LG Velvet Dual Screen VS. Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 - Quick Comparison By Ians Tech

By Ians Tech
Aug 14, 2021
LG Velvet Dual Screen VS. Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 - Quick Comparison

Hey there guys welcome to another video in today's video. I just want to do a quick comparison between the lg velvet with dual screen and the Samsung Galaxy z fold 2. So both of these are pretty unique phones. However, they are both at different price points and offer kind of a different experience with each. So the lg velvet came out back in July and has been since released on all carriers runs between 600 and seven hundred dollars for just the phone itself. It's a traditional slab style phone that we all know and love.

Uh comes with water resistance, great processor, great cameras, all that great stuff. However, you do you can get this dual screen accessory and that adds a whole other screen to it as well as using it as a case, and that is a 200 accessory so still under a thousand dollars to get something that really adds to the uh smartphone experience. Now, on the other hand, you have the Galaxy Z, full 2, which also offers two screens so on the outside. Here you have a 6.2 inch display, it is quite narrow, but on the inside you do get a complete tablet like experience with a 7.6 inch display, and it is a folding display. So definitely something.

I think that the future will hold is having a tablet in our pocket. I think that is really, really cool. Now this futuristic form factor comes at quite a price comes in at two thousand dollars, U. S. , so um.

Let's just take a look at them and see which one might be better for you. So again, as I said under a thousand dollars for the lg velvet, with a dual screen accessory or a completely futuristic type device. That offers a tablet like experience for two thousand dollars now mind you, you can still go out and get the first generation z-fold to or the first generation fold, which offers a similar form factor and everything. But you're going to have last year's specs, not a big deal. The lg velvet does offer a lower end processor in it um and doesn't have 120 hertz display and some other compromises.

But that's not the point of this video. I just wanted to compare the form factors of these and what you can do with each so, let's go ahead and take a look all right. So just taking a quick look at the velvet dual screen here. So on the front, you do get a little display with some notification uh information here, so you get time date, uh different notifications, battery and that kind of thing, and then on the inside, obviously is where the magic happens here. So you have two of the same exact panels.

So two 6.8 inch displays both 1080p, both 60 hertz, no difference between them, so you have uniform color and everything like that, perfect there uh. So obviously what you can do here is open up two different apps. At the same time, if you wanted to do that, so pretty cool there and uh, you can also stretch apps if you want to so say, I wanted to stretch this app across the screen or swap it. You can swap it across the screen to the other side. So you have this little tiny, uh menu right here gives you a couple different options here.

So, in addition that you have some gestures, you can use to swipe it across the screens. If you want to do that, whichever thing you want to do there and uh in addition to that, you can also show them in wide view. So it's not the best experience. However, as you can see, this is a video huge bezel in the center, and then you can even turn it, and you still get quite a bit of it cut off so in full screen. It's not going to look the greatest and, as you can see, poor guy his head is just cut in half, but it's perfect for I'd say for multitasking, because you could have multiple apps open at the same time, so you could say have either two or you could even have four you.

So you could have one two, three four apps on these screens at the same time, pretty cool there. So another cool thing is: you can set multi-apps multiple apps to open at the same time, so you can set these yourself, but they have a couple of um examples here you can use. So we have the gallery and the camera so hit that both of them open at the same time pretty cool there and uh. Then they have gallery and quick memo. So there you go so pretty cool there.

So uh you do get the two screens. You can do it full screen. However, it's not a really great experience if you're trying to do full screen multitasking, because you do have that huge bezel in the center, but still really cool. So another really cool thing on the lg velvet stool screen. That's offered is a game pad, and it can be on either screen, and you can basically use the game on one display and have the game pad on the other, and it's pretty cool comes with a couple different options here, so you have a console racing style, arcade style, basic style as well as uh.

You can create your own custom one. So another really cool addition, however, only compatible with certain games, but a really nice way to use that dual screen and taking a look at the Galaxy Z fold 2 here so on the front display you get a 6.2 inch display at a resolution of 2260 by 816, 25x9 and 386 PPI, so it is still a gorgeous display. It is 60 hertz. It is, however, quite narrow, so I don't think they're really meant for people to use this display full time, because they want you to use that inner display, which is absolutely beautiful, but for using in a pinch or using as a traditional smartphone. This is great to use so just to show you uh real, quick, how things look here.

