've got the people now I feel like I just no. No, no, we don't have the full family account, so you're partially right, my kids do not have their own accounts so when they fire off, I'm actually curious how this will be handled when I get the whole system working properly, but when they fire off a thing, you know a command like, I don't know which of our accounts. That's going to default. To but I have it set up with voice match, we have the duo account, which means both my wife and I have our own tied into the same account, have our own kind of profiles and from what I understand. I've got it set up properly, but it's not tying in correctly and uh.

It's just a pain in the butt like I don't want to have when I want to play something, I don't want to have to open up my phone going to Spotify and connect to the kitchen thing and then play for my phone. I want to do what I've always done, which is say: hey g play this thing and it plays it and then somebody in the other room says: hey g play this thing and it plays it there too, and I never have to think about it right now. It's just annoying. Well, I can chime in not on the Spotify side but on the YouTube music side, because I'm further even more perplexed by it, how it exists, because, in addition to at home on the Google home, leaning into the algorithm and getting a myriad of language versions of songs, you know like getting the frozen soundtrack in German and that sort of thing yeah. I was in the car this weekend with my kids and as anyone with kids can attest, at least with toddlers.

You just want to get the song they want on and as quickly as possible, so they shut up and uh they. They were going through an uh, a high ho phase, which is by the dwarf chorus from the soundtrack to snow-white in the seven dwarfs um, and so I'm like great, so I'll ask for hi-ho, and then I'll get a bunch of Disney songs. I'm in the car on YouTube music through android, auto and for some reason I get completely different results through the mobile app in the car than I do at home on the Google home, because on Sunday they followed hi-ho by the dwarf chorus from the soundtracks on white seven doors dwarves with a about. I counted about seven songs in a row: um American, doodle, dandy, uh by jams Cagney from the movie uh American, doodle dandy, oh no, oh! No, it was over there. I think it was there's a George m Cohen patriotic hymn.

Then there was a Bing Crosby song. Then there was a like it. It went into songs from the 30s instead of Disney songs, and I was like oh interesting, helping me weird categorization like I was like every time at the Google home I play a song from snow-white. I then get frozen. I get Mona and like no like it knows what our listening pattern is.

Furthermore, I guess because I was in the car in a different context or whatever, but it gave me no other Disney songs. It only gave me 1930s hits. Oh, that's interesting! It's its like it. It bypassed the fact, the thread that was Disney, and it went to oh the thread is this was made in the 30s, so you want other 30 songs. That's so interesting yeah! I hope I hope I haven't made a bad decision.

I hope I can figure this out because that's going to be a huge bummer. If this continues like that, I'm gonna, it's going to tick me off continue to tick me off. I don't know. I just don't know anymore. Furthermore, I don't know either great here.

We are not knowing for you all, not knowing about android. That's what we are. We are not knowing about anything and that's okay. People like us for us. I hope that's right.

That's right! All right! Uh up next, a few of your emails, all right, Flo! You got the first one triple a twitter. TV is where people wrote in like this one. Now this one is fun mike rife wrote in uh, with their daily driver phones. Mike writes attached to all my Google daily driver phones, I just upgraded from a pixel 2 to a Pixel 4a and wondered if my previous Google phones still worked. They all work and connect to google and display my calendar.

They are in cases to protect, protect them from gastritis Ron thought. You would like seeing a nexus 5 still running an app still updating my android phone before the nexus.5 was actually the HTC tilt, 2 running an android 2.2 Frodo ROM on Windows, mobile mike yeah. Apparently that was a possibility. You could do that uh, and then he attached his screenshot of the family of phones. Oh, that's beautiful, wow, oh with a home screen that looks very similar um.

I hope that you've replaced those spark plugs because you got some reminders there for that. You might want to replace those spark plugs uh but cool. We left it in so that we would know. I do like the consistency. I do like the consistency across the screens that there's a man who is looking for his app in the same place on every phone yeah yeah I get it.

