Galaxy Z Fold2 5G: How to Use Pro Video | Samsung By Samsung US

By Samsung US
Aug 14, 2021
Galaxy Z Fold2 5G: How to Use Pro Video | Samsung

Hey everyone I'm yard Shahid, and I want to show you how to use the pro video feature on my Galaxy Z, fold, 2 5g, I'm so grateful my adventures. Take me around the world and I love documenting them all, some of which you've seen on my social channels. Next adventure I'll be recording on my z, full 2 5g. My favorite thing about these phones is always the camera. This one has a great feature called pro video, which is what we're using right now. I love it because it gives you full manual settings just like a professional camera.

Can you adjust things like ISO manual focus, shutter, speed, exposure and white balance? Among other things, now you can even select a mic source, so you can attach your Galaxy Buds, live as a mic and get crisp audio, it's so great to be able to get high quality video whenever this is how I use the pro video feature on my Galaxy Z, fold, 2 5g make sure to check out how to use other features. So you can get the most out of your Galaxy Z, 2 5g,.

Source : Samsung US

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