How to take background blurred picture in Samsung Galaxy A70s By 5-Minutes Tech

By 5-Minutes Tech
Aug 21, 2021
How to take background blurred picture in Samsung Galaxy A70s

Hello friends welcome to fem, say this is Samsung Galaxy s7 t a smartphone in this video you'll learn how you can take a picture, its background blood in your phone Samsung Galaxy s7, TS. First, put the camera in your phone Samsung Galaxy ascent. Yes, this is camera chess pick up it and here keep your more in life focus so that one object in focus and all background behind that object will be blurred. Failure. Yes, EF is ready. Now, capture, image and select another one.

I choose my hand this time. I focus my hand and everything, behind my hand will be blurred. Yes, he's taken, then showing a factory or to capture the image now open. The image that you capture yes, see here background is blurred, and focus object is very clear and has multi tiles. You can also change background, a fact that is red that the density test you can increase of degrees.

If you degrees there will be no background blood. So after clicking your photo, we can easily a to our image in this way. You can easily take background image in your phone Samsung Galaxy as 70s. There are no friends thanks for watching bye,.

Source : 5-Minutes Tech

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