2019 10.2" iPad Unboxing By The Mac Observer

By The Mac Observer
Aug 15, 2021
2019  10.2" iPad Unboxing

Hey there Charlotte friend the Mack observer here, welcome to our YouTube channel I, have finally got my hands on a 2019 10.2 inch. iPad space grant got 128 gigabytes anyway. There are lots of features and tips and tricks that I want to share in the coming weeks, videos and articles, but for now I thought. I'd show you what's inside the box. Yes, so here we go I finally get a 10.2-inch iPad there we go, can't wait to get that plastic. Sheeting off yeah I picked up in Space Gray, as you can see in the back there and the box, so she hasn't got that much in it.

We've got obviously all you're charging cable elements. So, yes, we have the USB cable and the classic two-part charger. Obviously I'm in the UK, so I've got the UK plug point. It all feels very neat and tidy in a very classic Apple. Thank you.

So much for joining me here on the Mac observers. YouTube channel, make sure you subscribe and, of course, join us every day for news views and podcasts on the Mac observer com.

Source : The Mac Observer

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