iPhone X vs Galaxy S9 Speed Test! By Nick Ackerman

By Nick Ackerman
Aug 15, 2021
iPhone X vs Galaxy S9 Speed Test!

Well we've been waiting for this one, a long time the iPhone 10 versus the Samsung Galaxy s, 9, which one is quicker. Look at that lilac just shine yeah, that's definitely a standout color in this crowded market, but let's go ahead and boot up these phones at the same time, in three two and one and see which one can boot up. First now, iPhone has typically been one of the fastest phones to boot up of any phone on the market, but the s9 is no slouch when it comes to this regard. The pixel 2 is the fastest Android phone I've seen the boot, but let's see if the s9 can keep up with Apple's an 11 Bionic and three gigs of RAM I'm, not sure if it will win here, but now the iPhone 10 wins slightly, but only by a hair. So you know you could call this basically a draw, but we're going to have to give it to the iPhone 10 by a hair. Okay.

So, let's quickly just power them on off the lock screen I just want to see which one does respond a little faster. So it looks like the 10 there, one more time, three, two one you could see about the same, so I don't see big difference. The reason I do this test is that back in the day there was a delay all the time on Android devices, so I like to give it a little check here. So it looks like they're about the same on the lock screen, maybe slightly faster to respond on the 10, but this is no big deal looks about equal here, okay. So, let's begin at this facial recognition test between the iPhone 10 and the s 9 with the iPhone 10, starting with face ID.

Here we go, you can see. It responds no problem there for the iPhone 10 one more time and no problem, but there is a swipe up mechanism which just slow down the speed of it. Opening. Let's try the s9 now, okay, so we have the Samsung Galaxy s 9. Now, if you do get this correctly, this should be faster than the iPhone 10 with intelligent scan.

So here we go in three two one, and you can see. While it does take a little longer to respond, you don't have to do two swipes, so they kind of make up in that regard. So let's do this one more time, three, two one. So you can see if you do get it to work it does. You know, recognize you faster and just goes right into the phone on like a two-step method, like you get on the iPhone 10 and there's a lot of ways to set up biometrics here for the s9 to where you can kind of customize it to your own liking.

Okay, so for a very short confirmation, iOS eleven point two point: six: you can see Android Oreo on the S, nine okay guys. So here we are with the application speed test. You can see. All apps are closed out for the s.9 both are connected. The same Wi-Fi network, $1,000 plus 720.

Here for the galaxy s 9, let's begin with calendar three two one, and you can see calendar is first for the galaxy s, nine coming home. You can see they're about the same, to go home. What about weather three two one, and you can see weather response first for the iPhone 10 I do think that Apple's weather is one of the best in the business. Let's go into calculator, and you can see that's first for the s nine. Now that gesture does bring iPhone home faster than ever before, but it's kind of just matching Android.

When it comes to coming home from an app let's go into settings you can see. That is definitely the s nine coming home. Let's go into Instagram! You can see s nine again in the lead, but the iPhone 10 looks like ahead. It fully loaded first I'm gonna. Give that one to the ten let's go on to Twitter you can see.

Twitter is an easy win for the Galaxy S nine. Let's go into WhatsApp and WhatsApp's a win for ds9: let's go into snapchat, again a win for the s9: let's go into YouTube and YouTube loads. First there for the s nine coming home, let's go into Amazon! So what happens here for Amazon boom on the S nine? And there is the iPhone 10, let's go into Chrome and you can see. Chrome opens first for the s 9. The s.9 is just rocking it here, let's go into Lightroom and you can see. Lightroom is first for the s 9, but let's go into Netflix.

Netflix is first I didn't see that one I think that was pretty close. Let's go into gaming, here's where the iPhone 10 should win. Let's go a jetpack joyride, and you could see a jump on the iPhone 10 and, yes, it takes down the s9. So still, Android has not caught up with iPhones gaming. Let's go into dead, trigger and again looks like the iPhone 10 has the jump in it wins again.

