$6000 Pro Camera VS iPhone 12 Pro Max - Can you see the difference? By Matti Haapoja

By Matti Haapoja
Aug 13, 2021
$6000 Pro Camera VS iPhone 12 Pro Max - Can you see the difference?

It's minus 12 out, and we decided to do iPhone, 12 pro max versus canon EOS r5. Can you see the difference? Look at this place 67th floor right here. Look at this view. You guys have the craziest view. I told you: quarantine was like heaven, oh, my goodness. I wanted them to have a nice place to spend their quarantine and their first like few weeks here in Toronto, but I also of course got this for the views.

You know, I'm so afraid of dropping the iPhone out the window do not drop it. It does look fancy, but there are some things that are a little, not so high quality. Look at this, so you have to go like this, not quite as advertised and a lot of times, there's a crack in here, so I have to cover with clothing, so that doesn't make this high-pitched wind. That's that's normal right! That's that's a typical point when you spend this much fun on Airbnb that you have to do this kind of fixes taking the photos over here. It's really bizarre.

There's like nobody here, just like a few randoms, but I've never seen downtown Toronto. So deserted very interesting, last spot pretty nice, nobody around lake city over there nice sunny day it's cold, but the sun is fairly warm. I live in that building up there top of that building. That's high, and now it's time to see if we can tell the difference between a pro photography camera a canon, EOS r5 with an expensive lens. This full package is like six thousand dollars versus just an iPhone 12 Pro max, and we did this last year, and it was really fun to see what the differences were and all that and this year we're doing it again, because the iPhone has gotten quite a bit better, bigger sensor, better computational photography, and this year I got my brother to edit all the photos, so I haven't seen them yet, and I'm going to do this challenge with you at the same time, can we see the difference? Oh, and before I forget, we have a new motion, graphics pack for premiere pro, and this one is for us content creators, especially you filmmakers.

Thanks to the genius Nicholas Loretta, the guy, who made my new logo and made it look all cool with animations and stuff. He helped me to make this motion graphic pack, and he's now on YouTube. If you want to see really cool videos about photography and editing and all sorts of cool stuff, highly recommend checking out Nicholas Loretta's channel, it's a good one. These motion, graphics are going to come in really handy when you're doing comparisons or when you want to show your camera settings, or you just want to tell your audience to subscribe to your channel. It's so fast and easy to use these.

You literally just drag and drop. It changes the text, and then you can choose what things you want showing whether it's the battery or the f-stop or the ISO you get to decide 13 assets for content creators, especially you filmmakers. I think this will save you a lot of time. We're going to be using these a lot. So I hope it's okay, that we all use these and make sure to check out Nicholas Loretta's channel he's really cool.

Okay. Now it's time for the fun uh. Can you see the difference bring over the photos? Are you done? Yes, sir? I've never done this before I'm nervous, I'm so scared. I'm going to get like all of them wrong. Good luck! It's going to be very hard being able to see which one's iPhone and which I have a feeling.

I'm going to get duped, I'm going to get duped. Aren't I and be honest comment down below how many you get right I'll, try to give you guys some time to uh decide with me all right photo number one? We have this nice shot of me in the city of Toronto. We had some fun shooting this morning right in the neighborhood. He does a perfect job with the photos. If you want to see more of his photos check out his Instagram okay photo number one a versus b.

Okay, I think I I think I know this one they're they're surprisingly similar, but I'm going to guess that um, judging by the sharpness in the buildings, I'm going to guess that the first one is the iPhone and the second one is the r5 bingo. Yes, I didn't get duped right away. At least I even resharpened everything in the iPhone one I applied like double time: resharpen yeah iPhone, usually over sharpens, and you can see it in the buildings. That was like the giveaway for me here, but I would say that I could yeah. I could totally post the iPhone one and nobody would be like that's an iPhone photo.

