Razer Phone 2's charging port not working By Johniel Jagonap

By Johniel Jagonap
Aug 21, 2021
Razer Phone 2's charging port not working

Okay, hello, so I'm redoing my razor phone to my charging port. It's not functioning and it doesn't charge. So what I'm going to use is this razor? This is my own razor block charger, so it is currently connected to my wireless charger razor. So you know that it's its functioning because melanin once I plug it in my razor charger is working and once I put my razor phone there, it's gonna there you go the charging, and you know it's charging, because the chroma is lighting and when it turned off, you will see that it's charging rapidly, so currently my battery's on 93 percent, alright, so I'm going to take it out and now what I'm going to use is my this one, my own razor charger, I'm going to put this into my charging port and wait for it so fit and snugly in nothing. So no notice that it's charging when you turn on the screen. It is also not charging in here still 93 percent, so I'm going to try to reconnect it just to make sure I'm doing it right.

So there's a click so no charging, it's not charging yeah. So no notice of charging as well. There you go! So that's the issue on my phone that my charging port is not working properly now, so I cannot charge it through that good thing. Raiser phone to have the wireless charging capability, so I can still use it via this razor phone to wireless. Thank you.

Source : Johniel Jagonap

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