So the gaming goes to the iPhone 10, let's go into CSR racing and let's see what happens here, and it looks like the iPhone 10 has the jump again. Ghana the galaxy s.9 definitely looks like it won that one. So that's a win there for the iPhone 10, so the iPhone 10 strikes back in the gaming round. Let's go into Geek bench and you can see. Geek bench is first for the iPhone 10 and speed test and speed test opens first for the s9 okay.

So now, let's run through them backwards and see which one is faster: I'm the multitasking, and it's going to speed test and I could tell you right now that the RAM management has gotten better on the s9 I'm, not saying it's perfect, but it's gotten better over the s8 and that one was a tie. Let's go on a geek bench. You could see the s8, let's go into CSR and that's the iPhone 10. We do have a reload there for the s9, let's go into dead trigger, and you can see about the same there, let's go into jetpack and that looked a little better on the iPhone 10 and let's come home and let's go into Netflix and I, look better on the s9. Let's go into Lightroom that looked better on the s9.

Let's go into Chrome that looked about the same, let's go into Amazon and that looks about the same, maybe slightly to the 10. Let's go onto YouTube that one goes to the 10. Let's go into Snapchat and Snapchat goes to the 10. Let's go on to WhatsApp that one's about the same. Let's go into Twitter! That's the iPhone 10! Let's go into Instagram! That's the iPhone 10! Let's go into settings that looked very similar! You call that one down below, let's go into the calculator that look like the iPhone 10.

Let's come home, let's go into the weather and the Samsung weather doesn't actually hold in memory. It always has to reload. So keep that in mind so that one's not really fair, let's go into calendar and that looked like Samsung. But you can see that $300 difference here, and what are you getting a millisecond, a half a second different on your day-to-day applications in the real world opening times games yeah slightly faster, the iPhone 10, but if you're playing a game, you're, probably kicking back and relaxing, and who really cares about a second or two on the game? So I just want to stress that both of these phones are extremely fast in the day to day, and they're definitely sitting on top of the hill when it comes to formats, okay, so here's an area where the iPhone would usually always beat an Android was when you were in a browser, and you had multiple tabs open, the iPhone could usually hold them better, so I loaded up five applications or five websites here within Chrome to see if any of them reload here. So let's go into Nick Ackerman Channel.

You could see no problems there. Let's go into cnet. com. You could see a little twitch there on the iPhone 10, let's go into the Yahoo, and it looks like the s9 was a little faster. Let's go into YouTube and slightly faster to the s9.

Let's go to Amazon and you can see about the same so no problems there. Now, let's go into YouTube and actually flip through some of these menus to see if we get any loading differences, so the iPhone 10 about the same activity library looks like the s9, so you can see no matter what you're doing you're getting almost equal performance on both of these devices and lastly, I want to open up the V cameras here on both devices, so we can see which one does open them. First, three, two one and you could see it, look like the s9 might have had that one three, two one, that's a reload and about the same, so camera speed is gonna, be good. You're not gonna, miss a shot on either. Let's finally just run a Geek bench for other people who want a synthetic benchmark and see which one comes out on top CPU run, benchmark, and I'll be back when the scores are in okay, so the final scores are in.

You could see it's a pretty easy win for the iPhone 10 didn't we expect that I mean the Elevens when crushing the benchmarks since day one, but that's a pretty high score for the s9 on that multi that single core, you can argue while older iPhones and have been faster than that for a long time, but you've seen in this test that day to day both of these devices are easily very comparable, and it's not really about the speed anymore. That really matters in a purchasing decision. It's more about the intangibles, the camera. How does the battery life perform? The expandable storage do I get a headphone jack. Do I not get a headphone jack, whatever those little things are for you, that's really how you're going to make your choice and I got a full comparison coming soon, as well as some camera and battery stuff, so stay tuned for that I.

Thank you for watching and make helping you to master your technology be sure to be well and peace?.

Source : Nick Ackerman

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