No, nobody! I don't think so. I think if you're saying that you would see the difference. Okay number, two, all right, this one is a dead giveaway. We kind of wanted to test all sorts of uh different settings and because the iPhone isn't on portrait mode here you can clearly tell which one is the DSLR plus the r5 looks incredible here, plus we had sigma 24 at one point: four one shoulder field, so yeah yeah. We got the shallow depth of field, but without the portrait mode on the iPhone you get no depth.

I feel like it's. Just everything is in favor, see the people in the back yeah. Everything is in focus, it's not bad, but I would have taken this in the portrait mode, and then it would have been like you can use that I bet, but this photo looks great on the r5. Okay, two for two all right number, three! Oh, this one is much. This is the hardest one.

I would say this. One is tough! Oh, man! I don't know, I don't remember them anymore. I got my phone and get the answers out. Oh my goodness, this one is uh. This one is a little tough.

Okay, I'm going to say this is my guess. I hope I'm right. No, I don't know I'm going back and forth now. I think you're going to get this one wrong. I'm trying to see like the portrait mode is working really well.

Okay. I am okay. Furthermore, I think I got this uh. A think an is the r5 and b is the iPhone? Oh, bingo. Yes, you can see that the depth of field is a little more natural here than this one's like you can see behind, but it looks good at first I was like the skin tones.

Look nicer on the iPhone. That's like that's right, that's rare! I did some work yeah. Maybe you did some extra smoothies. I know the phone Lightroom mobile. I think what gave it to yeah.

What gave it away to me is the hat, seeing the top part of the hat. It's a little out. It's like a the shallower field is gradual versus on the iPhone. Furthermore, it's like you can see right. You can see yeah every I'm completely in focus even the back of my hat, but this is what threw me off was the hood is a little like.

So that's why I was like wait, a second which is it that one was that one was tight, that one was close. Okay, I'm doing good. So far, next one okay, we got a versus b. This is gonna, be harder because landscape yeah, here's like you, can't tell in shots like this, like, I would never know for sure. Like I'm I'm half guessing here, I'm gonna this sort of stuff.

Again I don't know, are you guys having a tough time, I'm having a bit of a tough time? I'm going to say I actually think that the iPhone is better at correcting for distortion, so I'm going to say that b is the iPhone, because the buildings are all straight and an is the r5, and it's getting a little distorted because of the lens. I don't remember. Furthermore, I get my phone we're in suspense now you left me hanging an is a is the uh. A is the r5 and b is the iPhone wrong? No, I got one wrong. D1 is iPhone.12 and d2 is r5 wow. Okay, I got two.

This is much wider, actually yeah. I should have looked at the sharp sharpness I get in the buildings. If I compare the sharpness in the buildings, I wasn't. I think I need glasses guys its official. I need to get glasses, so I don't see the detail.

Furthermore, I got three more to go three more to go, but again I could post either of these on my Instagram, a hundred percent. Nobody would ever say why are you posting iPhone photos, no social media? Now it is so different. There's no way. Okay, next one uh by the way. This is a pretty sick lookout at your Airbnb, not a bad view for quarantine life.

I would say this is again very good job by the iPhone. I had a lot of skin matching as well. Very okay, okay, I think yeah okay, I this. I know this one almost for sure camera an is the iPhone and camera b is the r5 very good. You know how I knew the iPhone does a way better job on the sky yeah in terms of car yeah too much like light there yeah.

It's like it. Just does such a good job with the HDR that, like but man, the portrait mode is getting perfect. Yeah. Like really look at that, it looks kind of like a gradual depth of field. What is it this go likes? Oh you, you buy a 6, 000 camera lens setup, or you could just use your iPhone for the next 10 posts on Instagram.

You should do only iPhone, but not tell anyone until the 10th post made. Did you guys know the last 10 our iPhone by the way oh man yeah? I could again easily post either of these to Instagram, easily no questions. Okay, I'm doing pretty good so far. I think I've only gotten one wrong. How many of you guys gotten wrong? You got the landscape wrong yeah.

