Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus vs Google Pixel 4 XL - Speed Test! By Tech Timmers

By Tech Timmers
Aug 14, 2021
Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus vs Google Pixel 4 XL - Speed Test!

This will be a speed test between the Samsung Galaxy S 20 plus versus the Google Pixel for Excel. Now the S 20, plus this one has two snapdragon 865 12 gigs of ram on android 10 and 1 UI 2.1, the pixel for Excel has two snapdragon 855: six gigs of ram the latest version of android 10, all stock, no bloatware, no skins or anything. So let me know in the comments below which phone you prefer the likes of the s: 20 series s, 20, + s, 20 ultra, or are you more of a stock Android user and prefer the pixel series like the pixel, 4, 4, XL, pixel, 3, etc. , and also the camera which camera do you prefer Samsung in its image processing, or how Google processes their images anyway go ahead? Turn on both at the same time see which one has the faster boot up and let's go Samsung Galaxy, S, 20, plus vs. Google Pixel for Excel, speed, test and I think the pixel is going to win the boot? Oh, oh waiting on the s 20 and here's test 20, so I'm going to give the boot up win to the Google Pixel for Excel yeah. These pixel phones pixel for even a pixel 3.

These phones boot up hello fast, and we are in alright. Let's get this test started. Man I'm gonna, swipe over these are the apps I'm gonna use for this test. I'm going to go like this. I'm going to go like that.

No recently used apps, no recent items on both phones. Everything has been cleared out. So, let's get started by tapping the phone app they'll be faster on these 20 messages. Tie camera we'll go ahead, and do it like this, so you can see the viewfinder a little better go. Oh, I! Think the house, actually the pixel, 4xl man I, think that was the pixel slow down the video for me on YouTube point to 5x, and let me no, but in real life filming this video I, think that was the pixel.

That was a little faster on that one. Alright, let's go ahead and start up the clock on both phones- okay, that was a little faster on the s20 start up the stopwatch and leave that running. In the background, we'll check out the chrome here and let's do a search for there. We go GSM Erica. Why not keep it cell phone related, Oh, hmm, okay, I think maybe there's 20 was a tiny bit quicker on that one, and what is this new James Bond trailer go check that out? Well, pinch-to-zoom! Oh, you can't, I cannot, and I can't hear either okay, we'll scroll nice and fast on both phones, 90 Hertz, display 120 Hertz display here on these phones, nice and fast on the scrolling.

Very nice. Okay, I'm going to go back and let's click on this one up we'll find X to. Let me know the comments below. If you want me to buy this phone I'll check it out. Why not and I cannot pinch-to-zoom.

That's all right! I'll pull find x2, Pro! Look! It is six point. Seven inch display 48 megapixel camera 12 gigs of RAM 40 to 60 on the battery a little on the small side, but seems like a cool phone, though don't you think well scroll and nice, and fast on both 120 on the s20 90 on the Pixel 4 XL butter calculator, Play Store a little faster on s, 20. Alright, let's go ahead and click this one fast on s, 20 clicks on this, and we'll install it see, which one will install this app faster and, let's not go we'll go to the next app, which is Amazon ooh pixel is not too far behind it can hold its own versus the latest from Samsung eBay, okay, the s20 was a little faster on that one. Well, click on this: what is this toaster? Well, click on this toaster, let's check it out, looks like a cool toaster, and we'll buy it now, no changed my mind not buying anything Super Mario run loading on both faster on the s20 have to begin faster on the s20 again Temple Run 2 loading on both I think. That's 20 s faster yup, we'll give the winter.

That's 20 tap to play this one logging in on woo man, that's 20! It's quick yeah! There you go we'll give the winter s 20 NER, and then we do have this one, and I think the s20 is out in front here. Yup we'll give the win to the s20 alright. So next 20 is kind of pulling away here, a little a little of separation, and then we do have the pub G here. Let's see well, that's 20 be out front again, looks like it hearing noise from the s 21st loading on s, 20 yeah, we'll give the win to the s20 here. Alright, that's 20, jumping out in front, and then we do have Twitter s 20.

I G faster on the left, WhatsApp, that's 20 again and then Snapchat very close s, 20 slight advantage. Let's go ahead and take a look at the multitasking on both phones, everything's. In the background now on a side note again, these fast refresh displays these new phones are coming out with now 9 Hertz 120 Hertz on the s20 I'd have to say once you see it with your eyes, and you go back to like a 60 Hertz display I mean it's kind of hard to go back, I mean just it means. Just so buttery smooth I mean my goodness. Look at that.

I can just do this all day and just, just yeah alright anyway enough of this, let me go back here alright, and then we'll just go ahead and run through these apps again and let's see what happens now, keep in mind s.20 has 12 gigs of RAM. The pixel has 6, so double the RAM on the s20. Okay, it's the gram Twitter there you go pop G good to go, and then we do have asphalt, 9 good to go on both and then Angry Birds, 2, okay, a little for lag here on the pixel, but not too bad and then tap on run too good to go on both now I have to, say also on the pixel 4xl, with the six gigs of ram. I really felt like this phone needed to have the six gigs of ram the pixel 3 XL, which only had four I think that really hindered that phone's performance, but with the pixel for Excel. Having now 6, gigs I, think it's doing this phone wonders it just runs so much better.

Now put the extra 2 gigs of RAM. So you can see now still not as fast as an S 20, for example, but definitely an improvement I'd say over the pixel 3 stopwatches is still running in the background and then the camera there you go messages. Okay, you will be faster on the left and finally, the phone app has on this 20 bone. So then we know in the comments below what you thought about this match. Oh, are you on hashtag team pixel with your pixel 4 or Pixel 4 XL.

Do you have a pixel, 3 or 3 XL to the original pixel, or are you an OG and have a Nexus 6p? Let me know in the comments below what you love about your pixel, the stock Android experience the fastest. You lose camera processing. Let me know in the comments below or are you a Samsung night rocking, your brand spanking new Samsung Galaxy s, 20s, 20 plus, or s 20 ultra. Let me know in the comments below what you think about this phone does far. Let me know in the comments down below thanks for watching peace out.

Source : Tech Timmers

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