Apple Unveils Apple Watch Series 3 | CNBC By CNBC

Aug 14, 2021
Apple Unveils Apple Watch Series 3 | CNBC

This is interesting. This is what was speculated about the watch. That may be a big deal. Let's watch Apple stock. Here's why the new watch that's coming out does not need a phone nearby right now. If you've got an Apple Watch, you need to have your iPhone.

It is tethered. The new watches which are coming out. We just heard in a month are going to be untethered. They're going to be cellular specific, so you can literally leave the house with just the watch guys. Also, they just announced literally seconds ago you can stream 40 million songs through your watch to your wireless air, pods.

So I guess the Dick Tracy era is officially here where you don't need the phone. This is the watch announcement guys a lot of people have speculated about that really may move the needle for people who said you know what I like the watch. I just don't need it because effectively I've got to have my phone anyway. That's two things: that's annoying now you've got your phone. You can walk around independently stream, music Bluetooth wise to your air pods, so guys, I think let's watch Apple stock.

This is a huge announcement on the watch side, and they say it's going to be available next month, I'm going to keep listening here, yeah Brian just quickly, you know, I, don't know how these plans necessarily work, but presumably you have another device on a plan that occupies one spot of a device, and you might actually have to upgrade your cellular plan, and so I mean I'm. Looking at some telecom service providers, maybe getting a boost from this as well, if you're actually putting another device on your cell plan. That's an excellent point: Melissa yeah glad you brought that up. I mean this is going to be a cellular watch. What I don't know is whether it will be part of your current plan.

In other words, if you've got five gigs of data, and then you burn three on your phone and two on your watch or do you need to have a separate plan? Or maybe it's like a fire, a mobile device? By again we don't have those details yet, but guys Dick, Tracy era. Finally, here kind of cool you can go out without your phone. Just your watch and answer phone calls hey there thanks for checking out CNBC on YouTube be sure to subscribe to stay up to date on all the day's biggest stories. You can also click on any of the surrounding videos to watch the latest from CNBC. Thanks for watching.

Source : CNBC

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