Samsung Galaxy S21 vs. iPhone 12 Pro - 5G Test (T-Mobile) By esthetech

By esthetech
Aug 13, 2021
Samsung Galaxy S21 vs. iPhone 12 Pro - 5G Test (T-Mobile)

All right guys keeping this one real simple. So what I'm doing here is going to be a 5g test, I'm in the Washington DC area, I'm going to go to three separate locations that are about 10 11 miles apart, I'm kind of in the middle location right now, and I'm going to be testing the Qualcomm x, 65g modem, that's on this galaxy s21, and then I'm going to put that against the Qualcomm x, 55 5g modem, that's on the iPhone 12 Pro! So let's get started here, speed test and start with this s21 and go: let's see what we get here: good, pretty good! So far, some focus issues. Sorry about that. Obviously I'm in the car. All right, you see the upload speeds 307 on download, pretty good all right. Let us get the iPhone into the action here all right here we go iPhone 12 Pro oops and speed test, sorry for any shaking guys on all right booms go.

You know pretty good too so far, it has not quite reached speeds that the s21 did on the download, but pretty close, it's pretty good. Oh uploads, pretty comparable. In fact, the iPhone slightly higher on the upload speed slower on the download all right, so there you see it so at the next stop. I will test again all right now back to the testing spot number two or stop number two I should say, and that was our old test. Let's start again, here we go there's a bit of a glare.

You can see the download speeds there again. Three different stops here in the Washington DC area, so 5g upload, speed, it's 19 download was 90 on the Samsung Galaxy s21 and the x65g modem from Qualcomm. Let us get our iPhone in here all right, iPhone time the x55 Qualcomm 5g modem, and this one seems to be performing better in this spot. That's interesting as far as the download speeds are concerned. At the first stop, the s21 beat the iPhone and download the iPhone, beat the s21 and upload speeds, and here it was the other way around.

Second stop download speeds were faster on the Qualcomm x55 5g modem on the iPhone 12 Pro, but upload speeds were a little faster on the s21 again in practical day-to-day use. You're, probably not going to notice any of these differences, it's not going to matter too much, but you know just for uh academic sake. Uh. We will test in one more spot, all right, guys back home, and I typically don't have the best 5g signal at home, but I think it's been improving lately. So let's go to our third and final test here, starting with the Samsung Galaxy s21 and the x 65g modem from Qualcomm.

Let's see what we get all right so far, so good, pretty good speeds here, I think, definitely beats the Lt to LTE speeds. I was getting in this neck of the woods, so we got 103 downloads upload, not very spectacular, got up to 10.7 all right so on to the iPhone oops. Have this upside down and speed test there? You see the 5g signal and let's go. Oh. That is interesting.

That is a lot slower on this third and final test than the s21, and I kind of expected that, and I'll tell you why in a second, let's let this test finish, get our upload speeds. Now upload is a little better, all right! So well, not really upload is 10.5 uh on the iPhone 10.7 on the s21, so about the same slightly better on the s21, but the download speeds huge difference, 103 to 24.9. So I'll tell you what I can glean from these three tests. That we did is that when there's a pretty strong signal, pretty strong 5g signal, these have pretty comparable, download and upload speeds, but when it comes to actually receiving a 5g signal, just reception in general you're going to be better off with the s21 when signal strength is weaker on the iPhone, and you get the slower data speeds there on 5g, they stay pretty high on the s21. So again at uh at max speeds.

I guess where, where signal is strong, they're pretty comparable but uh? Where signal fades off a little where reception fades off a little, the s21 does better. So that is your 5g test between the Samsung Galaxy s21 5g and the iPhone 12 Pro the s21 with the x60 5g modem from Qualcomm, and it's the x55 5g modem from Qualcomm on the iPhone.

Source : esthetech

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