iPhone 12 Mini - Size Comparison (vs. iPhone XR + iPhone 5) By Super* Review

By Super* Review
Aug 13, 2021
iPhone 12 Mini - Size Comparison (vs. iPhone XR + iPhone 5)

On, this super live unboxing, we're going to take a look at something a little different. This is the iPhone 12 mini and, if you're new to this channel. Well, we normally talk about audio stuff here, but today we're going to talk about this. Actually, if you're into audio, you think you're into audio, maybe you're into something like the Sony xm3s. You should subscribe to this channel because we might be able to blow your mind, but for now we're going to stick to the iPhone, so I am primarily an iPhone user, and for the past couple of years I've actually been using this guy, the iPhone 10r, which it's a good phone. It's in fact, it's still frankly, a great phone like the build quality solid on it, battery life, two years later, still strong and then performance still pretty strong, but the problems that I had with this thing two years ago, and you can go back and watch my review are the same problems I have with it now it's just too big and too heavy.

So what I've been wishing for the past couple of years is that apple would come out with a notched version of this phone. This is the iPhone 5. This was probably my last favorite iPhone, just so small compact in the hand, and I love it, and I'm hoping that the iPhone 12 mini can be that so in this video. This is just going to be a quick unboxing, and we'll do some size comparisons. With my 10r and my iPhone 5 as well.

I've got a kitchen scale, so we can weigh them because that matters to me too, not just how big is it in the hand, but how heavy does it feel so without further ado? Let's go ahead and open up the box of the iPhone 12 mini um, and then we'll do those comparisons, and we'll get on with the show. So, let's go for it here. We've got that little box and just for comparison makes, all right. Here's our iPhone 10r way too big. The 10r is actually big enough that it's taller than the box of the mini interesting.

Then here's our iPhone 5, and you can see that it's a little smaller than the mini, but we don't need to speculate too much there. Let's go ahead and just crack this thing open, and also I just wanted to call out one thing: I think it's nice that apple basically means makes it so that you can unbox your iPhone without ever needing a knife. Does that matter? Yeah, kind of I don't know it's kind of its kind of slick. Let's see what we got inside the box of this mini, so obviously we've got the phone on top, and I did go with the white color to go along with my white 10r. Although you can see well, you can see the colors a little different.

Additionally, we get some well, we get a sim ejector tool, and we get an apple sticker, which is great because I'm going to wear that every day. What do people do with these apple stickers? I feel like I've got a bunch of them, and I've got nothing to do with them, because I don't really want to put a sticker on things. Unsurprisingly, we get an USB cable for charging this thing or syncing it or whatever you'll need to do um. Frankly, I don't think I ever synced my iPhone 12 or my iPhone 10 to my computer. I've only ever used this cable for charging here.

Of course, you do get lightning to USB. This is notable for a couple of reasons, because one I mean it's nice to go with USB, even if it's not on the iPhone end of the cable, but it's also notable because and you've probably heard this already apple is not including charging bricks inside the box. In fact, that is the extent of what is inside this box and all previous charging bricks or most previous charging bricks. In fact, the one that came with my 10r is not expecting an USB connection, so that's a bit of a bummer, but we'll deal with that later, and we'll start digging into this iPhone mini which just on initial impression, this thing is about as compact, as I had hoped for, not quite as compact in the hand as the original iPhone 5, but I think this might be a pretty good compromise. Let's go and turn this thing on: I'm not going to go ahead and log in and set up because that's going to take a while- and nobody wants to sit here and watch me do that, but we can at least do some size comparisons here with the mini and my 10 are, so I don't know what do you think side by side? That is a pretty sizable difference, then I'll, throw in my iPhone 5 over here for comparison.

I think it's definitely much closer to the iPhone 5 size, but it is also definitely a step above. It's going to line these things up on the left bottom edge, so you can get a look at that. It looks like we are about maybe four millimeters thicker on the width side and maybe about six millimeters on the height, but otherwise I don't know fairly comparable devices, and this might be the mini iPhone that I've been hoping for now, let's go ahead and break out the scale. This might be now getting too nerdy for you, but, like I mentioned one, I don't like the size of this iPhone 10r. Almost everything else about this phone is basically perfect for me and there's no reason for me to replace it, but the size of it really does bother me.

It's not just big in the hand, but there's this move, which I think a lot of you have probably done where you hold the phone one-handed, and you rest it on your pinky. Anyone else does that. That's my main way of one-handing this phone and I literally think this phone is heavy enough that it causes me pain in my pinky. Will this one cause me pain? Let's see so weight wise, let's see if we can actually see this on the camera, let's go ahead and turn on my scale. It's going to reset itself sort of zero itself out, and we're going to weigh it in grams, because we are international and because well grams is just kind of easier than ounces and stuff when you're dealing with this much, but let's go and throw the iPhone 10r on here, and we should get a rating of about 194 grams, which is that's what this thing weighs and that is, it turns out 194 grams.

It turns out is a little too heavy for me, the iPhone 5. Let's see about that one 112 grams, did I just ruin my video feed iPhone 5 is 112 grams, which I mean 190. That's you know minus, like 40, that's pretty significant. Now the iPhone 12 mini 135 grams, so 192 114 and 135 definitely much closer to the iPhone 5, and that, frankly, has got me pretty excited about this phone. So I mean that's your size, comparisons and weight of the iPhone 12 mini um.

This is not a review, but what I'm going to do is I'm going to spend some time living with this phone, and I'll come back, and I'll do a review of sorts, but because this is an audio focus channel I'll, probably give it a little of an audio focus spin, which frankly is kind of tough for iPhone, and we'll get into those details. But if you found this video interesting, please hit the like button. If you want to be around for the review subscribe to the channel and if you want to be a part of the next live stream right. What I like to do is I'll record these videos live and, at the end of the live stream, I'll have a little conversation with the folks that are watching live. If you want to be a part of that, I suggest subscribing to the channel and ding the bell so YouTube lets.

You know when I'm live, but otherwise that's going to be the end of this video. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you on the next one.

Source : Super* Review

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