Furthermore, I get it yeah, that's that's one of the things that's hardest for me in reviewing phones is like it takes me so much time. Admittedly, it's better now than it ever has been. Yeah, has tweaked the systems to make it easier, but it takes so much focused time and attention for me to set up a phone so that it has the apps in the right places. For me. Sometimes I just give up and I'm like.

No I'm just going to use it the way the manufacturer ships it, and I'm, and I never enjoy it as much as when everything's in the right place. So I totally get it there. It is thanked you for sending that in I love, seeing people's uh android histories uh, especially when it's all laid out so nicely like you did bill bowling wrote in to say: did you know that the Google TV app is not available on Microsoft's Xbox? Well, that is not so surprising. Since play movies and TV wasn't available either. However, YouTube TV and YouTube are what it gets better on YouTube TV.

You can subscribe to HBO Max. However, any of the special early access movies like Godzilla versus Kong or wonder, woman 1984, cannot be viewed from within the YouTube TV app on any platform. However, you can install the HBO Max app log in using YouTube TV as your subscription provider, and then you can see all of them show histories are not shared between the apps. So in a TV series, if you watch season one, episode 123 on HBO Max, you then at a later date, are on YouTube TV and go to the same show. It will not know that you watched any of those episodes.

It just gets crazier from there. That sounds almost as annoying as Spotify, not playing in two different rooms. For me, almost as annoying almost can I pick up. Uh can I that is annoying. Can I pick up a tangentially related in terms of google, TV and Chromecast conversation that happened today also in related to today's apple announcements, um, because uh a couple of my friends who are hardcore Apple ecosystem people, we're talking about the new Apple TV that got announced, which I don't know if you saw, but they announced the new Apple TV new, remote Ada, Ada um? I didn't realize that device is like 200 bucks right because it's like a's an it's a set-top box with a lot of guts in it and all that sort of stuff, and so they're talking about it.

I'm like I'm, like you guys know that, like the new Chromecast can do all the stuff that you need for like 50 bucks, right, and they're like and then one of my friends was like right, but I'm not I'm, not I'm not in on that ecosystem, I'm dialed into the Apple ecosystem, I'm like all right! Well, I'm not trying to sell I'm not trying to convert you, I'm not trying to sell you on Chromecast, but what about it? What are you using right? I'm like because they just added Apple TV plus to Chromecast, so you can watch that content, and then he's like well. You know lately mainly I just use it to um to airplay or whatever um my uh yoga zoom class onto the TV for my laptop, and I'm like so casting he's like yeah, pretty much, I'm like yeah, that's literally what Chromecast was invented for I'm like. So what else do you do, and he's like? Well, you know I'm just I'm dialed into that to that ecosystem, trying to get him to tell me like what apps he uses or like I bought my movies from iTunes, but you can sync everything on movies anywhere and get it on any device like it. Just. I think it's hilarious that when you're dialed into a platform, how you can't, you have blinders, and you can't see any other alternative- and maybe there are things about Apple TV that are great- I haven't played with the Apple TV device lately in a while um, maybe there's a reason to stay on it.

But as far as I could tell like anything, you do on Apple TV plus, you can do on the Google TV Chromecast dongle right. So I don't know it's weird. That's a story for you yeah. Maybe if you're like really locked into home kit like, I could see why you would want to, but considering this conversation that doesn't sound like what was going on their yeah yep yeah, you were right. Yeah, I mean you're right.

They both do the exact same thing um, I think it's fear, change, yeah, yeah and your channel has done. Apple, has done a perfect job with their hardware of creating well that that ecosystem that he's talking about this, this sense of a tightly integrated ecosystem and whether this device does the same thing as a Chromecast or not yeah. At the end of the day, it doesn't have an Apple logo on it, which means it doesn't have that, like apple seal of approval or that apple uh philosophy of that integration, that they've come to expect or assume about Apple devices. I don't know I'm kind of throwing that out there. I don't know if that's true, but that would be my guess, because yeah you're paying a lot more for one of these versus the Chromebook yeah.

