Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra Tip For Game Lovers To Prevent FPS DROPS When Playing Your Favourite Titles By Android Doctor

By Android Doctor
Aug 14, 2021
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra Tip For Game Lovers To Prevent FPS DROPS When Playing Your Favourite Titles

Yo, it's UV android doctor back again with another video, so I'm here with the Samsung Galaxy, s21 ultra okay, so this is going to be a quick video guys for all you game lovers out there, I'm going to show you a nice neat little trick, you can call it a tips and tricks type video, and I'm going to show you how you can prevent fps frame rate drops whilst you're playing your favorite games. Okay, so you don't need to download any third party applications or root the device um. All you have to do is just make one simple adjustment within the game: booster application. So I'm going to start up Fortnite and then just show you exactly how to make the adjustment okay. So this will work with any other game, not just Fortnite um. So just launch any game that you like to play just launch your favorite game and then all you have to do is just swipe in from the side of the display there, and you will see a shortcut for the game.

Booster feature. Okay. So if you select monitoring memory- okay, let's do that again. Okay, so if you select monitoring memory and then scroll down to auto, manage performance, just turn it off and now that it's off, you can read what it's all about, so automatically reduce audio volume and video frame rate when the phone's temperature gets too high and close background apps when memory is low. So when this is on, that's exactly what it's going to do.

It's automatically going to reduce the audio volume and the video frame rates when the phone's temperature gets high when it gets too high, and it's also going to close the background. Apps and memory is low. So now that this is off, it won't do that, so you will not have any frame rate drops whilst you're gaming guys. So this is a nice useful tip that I thought I would share with you guys, if you're a game lover, just like myself, see by the android doctor. If this video helped you out, you already know what to do.

Give it a thumbs up. Also share this video, and I'm out see in the next video deuces.

Source : Android Doctor

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