iPhone 12 Mini HUGE PROBLEM! By Simple Alpaca

By Simple Alpaca
Aug 13, 2021
iPhone 12 Mini HUGE PROBLEM!

Welcome back everyone, it's been a minute since I made a video like this on my main channel, but there is another huge problem with not just the all entire iPhone 12 series, but specifically the iPhone 12 mini now. A lot of people have been pretty much complaining about touch sensitivity, issues on the mains panel, also 5g issues and data and text issues as well, but I found another issue which I didn't really see too many people talking about, and I saw last year too for a brief second, but I didn't think it was going to get any worse for these specific iPhones, and it ended up being the case. So basically, what happens is that, as most of you guys know, the iPhone 12 mini? Have you known a lot of ram for an iPhone? Has four gigabytes? Obviously not the most. The 12 pro max has the most with 6 gigs, also the 12 pro, but with 4 gigs. I was expecting it to be better than at least till last year's iPhones, the iPhone 11 right, even with the iPhone SE 2. That has an extra gig less of ram, so that one has three gigs of ram.

The iPhone 12 mini that I have here has four gigs of ram, and basically, what I found was that the iPhone SE 2 both on the same versions, I was 14 all that stuff was actually worse in the ram management than the iPhone SE 2. , and hopefully I go ahead and put that on the display myself, but, as you can see pretty much every single test that I went through the iPhone SE 2 was beating the ram management portion of the test against the iPhone 12 mini, and this is something that's totally ridiculous. In my mind, there's no reason whatsoever that a phone like the iPhone 12 mini should be less than a phone. That's the most budget phone. That apple is making right now for 399.

That just does not make any sense to me. Maybe one thing if this was like the first version of software. It's on this thing is on iOS 14.2, and it's performing less it's faster than the iPhone screen, which is great, but the ram management is less than what the iPhone SE 2 can hold, and that is completely ridiculous. In my mind again, this phone costs 729 dollars brand new, the iPhone SE 2 costs 399 brand new, and that phone has 3 gigs of ram. That kind of means that all the other iPhones the iPhone 10 the iPhone 8 plus the iPhone 10r those phones could potentially also be you know, having better ram management than the iPhone 12 mini.

Now I haven't done my full comparisons between those just yet so once I drop those, and I'll make more sense, but Apple needs to address this. I also saw with my iPhone 12 that in some cases the iPhone 11 was doing a little better in the ram management portion, and I don't like this thing. I don't like how it's you know the first version of software, the first phone a couple of months, it's a worse phone, and then it gets better over time. Furthermore, I don't like that. You spend the money now.

I want to get a better phone now, there's no point for it to get better over time, and this is just ridiculous, in my opinion, like with an iPhone 12 mini, it's not a cheap phone by any means.729 is a lot, and it's like 780 closer to 800 when it's all said and done with taxes and everything and with the iPhone SE 2. That's 399 dollars less than 500 brand new, and I don't know that's just so crazy to me and for people who own a sc2. They have to go and handle Reno, poor, ram management and all that and that's not something. I really like you know when you have a phone like this, I don't want it to be restarting the apps every single time, and even if that's the case at least like have it, so you know it performs just as well, if not a little better than other older iPhones that have four gigs of ram, not headphones, that have a less ram than this. It genuinely does not make any sense to me.

So I tested it. Maybe you guys, if you have the phones to test it too, but that's pretty much what I saw, and it's completely ridiculous in my head, so that really pretty much covers it up. If you guys have any other questions or anything. Let me know in the comment section below hit the like button. That means so much but definitely hit that subscribe button, every single subscriber that we get really discount.

So me so much if you guys get hit that also check out the other links down the description as well. My Twitter, my Instagram, my other channels. More importantly, everything else. I love every single one of you, guys, hopefully I'll catch you guys in the next video peace out till then you.

Source : Simple Alpaca

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