It's just that's a lot doesn't have the Apple logo on it yeah. I know gee um, all right. Well, that said, you've all been waiting, you've been so patient. Everyone who watches it- and now I want to give you this wonderful, wonderful gift. I know you've wanted the entire episode you're just thinking all week since last Tuesday you're like who is going to get the email of the week.

That was so good Ron. It's a glorious, glorious thing. The wait is over my friends, uh David jams keeper. Congratulations, you are the proud recipient of the email of the week and David says just listening to episode, 519 and this is the discussion of removable batteries as a paramedic. I don't have time to sit around and plug in my phone, even for 20 minutes.

I frequently swap batteries all the time when I go backpacking a spare battery weighs less than a charge or brick, and perhaps the most important feature of all is the fact that you can buy a new replacement battery. So you can keep your phone running on full battery power instead of losing capacity over time. There's a huge population out there who don't have desk jobs and do not have convenient power supply access in some jobs.20 minutes is an eternity and there's no time to wait to consistently have to plug into a wall, and we don't have to dangle around a power brick or find a way to keep both the phone and charger in the pocket anyways. I would love to see a bigger push to bring back removable batteries, I'm keeping with the Samsung note 4 simply to keep the removable battery, and that is a, and that is a fascinating use case. Because for a moment I was going to say, you don't have time to sit around and plug in your phone for 20 minutes, but you have time to fumble and pop out the battery, because I have to imagine the battery switch with the edit with a note.4 isn't spotless right, like you know, from what I remember that phone on that device, but I do see the point: if you don't have access to an outlet, you don't have access to that power. Then a removable battery makes sense, and you don't want to plug in the cable to the external battery pack and that sort of thing.

So I get it um, but the industry has moved so far away from removable batteries as an option. That- and I don't know if it's a planned obsolescence thing or a way to keep us from you know for giving us a reason to upgrade our phones. But that is a stunning use case of why removable batteries are important to a certain type of user uh yeah, I'm looking at a help, page on, and I'll put the link here in case you get to it in time Burke, but I'm looking at a help page on Verizon for Galaxy Note, 4 removing the battery, and it really does see as seem as simple as like popping off the back, the back cover like just prying the corner and then popping out the battery uh. So it's a pretty easy, fast switch if you're a paramedic, and you're you're in the vehicle. While it's on transit somewhere, probably pretty easy for you to just flip it open, throw something in there and power up your phone compared to like finding an outlet pulling out the charger pulling it in waiting there for it and everything I totally get it um.

I'm amazed that you're still rocking the note four, it's going to stop yeah. I was going to say that, and also I'm scared, because I want to know that your phone is updated, and you're safe, and you still have everything you need sounds like he has everything blink and blinking at the screen to just you know, that's that's why yeah, but bringing a removable battery would just it would take away you're wanting to toss out the phone to get a new one. Well, that would certainly yeah yeah. Keep you from upgrading. I get it um.

I don't know. Furthermore, I wonder if a phone one of the know massive battery phones is like at some point. You're going to have to upgrade the note 4 right, like it's 2014. Uh, so we're going on seven years on this device. Like I'm amazed, that's an eternity yeah.

I know that's crazy yeah. I was a different person when the note 4 came out like completely different yeah, I'm trying to think about like what uh nine okay, I just did a really quick search. The droidguy. com has nine best phones with a remote removable battery in 2021, and you know: Samsung Galaxy s5 wait a minute galaxy. What are you talking about? That's old uh, galaxy j7, I guess they're saying it still works.

I don't know Nokia, one lg, g5 yeah, there's no new phones on here. These are all pretty old. So I don't know what you do when your phone is done! Yeah, question: it's a question: it's a question for the person who sent in the email of the week, so you could have the email of the week. If there is something that you feel as if you need to tell us about or that you need to yell at us about or whatnot you can email us at AAA twit. TV, or you can send us a voicemail 347 show AAA.

