Samsung Galaxy Z Flip vs Z Flip 5G: Watch Before You Buy! By TechOdyssey

By TechOdyssey
Aug 13, 2021
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip vs Z Flip 5G: Watch Before You Buy!

Hey everybody welcome back to tech odyssey. So today, I'm here with two of the finest devices that Samsung has ever assembled, and it's kind of play on the words assembled brought together assembled put together. You see it get it all right, whatever I'm a dad, I make dad jokes, so I have here the Samsung Galaxy z, flip 5g, which I just got yesterday, and I also have the Samsung Galaxy z, flip, they're, twins, kind of except there's a little of a difference, and we're going to talk about those differences here in this video. But before we get to that, I do want to say if this is your first time stopping by the channel. I appreciate you being here if you enjoyed the video, please hit the like and the subscribe button and the little notification bell. If you want updates when new videos come out now, let's check out the z flips.

One thing I want to talk about before I look at some individual differences are the things that are the same because we're going to talk about this quite a bit in this video. Both of them come with 256, gigabytes of storage, there's no other storage options, and it's not expandable, so you're stuck with what you got. They both have eight gigabytes of ram in them. They both have a 6.7-inch screen, which is really, really nice. It's 1080p, it's not 120 hertz, it's 60 hertz, and it has ultra-thin glass on it.

It's not really super protective, but since you close the phone up when you're not using it, it's not too much of a concern. I've been using mine for months haven't had any issues other things it has one single downward firing speaker. It doesn't have stereo speakers which is kind of annoying because and all the other flagship Samsung phones have stereo speakers, but they both also only have a 3300mah battery which is not the greatest in the world. I have to tell you: I've been using the z-flip for a couple of months, like I said, and generally it needs to go on the charger by about seven o'clock in the evening, just to make sure it doesn't die before I go to bed. They also have USB-C.

They both have wireless charging. Furthermore, they both do reverse wireless charging, which is nice. Also, you can top it off, throw your earbuds on the back of it good to go all right. So that's pretty much it with the similarities. Now we'll talk about the differences, the improvements, the price changes and all that good stuff.

The z-flip, like, I said, came out earlier this year, rocking the snapdragon 855 plus it was an improvement over last year's 855 in the s10 series phones, but it was not the same as the 865. That's in the s20s. It came in four different colors. It had the mirror, color options versus the mystic color options in the new z flip 5g. So you have mirror black, which is what I have there's also mirror: purple mirror gold and then the tom brown one, which kind of had like the little red, white and blue stripe or whatever.

It is right down the middle of it, which looked kind of nice, but it was crazy, expensive. It was like over two thousand dollars. Instead of the thirteen hundred and eighty dollar price tag that the z flip had on it. I felt like the price was pretty fair, especially considering the s20 ultra was 13.99. This was 19 bucks cheaper, and you got a lot of the cool stuff in it like the positional hinge on there with the flex mode and all that cool stuff.

So you can open it up, and you can bend the screen. However, you want and not bend it, but you can open it to different positions, and it'll hold it. Unlike the original OG fold, which didn't really do that 855 plus 8 gigabytes of ram 256 gigabytes of storage, all that great stuff, the finish on it is not a matte finish. It is a glossy finish, and it picks up fingerprints like crazy, and also it only has a 4g LTE modem in it, but it does support band 71 LTE, which is nice. You can get access to the 600 megahertz spectrum and that's pretty much it.

That's the z flip in a nutshell, then, moving over to the z, flip 5g, significant changes. Of course, you can see that it is now has a matte finish on it, which even covers over the second screen on the front, which is the tiny LCD readout display, which will show your text. It'll show you notifications and things like that, but that's really about it, and you can even use it for a small little rangefinder on both of them. If you want to take a selfie sure cool go for it, um snapdragon, 865 plus. So this is actually an improvement over the s20 series, phones which have the 865.

What's different, you got about a 10 difference in graphics, processing power and a 10 boost in overall CPU performance. That's a big upgrade over the 855 plus the 855 to the 865 plus is about 30 power difference in both the GPU and the processor, so you're still getting 20 performance increase over the z flip with the z flip 5g, just because of the new processor. What else are you getting you're? Also getting 5g, you get access to the sub six 5g, which is kind of like extended LTE, it's better than 4g, but it's not quite the millimeter wave technology which gives you the gigabit speeds, but still it's nice and fast, but it also sucks up more battery and the snapdragon 865 is likely to burn up more battery than the snapdragon 855 just because it runs at higher clock speeds. But of course, when it's running at idle, it should be pretty much about the same with the lower clock speeds, taking control over day-to-day tasks. That are not really all that extensive.

