REALME C3i and Edge Lighting App - How to Install Edge Lighting By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 14, 2021
REALME C3i and Edge Lighting App - How to Install Edge Lighting

Hi in front of me is realm 3i, and today I would like to show you how you can download and apply lightning edges on this device. Firstly, open play store and simply type edges. Now you need to download this app from this developer and open it. Click on this theme name, it taps, ok, creative and close an app over here you can customize your edges. However, you want to you, can change round style, add pattern, change, animation, speed, size of your borders and even adjust them to the notch when you're done, but you want to leave your current wallpaper. You can always pick one of the sources over here, like photos select the photo that you want to apply, adjust it and click in the top right corner when you're done, click create and tap on.

The theme that you just created choose to enable wallpaper click on set as and decide if you wanted to be on home screen or home screen and lock screen by tapping on one of the options. So now, when I go back, I can see that my edges were successfully applied, but if you wish to see them, when you use apps, you can always go back into the same app choose home over here, scroll all the way down and click on the switcher next to enable overlay other app tap on. Yes, click on the sweater next to address app, go back and click at the same sweater, one more time. As you can see now I can see my edits even when I use apps thanks so much for watching. If you enjoyed this video smash that like button comment and don't forget to subscribe, bye.

Source : HardReset.Info

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