Lenovo Tab P12 Pro - This New Leak SHOCKED US! By ALLSTARSPACE

Aug 14, 2021
Lenovo Tab P12 Pro - This New Leak SHOCKED US!

Hey guys welcome back. I hope you are doing well today. Let me know how you feel. Is it good? Is it bad if you're good, and I'm good? Apparently the top p12 pole Lenovo tab? P12 pro has been listed on a Google play console and let me tell you this: it already has been labeled as a tapas, 8 competitors, believe it or not. It is an interesting choice to make. I think, because there are not many choices out there when it comes to android tablet.

Well, let me rephrase there aren't many good choices out there when it comes to android tablets, and let me disagree with the statement right away. Yes, I'm going to be the one, and it doesn't matter. If you call me a fanboy or whatever you comment say: no, I'm going to disagree with that statement. It is not a tabs 8 competitor, it can't be- and this is purely related on my experience with devices just press and hold the power button until tablet turns off press and hold the volume plus volume minus. At the same time, then press the power button, while still holding the volume plus volume minus to turn on the tablet, select wipe data factory reset and then step number five select how to reset info reboot system.

Now I don't know I want to go for this stuff honestly now think about it. Who in the right might want to encounter constant issues when they open up their devices when they press the power button? I can already see and hear people screaming. Yes, you, I know you, you probably work for Lenovo. You love Lenovo, but hear me out before you say: yeah, it's a faulty device. You have that you need to exchange it and then other people say well, you don't know what you're doing, and you were too old.

And yes, you know what that is harsh, but I'll. Take it well. Well, I'll tell you one thing: I do know how to power on off a device and shocking. I know, and I can't be bothered because it involves five steps. I think I've done it differently before, and I pressed all the available buttons, and then it worked.

But today it doesn't work. I don't know why, and I'm getting bored with stuff that just simply doesn't work, and it's being labeled as pro or wants to be some sort of pro device, and let's pack this for one second, because there's another side to the coin right, because all the people that making these claims are basically people who are labeling themselves as reviews or whatever it is, and they're actually not using the devices they're looking at spec sheets and what have you, and it is, it is no judgment, it is what it is, but these people don't really encounter what I have encounter, but let's take one step by and let's see what is so incredibly good about the top p12 pro apparently solved and why it has the potential to beat the upcoming tapas. Apparently. So, according to the listing, it comes with a snapdragon, 888 and 8 gigabytes of ram. There 's's more: no, there isn't.

No, there isn't. No, it is okay. Okay! Apparently it also comes with a pixel with a screen resolution of 1600 by 2560 with a pixel density of 240. Yeah. Well, that's it shall I just make something up then, or what okay? Okay, by looking at the top 11 pro by the top 11 people top t11 pro, you know what I mean it will most likely come with an older display, and it will come in between 11 and 12 inch if we go by what the uh tap p11 pro was because if it is a true successor of that, then it should come in at 11.5 inch to be precise here, okay, so having digested all the information thus far, I cannot see this being a competitor at all. To the top is eight tabs is eight plus type? Is eight ultra choose one, and I'm sorry, but hey, hey, you know what I am open-minded.

So if you Lenovo anybody else wants to send me one once it comes out. You know what I will do it. Let's do it, let's roll! Let's really have a look at it and then let's see what it is all about, because the listing itself suggests an imminent launch. If you go back again to the top p11 pro, we know that it has been released. Last august, so the listing the appearance of that very same listing for the top p12 pro really could mean an imminent launch and what I did notice, though, in this period of time.

Usually it's really quiet. You have the galaxy unpacked event coming and that's always happening in August, but the competition is really, really heating up, and I don't know why, what's up with Google and pre-announcing, that pixel 6, what now we've seen pictures and now what you still have to announce it and show us and whatever? Is it because of the galaxy unpacked event next week that people are getting nervous? Usually that means, if you get pushback or something like that happens, then you are on the right track, but I don't know, but what I do know I will share with you right now, and this is my experience, and I'm not going to sugarcoat this for anybody out there. So I'm sorry, if I offend anybody here, but the most reliable devices and or companies I have encountered over time- is number one. Samsung's number, two apple, every other device. I have had issues basically broke down at one point in life, and it wasn't even like a year old or longer than that my pixel phone, some of them, don't even work anymore.

So I'm not going to buy the new pixel phone. It doesn't matter what it looks like it doesn't matter. What camera you put in my Pixelbook go: just went black, never came back on, and it was just a couple of days out of warranty. So thank you. Google just lost a thousand dollars right here right there, Microsoft, service devices and I love them.

I do love them because I'm I have a somehow I'm drawn to this, but again some of them failed on me and when I say flaws, I don't mean any workarounds we can live with. I mean that the devices have been or have broken down. So what I'm trying to get at here is that I am I'm willing to consider the top p12 pro Lenovo t12 pro as a worthy competitor to the upcoming tapas 8 if Lenovo starts fixing and getting there together. So if you are up for this tablet, you can buy it of me, and then you can buy it in FFB mode. So whatever you want to do with it, you can reset it, and I'm comfortable to go for the steps right now.

I wanted to do some b-roll shots, but I can't be bothered either. This is the top 11 top p 11 pauls. So this is what it looks like. This is your b-roll. For today, every time I put on the device, I have a FFAM mode, a BS mode, you, whatever you want to call it.

I have to reset this device, and it goes back to the Lenovo duet Chromebook. I had the same similar issue, not the same issues, similar issues, and it is all captured on videos and actually made a comparison there as well, but so far I didn't have any fantastic experience with the Lenovo devices. So as long as that isn't fixed, I'm sorry guys. It's not ain't going to happen, not in my house. So having said that, I am always excited to see new products and new releases.

So if when the top p12 pro comes out, I'm going to get it, and we'll put it through the paces, and hopefully I won't see any mode, so I have to reset it, but guys. Let me know which devices and or companies you prefer, even if it is Lenovo I want to know which device. Maybe I am just unlucky. I want to be fair here. It is my war experience thus far, but let me know which devices and the companies you have had good experience with.

So until next time I miss you. Peace out.


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