So we got a better processor, better internet speeds, and also we've got the finishes on here. Like I said, the mystic colors, this one only comes in two colors. It comes in the mystic gray, which I really like and then also the mystic bronze, which is kind of the popular one that everybody likes and is available. On the new note 20 series devices, I think that the mystic colors look pretty good. I really like this matte finish.

That's on here, one because it doesn't pick up the fingerprints. You can touch this thing, and it looks like kind of smudged up, candy bar after you get done with it, and you just start touching things. This picks up fingerprints, lint everything like crazy. You can put them side by side, and this one pretty much always looks clean, and I like that now. One thing, that's important to note is that the Samsung Galaxy z, flip cases will work on the 5g.

I've tested the rink one that they have. I've tested the new UAG case that I just got the UAG civilian, I've tested the Samsung leather case, all three of them. They all work identically on both because they're essentially the same. I think there's like a one millimeter difference somewhere in something that I don't even know what it is, but it doesn't matter as far as the cases they all work. One nice thing about the Samsung Galaxy z, flip 5g, is that it actually came with a film style screen protector already installed versus the z-flip that did not now the z-flip 5g is 1449.

They did increase the price on it, but for what you're getting? I think it's worth it're getting 5g you're getting about 20 performance boosts in the processor and the graphics unit, so I think that's worth 60 bucks. It's worth 60 bucks to me this one right here is a really nice phone, and you can still pick them up actually quite a bit cheaper. I saw some on Amazon I'll put a link down in the description. Not only will I put the cases down there, so you can see the ones that I have I'll link all three of those. So if your curious check the drop-down, you can click on those and then, if you want I'll, have a link for the Samsung Galaxy flip as well, it is cheaper, like I said it's 1380, but I'll have a link for a renewed one.

You can get the renewed one cheaper, but still if you can get it for a couple of hundred dollars cheaper, or you want to pick it up on resale. These are going on swap pa in mint condition, for I think around seven or eight hundred dollars, which is pretty good. The only thing you got to worry about, though, is what kind of condition are they in yeah? They say mint, but somebody's been using it. Hopefully they've taken good care of it, but you're also getting it about 35 to 40 percent cheaper, so that's also an option as far as the accessories that came in the box, the z-flip actually came with a case, and it came with earphones as far as I know, but the z flip 5g, there's. Basically nothing in the box there's a charger, then there's a charging, cable and a sim ejector tool, and that's about it.

If you watch my unlock my unboxing video, you saw that not really impressive out of the box, but overall, that's pretty much the differences, the be the big key things that you need to take away are snapdragon 855, plus snapdragon, 865, plus 4g LTE 5g mirror colors, mystic, colors, 1380 or cheaper. If you go with the renewed or refurbished or used or even on sale versus 14.49, I have to say I've been using this one for about 24 hours now, and it does feel a little zippier. But with this one right here, the regular LTE modem, you're, not gonna, be missing out on anything at all. I would say it's perfectly good to buy even now, because it's only been out for about four or five months. I think it came out in March, and we're going to get the z flip two probably next year, if they still call it.

The z flip two, but I would anticipate that since they went ahead and made the 5g model that will have a successor next year, because this is not really a new model. It's just a refresh it's the same phone. They just threw a new processor and threw the new modem in there. So I would expect a complete refresh on body design and specs for 2021, which I'm all about, because I really like the flip life. So that's all I've got.

Hopefully this has been helpful for you. If you want to know what the differences are, if you're curious about it, wanted to kind of see them side by side and just take note of the differences in case you're interested in picking one up or just for your own general g whiz knowledge. But if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them down in the comment section I'll get back with you. As always. I really appreciate you watching and taking the time to watch my video if you enjoy it, please hit the like and the subscribe button and the little notification bell if you want to get updates when a new video comes out.

As always, I appreciate you being here. Thank you for watching, and I'll see you guys next time.

Source : TechOdyssey

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