Speed Test: Samsung Galaxy S21 vs iPhone 12 By SpeedTest G

By SpeedTest G
Aug 13, 2021
Speed Test: Samsung Galaxy S21 vs iPhone 12

There's really no introduction needed for this test, simply galaxy s21 versus iPhone 12, which one do you think's going to win, let's find out, okay, so the Samsung Galaxy s21, that's the vanilla s21 with the snapdragon 888. On the left-hand side. We have the iPhone 12 again the vanilla, iPhone 12 with the a14 bionic on the right hand, side, and already we can see that it is well actually it's a winning leading by the a14. I think there's the first into the compression test as they both now are: zipping up and unzipping files and zipping them up and unzipping them again, testing both the CPU and the internal storage. And yes, the iPhone 12 is the first into the 16 thread test using its explore processor, not far behind the snapdragon 888. It's also using its optical process would be a chance for it to beat the iPhone.

No, it isn't. The iPhone's. The first into the blur test was the beginning of the mix. CPU GPU part of this test. Um coming up in a minute, is the smoke particle test.

When you see the frame rate for the 2d graphics as we're into the input list, it is closed, but still the lead is taken by the iPhone 12. What's the frame, we're going to be 53, 52 51 frames per second, that's quite impressive. On the left hand, side 34. , oh big difference. There is we're now into the UT test already, on the right hand, side it's going to swing down now towards the water, while the soundtrack 1888 is starting.

It's testing the s21 come to the end there. There we go one minute three seconds: the clock is still ticking as the galaxy s21 is now coming to the end of that valley. What's the time going to be one minute: 8.7, okay, let's break down the scores and see exactly what happened so, as I saw there were a convincing win for the iPhone 12 with the a14 white one minute three seconds and then 5.7 seconds later came in the galaxy s21 with the snapdragon 888.7. So what happens? CPU 34.9 versus 32.5, so win for the iPhone 12 2.4 seconds we get to the mix CPU GPU. We saw that much higher frame rate on the iPhone 12 18.1 versus 17. , so a 1.1 second win there for the iPhone 12, and then we get to the GPU 15.5 versus 13.5. So a two-second win there by the iPhone 12 win, win-win, and therefore it's the overall winner one minute three seconds.

My name is Gary sims. This is speediest. I really hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, please do give it a thumbs up, we're all at the mercy of the YouTube recommendation algorithm. So the best way to make sure you know that I've uploaded the video is to subscribe to the channel and hit that bell notification: icon: okay, that's it I'll see you in the next one.

Source : SpeedTest G

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