LG K51 water test? waterproof? By all about phones

By all about phones
Aug 15, 2021
LG K51 water test? waterproof?

Heroin I'll be doing water tests on this lgk51, as you can see right here, fully working phone brand new, I'm gonna, splash some water first and then see if it's going to survive. Now, I'm going to put in the water for about two minutes, and then we'll see if it's gonna fully survive. So here it is I'm living here turning water on okay, let's see if it's going to survive. Let's see the camera. Camera is working. Fine, as you can see right here.

Let's see the sound, it sounds like there's some water in it, but it's still working fine as always fully working. So just a little of water is fine. So now I'm going to put in the wad for two minutes. Let's, let's see if this is going to survive this stuff, two minutes starting right here, the phone's still doing good, there are some bubbles coming out from somewhere or something I just saw a few, maybe from the bottom, not anymore. Okay, I guess.

Let's keep waiting the screen just turned off. Let's keep waiting, see how much then we still have. It's only been for 30 seconds. There are some bubbles coming out from here and on the side too. This phone is definitely not waterproof by algae standards, but we'll see right now if it's going to survive, but as you can see, there are bubbles coming out from the top right there.

So I assume water is getting in and on the side right there I saw a couple more somewhere right there. I don't know where it said where it's coming from for sure, but we'll find out in a little. Don't turn it off 40 seconds left now we'll see if it's going to survive fully, I'm going to try to turn it on whoops. Now we're going to check both phones 19 seconds left. Now we can do water test on both phones.

Okay, it's almost done two minutes in water. One more bubble came out. Okay, it's done boom and I think the phone is dead. No, it's still alive still working. That's insane shocking, but camera still working fine, as you can see.

Let's zoom it out still works. Let's see the sound, I don't see any water on. Actually there is water under the screen. You can see the water got into the phone, so I would say, stay away from the water for a real long time, but if it's just for a little, it's fine, let's see the sun if it's still working yeah the sound still coming out. It just sounds like there's something in it, I'll.

Let you know guys if this phone is going to die in couple days. I wanna still see it. What's going to happen to it, so you can see the camera. There is no water, but otherwise it survived. So except this on the screen, you can see there's a little of water on this side too.

So water was getting inside nothing on the top. I don't see anything thanks for watching if you like this video, please like and subscribe for more videos, bye, bye,.

Source : all about phones

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