Xiaomi Mi 9 vs Huawei Mate 20 Pro: SPEED TEST By Tech Thusiast

By Tech Thusiast
Aug 14, 2021
Xiaomi Mi 9 vs Huawei Mate 20 Pro: SPEED TEST

Hey, what is going on guys Tech Susie, asked here- and this is a speed test- comparison between the Xiaomi me9 against the Huawei Mate 20 pro. So we have the snapdragon 855 going up against the k-19 86 gigabytes of ram on both they both have a heavily skinned version of android. They are both on the latest version of android 9 pi, now, which one of these phones will come out on top. Let's find out in this video up. First is the Xiaomi me 9, it has a 1080p AMOLED display is on the latest version of android 9 pi. It has the new Snapdragon 855 CPU and the Arena 640 GPU and 6 gigabytes of RAM.

Then we have the Huawei Mate 20 pro it has a quad HD AMOLED display it's on the latest version of Android 9 pi. It has the aspirin 980 CPU and the Manatee 76 CPU and 6 gigabytes of ram. Just before running the test, you can see there are no apps and games running in the background. In van one, immigrant hero wins by one point. Moving on to round two, the RAM management.

Here you can see all the apps and games are running in the background. So at the end of round three, the scores are tied at eight-point speech. So that is the end of this bit test comparison, and here is a recap of the scores in round one teammate 20 Pro won by one point in van ?, the scores were tied at 8 points, each as for the price difference the mean and cost nearly half the price of the make 20 Pro. However, the May 20 Pro does have a bigger battery, a quad HD I'm, going to display reverse wireless charging. Now, having said that, the 9 is no slouch.

It's got the latest Snapdragon 855 CPU and the phone is definitely fast, so it just really comes down to if you want the bigger battery and the better screen. So what were your thoughts about the speed test comparison? Will you be buying these Xiaomi me9? Do let me know in the comment section now, if you have enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up. If you happen to be new here, then please do consider. Subscribing as I have more videos coming up. I will be getting the Samsung Galaxy S ten plus, so there will be speed, test, benchmark and camera comparisons, so make sure you hit that Bell icon, so you get notified as soon as I release those videos, please do follow me on Twitter and Instagram and like always, thanks for watching, and I will catch up with you in the next video.

Source : Tech Thusiast

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