So if you are saying a text conversation just to show you, the um keyboard here is quite a bit quite narrow, so it is quite narrow, not really typing anything. But anyway you still have swipe and all the other good stuff that you want to use on here, uh just quite narrow and then just to show you real, quick on YouTube. How a video would look here, we'll just take a look at um, so tech odyssey, Mr Adam right here, so he just had his live, show here and uh. So the video on here is quite small. One cool thing here, though, is you, can open this up a little and use it in kind of tent mode, so you can use it in tent mode.

There watch a video that way. If you want to you, don't need a stand or anything. So that's pretty cool and uh. Another cool thing here is that if you do start something on the main or on this uh front screen, you can continue it on the inside screen, simply by opening it up so voil?, and we have our video continuing right here on the inner display and just keep the specs on this display. It is a 7.6 inch, ex, GA plus dynamic ammo led, so it has an uh, interesting aspect, ratio of 22.5 to 18. They call it an infinity flex display and then 2208 by 1768 resolution, 373 PPI and 120 hertz, refresh rate, so quite a bit different from what you're getting with the lg velvet.

You are getting an absolute beautiful display here I'll go ahead and pause Adam here. Um this display is a kind of GL. I guess that what they call glass stick, so it's kind of a plastic display. You can obviously see the crease here. However, I will say after using this for um a little over a week now or well, almost two weeks now uh.

It has not really bothered me very much because once you actually get into using the device and using um watching video and everything like that, you really don't notice it as much as you think you would now. Another thing people will mention here is the fact that you do have that camera cut out right there in the middle of the display. However, if you've seen the galaxy fold, one that was uh a lot bigger and a lot more intrusive than this, so not a big deal there. So that's absolutely one thing: I love about the Galaxy Z fold.2. Are you get this absolutely beautiful, full screen experience, but you do have multitasking in here as well, which I'll show you so just like the lg velvet, the z-fold 2 offers quite a bit as far as multitasking is concerned.

You have this beautiful 7.6 inch display, so you can open up a bunch of apps, and it is a nice experience so just to show you here on the side here we do have a little slide out panel right here, where you can have a shortcut to your most used or favorite um apps. So at the top here you can see recently used right here. So I did try this already with three different apps, and you can even have shortcuts to multiple apps right here. So this one is for the internet browser and YouTube and, as you can see, pops them right open there. They are completely independent right here, so they run just fine, and you can also turn the device and then get them into landscape mode where they're stretched out just a little more.

So you can be watching a video texting at the same time, whatever you want to do there. In addition to that, you can also resize these. So if you want to make YouTube a bit bigger, you can do that right there, and we can do the same for the opposite, app right there. Another thing you can do is go back to that same little slide out panel say we want to bring in the play, store and just hold it, bring it over right here and then pick an area, and it'll bring it right there as the main app, or you can bring it over and then bring it to the top, and, as you can see, it's only taking up that top portion right there and if you wanted to switch them just hold on to this little tab and switch them right there, and they'll swap you can go in and resize, and I've seen people have up to. I think six apps on the display at once.

I don't know how well that would work really with this, but still really cool. Nonetheless, so you do have quite a bit of multitasking capability, so if I get out of this here, if I go back to that slide out panel, as you can see that recently used hot mess that I just had, I can bring that right back and mess with it further from there. So really cool and uh. Really nice multitasking support right there. So you have quite a few different options to use multiple apps.

So there you have it just a quick look and comparison between the lg velvet with dual screen and the z-fold 2. Both of these can do really great with multitasking. It just depends on how you want to view it so on the lg velvet, lg v60 and similar lg phones you're, going to have that two screen method right here with the large bezel in there. So it may not be great for full screen viewing, but you can have you know three to four different apps on either screen uh and use it that way versus the Galaxy Z fold: two, where you can have a bunch of apps on this one beautiful display and be able to do a bunch of different things at the same time, or you can have this one tablet size display for media consumption, and what have you so? The only problem here is the price. So if you want that z-fold 2- and you want that large display like that, it's either buy a tablet or buy this, and this is two thousand dollars.

So I can't stress how much that is. It is obnoxiously, expensive, um. However, the lg velvet is a much cheaper option, so under a thousand dollars, eight nine hundred bucks- and you get this awesome- multitasking experience there. So anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this quick video um. I just wanted to show the multitasking capability and the difference between them, so the dual screen and the tablet style right here anyway, guys hope you enjoyed this video.

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Source : Ians Tech

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