Galaxy S20 vs Iphone XR - Gaming Comparison Test By Fliptroniks

By Fliptroniks
Aug 14, 2021
Galaxy S20 vs Iphone XR - Gaming Comparison Test

What's going on guys that you flip ironic, so I'm going to be doing a gaming comparison with the Galaxy S 20 versus the iPhone 10 are so the s20 is definitely one of the best Samsung phones out right now, but it's very expensive, so it's $1000 brand-new, but the iPhone 10. On the other hand, you can pick this one up for between five and six hundred, and it's been one of my favorite iPhones of all time. To be honest with you now you guys could smash it like buttons you're watching this I would definitely appreciate it, but we're going to be doing some co2 mobile game play on both phones, I'm, going to load it up at the same time to see which phone loads the game up quicker. Also, if you want to check out the latest prices for you, these phones I will leave links in the description and comments as well. Alright, let's do this. Let's see who gets it first here all right here we go who's gonna, be all right.

Looks like the s20 is gonna. Do it or is it ho ho man that was close, but it looks like the s20 is gonna load this up faster, okay, so I'm going to start off with the s20 I'll make my way down to the iPhone 10 R. If you guys aren't playing you know, Co D, mobile right now. I definitely recommend getting on this, because it's one of the best games out right now, especially multiplayer wise, but they've got. You know the battle rail setting as well as zombies in this.

So it's either right here, okay, so these phones are also pretty close and display I mean you get the 6.1 inch LCD on the 10r. Obviously you got this amazing. You know AMOLED display on the galaxy, has 26.2 inches anyways, let's see if we can get a couple wins on both phones. That would be pretty ridiculous. You know, I, don't have the greatest gun up here to be using, but I kind of just started a know.

New campaign, slash, you know game and CEO T-Mobile on the galaxy s 20, so I'm still trying to rank up on here. Alright, let's do this haha! Maybe we got wasted there. I was pretty jolly bad I'm going to try to go around a different angle. Government AMO only you know, even though that that shot was coming from right there, man I had a good gun right there and totally didn't get a chance to use it see. If this guy's got a better going to know he's using that you have to be kidding me man, all right rarely do I get killed with a grenade.

That was pretty hilarious all right. So, even though I'm not putting the best match here, this one is still pretty close. All right, don't know how to get a double killer right there. That was pretty uh. Pretty ridiculous.

Come on dude spawn killed all right. It does make it rough man when you're not using a know a good gun in this it does make does make it kind of hard come on dude ridiculous, oh my god. Finally, there was a good gun on the ground and I just got blown up. Man see if it's still here, Jesus dude flame. These guys are putting on the pressure right now getting uh getting killed in the back end ridiculous.

Oh man, frustrating super, frustrating Hostel, electric killer, drone, inbound Oh frustrating match here, I'll, tell you what dude we got destroyed in that match: okay, anyways! Let's see if I can put in a better match down here on the iPhone 10 are now. Fortunately, I do have a better gun to be using in this. So at least I think I. Do let me see what we got going on here. That was pretty disgusting that edge all right.

Let's see if we can at least go one for two down here with the iPhone Center, which would be nice to get some kind of redemption going reloading cover me. Oh man, come on now changing mag I got barely got that you know. I almost did art that UAVs coming out. They guy playing through from behind come on now changing mine, changing mags, and I was going pretty streaky right there up until the end getting killed. I might as well just use this all right, nice we're trying to get that win here.

Okay, this is a close match right. We need a couple: more kills here to wrap this up, all right cool. So at least we went one for two here which totally fine right: okay, anyways um. You know I'm kind of curious what you guys thought as far as like which phone you thought outperform the other, but you know clearly, you know the s20 is an awesome phone. You know, I just started a new game in Co D mobile, so it was kind of hard.

Furthermore, you know not having a perfect gun, but on the 10r I also, you know was using a kind of crap a crappy gun as well, but now you get a thousand-dollar phone right here versus a five to six hundred dollar phone I. Think the iPhone 10 are honestly it's one of the best priced iPhones right now, especially for like how good it is. If you have money for the s20 I would say definitely go for it. It's just that. You know I.

Think a lot of people are out there. Going to struggle with you know getting that thousand bucks you know or having to pay for it. So you know I did, but I can tell you. This phone is incredible, so I'm going to be doing a lot more videos on the channel with it now I have links in both the description and comments. You want to check out the latest prices for these phones.

If you'd smash the like button subscribe to the channel thanks for watching, and we'll see in the next one.

Source : Fliptroniks

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