Google Pixel 4a vs Google Pixel 3a! | Comparison and Review! By Technically Speaking

By Technically Speaking
Aug 14, 2021
Google Pixel 4a vs Google Pixel 3a! | Comparison and Review!

So you've got it narrowed down to the 3a or the 3axl versus the 4a, and you want to know the differences between the two in today's video. I'm going to tell you exactly that. What's up everybody, this is Scott. Welcome back to another video, today's video, much like one of the last videos I made this is actually a video of the Google Pixel 4a versus last year's mid-budget, flagship or flagship. It didn't cost much or mid-budget. However, it is, it is the 3a XL everything you see here is filmed on one of the two of those devices, and I'll label it and flip-flop it back in post-production, so everything you see filmed on the front facing camera, both 1080p 30 frames.

A second stabilization looks like what it looks like so yeah. This is what you see with the 4a. This is what you see with the 3axl all on a little switch pod. I'm about handheld away, see all the different angles see the different things to look at from a stabilization perspective. So now this right here is 4k 30 frames, a second and the stabilization looks like what it is, but yeah what you see on the one side is the 4k 30 frames, a second out of the 3axl and on the other side you see 4k 30 frames a second out of the 4a, so super interested, let's just quick pan and back and now, I'm going to walk a little walk a little faster pace, because my big butt is definitely not running, which one of these do.

You prefer so you've seen the outside stuff. Let's actually just talk about the pictures, so roll the picture montage. So, and this is the sake of argument. This is 1080p at 60 frames, a second both the 4a and the 3axl. So picking up the pace a little again, not running, but this is what the stabilization looks like uh yeah.

Obviously I'm still not in the studio to even edit this to see what it looks like, but I'm curious to see what the stabilization looks like in both of these devices so which one do you think. So at first glance it looks like the quality might be a little better in that of the 4a, which is to be expected, obviously with a little newer technology. But really what does this tell me again, looking at this from no post-production and no anything like that, honestly, it looks like the 3axl. Even in 2020 is no slouch either, I'm not sure if it's in a future video or a video I've already released. So I did a quick comparison between the 4a and then the iPhone SC 2020.

You can see what that looks like now that camera sensor is a little older than just a year or two. So again in 2020, I have to be honest with you. The 3axl doesn't look too bad, but what looks really outstanding to me is the audio crispiness in the video quality out of the 4a, which gets me really excited honestly about the pixel 5. So there you have it, you can see exactly everything right there. All of that was filmed no post-processing at all.

All the audio is exactly how you heard it. You can see how good the 4a actually is not to say the 3a or the 3a. XL is bad. It's just that you can get some pretty premium results out of a tiny budget footprint in the 4a. So my recommendation, if you have an opportunity to get a 4a, and it's in your budget no doubt about it, but like the video actually just showed you, the 3a and the 3axl is no slouch either.

So, if I were to make a recommendation, I would say the 4a, because the 4a is really freaking awesome right now, but if you can get the 3a or the 3axl for super cheap, you can't go wrong with that either. So that's it! That's all. I have thanks for watching check the playlist above because I have all of my Pixel 4a coverage buried in there and, as always as share subscribe thumbs up, leave a comment below we'll see you next time. You.

Source : Technically Speaking

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