Samsung Galaxy Watch 4: this feature will change your life ! By ANYTHINGSAMSUNGEXPERT

Aug 13, 2021
Samsung Galaxy Watch 4: this feature will change your life !

Hey guys today we're going to talk about the new galaxy watch.4 and Samsung has announced that there's going to be something they're going to put inside to make this watch more special, and it could be the turning point for the sales this year, and it's going to come out very, very soon, and I'm very excited to announce what is this? Okay, we already reviewed the none series, the zero 3 and the iPhone now it's time for the smartwatch. So let's get the video rolling so, like I said before, if you haven't subscribed my channel yet make sure you do so because I'm going to put more content every single week to make your phone more special and the last video that I post it was very useful for everyone. Everybody likes it. So if you haven't watched it, please click at the top, and it will lead you to the previous video. So let's get started, so I'm very happy to announce that Samsung has announced that this watch can measure your blood glucose. Okay, your diabetes measurements, everything! So you don't need your blood tips anymore.

They don't need to take out your blood anymore. Everything is on the watch they're going to use some type of laser to measure your diabetes, which is pretty, pretty good, because this could save a lot of life and Samsung is working on this really, really hard, and it's going to be available very, very soon, and this could help Samsung to sell more galaxy watch for we're not sure if this available on the galaxy active 4, but for sure it will be available on the galaxy watch 4. And maybe on the previous watch, galaxy watch, 3 or galaxy watch, we're not sure. Okay subscribe. My channel share this video and this is the biggest update on the Samsung site.

Alright, have a nice day stay safe, bye, bye, peace out.


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