This might be tough again because it's landscape nope all right. That's that's! Give away yeah easy for me. I know this one again, 100 percent. I know this one. Do you? I think 100 I know.

Okay, do you guys know? Okay, camera an is the iPhone camera b? Is the r5? No really the HDR didn't kick in on the oh on the iPhone, but I was surprised. The r5 had that much dynamic range that I was able to lift the shadows and bring down the highlights. So what we're both laughing is that CN Tower is really white on the iPhone shot and I thought for sure the r5 is because it was a very high contrast situation, but man, the iPhone, still looks perfect again, like perfect yeah, easily post that on IG no problems. Now it would have been better if we got the HDR kick in. That's true, then it would have been like impossible to know.

That's the one thing like I wish you could say always put on the HDR always like just have it on. I don't want to have to like trigger it yeah I just want it on man, that's again too wrong. Oh man, the last one. Oh, this is again very tough. These clothes portraits are hard like this is an amazing camera.

Nowadays, oh, my goodness, okay, I the only reason I think I know this is because of the last one and the way the skin tones looked, but I almost feel like the skin tones, look better in the iPhone shot. If I'm right, okay, I think that the camera, an is the r5 camera b, is the iPhone correct. I knew if it's a little smoother the skin here, yeah, there's a little less less detail in this skin, which is like a symptom of having a small sensor, and they're doing noise reduction, whatever they're doing special stuff, but in some ways yeah it looks almost better. It almost looks like you have like a little of dirt or something on your face: yeah yeah, yeah on the r5 shot. Yeah again, both look great.

I like the lighting. Is it comes out different because of the HDR, and I think I, like the lighting better on the r5 photo yeah. I had a nice. I was trying to get this vignette on this shot with iPhone, but it was hard to get. You did you're impressive.

You did good, that's one, two, two! So five out of seven right, that's pretty good! It's not bad, but also I got duke Joyce what the heck oh internet, pass. You get a b-plus. Okay, I'm curious: were you surprised by the results? Steno uh yeah? I thought you would have got them all, but you didn't get all of them and I think it just shows that the iPhone is a very powerful tool in your pocket. Be honest: how many do you think you would have gotten wrong a lot more? I'm not that good at pixel peeper. So there you go it.

Can you see the difference? I'm curious! How many of you guys got more wrong than I did and how many of you got more right than I did comment down below? I want to know. I think what we can say from this experiment is that the computational photography, plus having a little bigger of a sensor on the pro max, is definitely making a difference. Furthermore, I think I had a way easier time, seeing the difference last year with the 11 pro now it's getting really hard on certain shots like really hard they're, very, very close, and I have to say I love computational photography, it's incredible, but the downside is that it does sometimes fail on you. You kind of have to like to learn the limitations of the iPhone and use the strength. So those like pretty up close uh portrait man.

This thing is just going all the time. Those portrait shots are looking really great, but then you know when you go further back, and you don't have that portrait mode you're, not getting any shallow depth of field. So that's when you rely on really nice composition instead of trying to get shallow depth of field, but I would say if you learn how to use an iPhone and use those strengths really well, and you can make some incredible stuff happen with the camera. That's in your pocket at all times. I think us photographers videographers.

We have very, very little to complain about in terms of gear nowadays, plus did you guys see new Sony, a1, oh insane, camera and then fulfill comes the new camera. I thought the new cameras were gonna. Stop rolling out last year was crazy. It's just continuing. Are you going to switch to Sony for the a1? Maybe if you let me, if you let me borrow the camera for a while.

Maybe I'm not buying you one they're very expensive, it's a very, very promising, looking camera, but also expensive. It's like 1dx range, just smaller body. Alright, that's it for this video hope you liked. It hopes you put a smile on your face. I'll see you guys in the next one you.

Source : Matti Haapoja

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