You can also email, voicemails or email video emails. We haven't gotten any of those. It would be great if the email of the week was eventually a voicemail or some sort of video. No one has stepped up to that challenge and I feel like that would even be like the super email of the week that we would need a new, sound effect yeah. It would be like it would be like that, but with a ringing uh more of a fanfare, more of a fanfare, I'm thinking like marching band level yeah like, so I'm just I'm just creating work for Burke now.

So I should also specify we do from time to time get voicemails and video mail. The problem is when you guys send them. Sometimes you send them really long they're like three to four minutes, and we can't play that, and it's like. I don't have the time to edit it down. Sometimes I do, but usually I don't so.

If you're going to leave us a voicemail or a video mail, keep it short a minute like keep it in a minute. Please, oh, I was gonna, say 30, I was gonna, say 30 seconds aim for 30 seconds and end up at a minute. That's that's your sweet spot, all right, yeah, so yeah, and you'll have way more likelihood of actually getting uh into the show and becoming the email of the week. All right, uh, no more work for you. Burke takes the rest of the night off after we're done here.

Uh we've reached the end of the episode uh all about android, I'm happy you like that. Um yeah we've reached the end of this episode. No more android talk about it, there's probably plenty of android news to talk about, but we can only fit so much into this show, and it's been a lot of fun flow. Tell us what you're up to how's your new uh, your new gig, going very it's very busy. It's its very busy, but busy is good because he's good um.

I have an author page at gizmodo. com. So if you want to go see my writings, you can just go to gizmodo. com and search for my name or google it whatever you want to do um. I also I write for the site every day.

Uh also you can go to florenceion. com if anybody saw the screenshot that just popped up said florenceion. com in the search query on gizmodo. com, which is very meta. I appreciate that there we go there's all of them.

There we go there. We go, I'm also on the relay FM network. Don't forget, I do a podcast over there with Andy notch. We talk a little more about google uh if you want to come over there and check us out it posts after this podcast awesome from me. Thank you, Flo good work on gizmo do and all the things that you do also thank you to Ron what uh? What do you want to talk about all the things I do? No, you can go to uh, Twitter and Instagram rondo to follow me on both those platforms for my special brand of nonsense, um but, more importantly, check out orbit we're in the Google Play Store.

You download the orbit app for android, as well as also in the iOS App Store and keep track of your pinball scores. We just released a major new update to the app super excited. It works a lot, smoother a lot better, and we release some other cool stuff. You can find it all at score bit. Io uh, where we also sell devices that you can put into your pinball machine to connect them to the internet.

We have lots of fun. We like pinball, so uh go check that out at score bit. Io love it. Thank you Ron. Also, big thanks to Burke at the studio for putting up with us and our constant uh, uh jokes about zoom and skype.

Uh, you know it's a back channel joke, but uh we keep him busy uh we're always we're always pulling the rug out from under him. So thanks for not giving up on us Burke, also big thanks to victor behind the scenes editing. This show that you see each and every week you wouldn't get this show without victor uh, doing his magic behind the scenes. So thank you victor for that uh. As for me, you know I'm here on the twit network.

Just doing shows, participating uh, you know being on, shows, producing, shows uh checking out the IRC chat and the discord chat right now. It's a fun job, so uh just go to twit. TV. You'll. See me on other shows, like tech, news, weekly and doing a lot more uh, don't forget to continue wearing your mask.

Please appreciate that. You're doing that, and thank you for this week's episode for joining us for this week's episode of all about android. We publish this show every Tuesday evening. So all you really need to do is go to twit TV AAA. If you haven't done that already you go there, you subscribe uh audio video YouTube, don't really care just subscribe! That way, you get the episode and each and every week, and you don't even have to think about it and uh yeah.

That's it for this week's episode. We'll see you next time on all about android bye-bye, I'm waving furiously goodbye have a great week hey. I hope you enjoyed that podcast episode. If you would like to check out more about tech news, then you should check out tech news weekly with me: Micah Sargent, my co-host Jason Howell, where we interview the people making and breaking the tech news every week.

Source : All About Android

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