Galaxy Note 9 VS iPhone X - ULTIMATE VIDEO CAMERA COMPARISON By CaseyNeistat

By CaseyNeistat
Aug 21, 2021

Again I'm, awake, hey, uh, quick question and I know you're recovering, but um did you get a chance to shoot the in sort of tech, Tuesday, I, I would, but I can't because of my uh. Okay, all right. Maybe next week you'll get the intro. Okay, welcome to tech, rushed to tech review Tuesday, it's the second time doing this, the first time totally screwed up it says, recording played something back. Well, let me just do it again and that's it. Yeah, today is a special episode of tech review Tuesday.

Today's episode I'm going to be comparing the video recording capabilities of the iPhone X versus the Samsung, the yet unreleased Samsung Galaxy Note 9, using my custom camera comparison rig. This entire video is being shot in glorious 4k, including this shot right here, I'll be shooting both of these cameras in 4k as well. So if you want to switch at the bottom here over to 4k go ahead and do that right now: okay, the first scenario: we're gonna, be testing. These phones cameras in is right here in my studio, ready, alright. So this shot right now was shot on the Samsung Note 9, and this shot here was shot on the Apple iPhone X.

So we may tap on the screen to set focus or something like that, but beyond that both of these cameras are shooting at 4k 30 frames per second and in full, auto we're not using the manual features on either of these phones. Okay, so for the first kind of outdoor test, I'm going to do some moving shots on the skateboard, so you can see what the optical image stabilization looks like on these cameras and I. Don't know just see what the outside looks like sound good, great now, I'm good I'm, good whew. What are we a one sod right now? This is the selfie in a room, and those boom looks like which one looks better and under presents really yeah, which one looks better all right. Let's go, let's go! That's the honest! This selfie test on both camera we're about to get dunked on well, they're, both waterproof.

Both these are waterproof right. Are they ocean proof? Okay, this is the. Can you see the cameras? Okay, this is the thunderstorm is coming in Jesse and Sam want to hide under the bridge while it passes time-lapse comparison between the iPhone. In the note, 9 UCLA thing, okay can demonstrate with my hands in the pockets staring at the sky in the sky, so the walk is we can't stop it discuss on my ass everything's, the same to see Gavin's into tennis, the south, all right, the Chinatown arcade now we're going to use this to test some like low-light indoor put it look at the rain. Now we demonstrate with my hands in my pockets staring at the sky in the skies for the world, kids, okay.

We probably have like a five-minute window here. I hope you enjoyed that test. I hope it was helpful. Furthermore, I'm not gonna, give my thoughts on it. Furthermore, I just wanted to give that side-by-side comparison, so you can look and see what these two camera cellphone cameras are capable of Sam.

As always, thank you for help your well Sam's channel link below. Did you review the note 9? Yet not, yet I will for more comprehensive review of the note 9. Please check out Sam's channel coming soon. Alright, that is the note vs. the iPhone.

Alright, we'll see you next week on tech. Tuesday, we'll see you tomorrow here on 3 6, 8.

Source : CaseyNeistat

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