Review Lenovo Tab M10 HD (2nd Gen) 2020 By BadEnglishReview

By BadEnglishReview
Aug 15, 2021
Review Lenovo Tab M10 HD (2nd Gen) 2020

Hello guys, you will know what up m10 HD this second gen version of this tablet: Wi-Fi version 64 gigabytes, intel memory in the iron gray, color, okay, look complication in complication. We have tablet key for sim slot and quick guide, and on this we have micro, USB, cable and adapter for charging. That's all computation tablet made of metal and plastic this on this and this on the back side, 8 megapixel, main camera on the front side, and each display and front camera downside dock station connections, upside slot, for micro, SD card power, key and long keys, and on this side, USB type support speaker and this we have other headphones jack and second speaker. Okay, turn on device. HD resolution display open settings about tablet: android 10, okay, display, IPS, open test, look results: the blue media attack empty uh, 87 68, four plus four cores supposed bit.1.8 and 2.3 gear gets the pull power where resolution and display prepay okay, test results. Welcome to the benchmark results, okay, under the benchmark, we don't have results until the benchmark doesn't work on this device.

Okay, look! How on guitar center is the money gain volcanic device on the medium graphic level, the game works good on the medium graphic level, without legs and glitches. Okay, close this, and now I'll show you photos on the main camera. That's all thanks for watching this video bye, bye.

Source : BadEnglishReview

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