FortNite Gameplay On Samsung Galaxy A51! By LoFi Alpaca

By LoFi Alpaca
Aug 15, 2021
FortNite Gameplay On Samsung Galaxy A51!

All right everyone we're going to go ahead and play for tonight the legendary game on our galaxy, a 51. If you want to know how to install this specific game on this phone, I'll leave it to Troy link down below, so you can go and download it. Take like two seconds for you to do. I can tell you straight for me downloading it and going through the whole entire process. It wasn't necessarily the smoothest experience and I can already tell that and, as you guys can see from the whole entire loading of the game and everything, it's not really the smoothest experience, but I think it is completely playable for the most part, I was able to get this game on my galaxy 850 as well, and for the most part like I, said it. You know it handled it perfectly fine yeah, of course, if you have like a galaxy s 20 or something like that, those phones are you able to load this game, and you know play pretty thoroughly, but at the end of the day, we'll go and see how it holds up on ad 51, and we are okay.

When we're into it now, I will tell you right now: I suck at games when it's gaming in general I know nothing about four-night, so it might sound like I'm a novice because I completely a. m. and you guys can see straight from the go. It is a little glitch. You know it's not the end of the world or anything, but it was kind of glitchy at the end of the day, so there might be times when I'm, not talking at all I might just like start being awkward.

So I'm, just going to put me over this video. So it's not so awkward because I, don't even think you guys want to hear my voice. You just want to see the gameplay, and we are loaded. Okay, we're getting down, and you can see I mean settings I think are pretty much on the bare minimum when it comes to graphics and everything, so I'm, pretty surprised that it's still physical chichi and the phone is heating up quite a bit right in the top right corner on the top right side here. So it's a little hot, nothing too crazy.

We just lend it down, and I'm already getting shot at I think you know that's how much I suck at this game- and you guys can see I mean like I, don't want to hate on this phone too much, but you can see how glitchy it is. It's its quite a bit. Glitchy I, think someone's running after me and I would say this game is probably playing out like 15. Maybe 13 frames per second, not that many, oh right now it's getting a little smooth, though so, as you can see, just randomly got smooth all of a sudden. It was like really, really bad for like a while, and then it just really got better.

So, okay, that's really, really surprising. To me, as you can see, someone is shooting I mean that really threw me off oh, and I'm on set, as you guys can see. Oh, man I'm about to die. Well, you guys can see from the graphics that it's not it's not really. You know too bad or anything like that.

I will say you know for me loading into it. It seemed a much worse in person. You know I think over the camera might just not seem that bad, but when I was going through, and I was scrolling through everything, it was not the best type of experience. I was expecting to be honest, and I think I'm about to die. Yeah, there we go surprised, I'm, not dead.

Yet I was like getting shot in for so long, but I will tell you now. You know, there's no point of strain this video ad for like 40 minutes. Well, that's how you know is that in the beginning with it seemed a lot more glitch here, but now it seemed pretty smooth I kind of smooth it out a little after, so I'm, not really to sure what happened. It definitely seemed like to me that the beginning, what it was pretty you know they like it, was almost unplayable in a way, but this time it seems a little smoother, so I'm not really to sure which way to make of it. But I will tell you if you're planning on getting a galaxy.

If who do you want to do some extreme gaming I want to know two things? One, it's not really going to be that great, but it's not going to be bad, and if you want to play for Knight again you how that capability of doing so, if you follow my method, I've already showed you, but another thing the phone is getting. You know noticeably high. It's definitely noticeably I mean I can tell you from the back of my phone right here on the top left. It is getting a little hot. So in terms of performance, I mean I already died, but in terms of performance, I think it's okay in terms of for night, for the price that you're paying for this phone and the fact that it's even playable Model.

So that really pretty much covers it. If you guys have any other questions or anything -. Let me know in the comment section below and the like, but know me so much, but definitely the subscribe button, every single subscriber that we can't really discount. So me so much if you guys get that also check out the other links down in the description as well. Once what are my Instagram, my second channel, those things going down below I'd, really appreciate it because to check it out.

More importantly, everything else will of every single one of you guys, hopefully I'll catch you guys in the next video. It's all done. You.

Source : LoFi Alpaca

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