Oppo F19 Pro+ Charging Test ⚡️⚡️⚡️ 50W Flash Charging ⚡️⚡️⚡️ By Techniqued

By Techniqued
Aug 16, 2021
Oppo F19 Pro+ Charging Test ⚡️⚡️⚡️ 50W Flash Charging ⚡️⚡️⚡️

Hello friends welcome to technique. This is normal here and in this video we're going to do a charging test of the new Oppo f19 pro plus, so the Oppo f9 pro plus comes with a 4310 image capacity battery, that's 4310 my capacity battery, and you get 50 watt fast charging support on this device. That's a pretty good, fast charging 50 watt charging. This is quite similar to the uh, the Realme x7, where we had a 4, 3, 1, 0, MH capacity battery and had 50 volt chargers, uh included now here, uh similar to the device. The Realme x7 here. Also, you get a 65 watt charger, but it supports only a maximum of 50 watt, so this device supports 50, volt, fast charging, and we're gonna uh, try charging uh with other default charger and see how much time it takes to charge from 0 to 100 percentage.

So, let's begin the test, but before that, if this is your first time on, this channel does hit that subscribe button and also hit the bell icon to get notified of all the videos we publish. So let's get started so right now we have the Oppo f19 pro plus, with the demand CD 800, u chipset, and we have support for 50 volts charging on this device and the provided charger is actually not a 50 watt uh. It's in fact the 65 watt charger. So you can actually see that this is a 65 watt charger 10 volt 6.5 MB max. So this is a 65 watt adapter, which is a bundle with the box package.

So what we're going to do is to charge this device up with this bundle charger and see how much time it takes. OPPO claims around 44 minutes to charge this uh 4310 my capacity battery, that's 4310, my capacity battery. It will take uh 44 minutes, so let's see how much charge or other how much time it takes so right now you can see that this is now powered off no charge left, and we're going to charge it uh with uh, uh this uh 65 watt charger with the support for 50 watt charging. So, let's see how much time it takes, so we're gonna, connect this uh device, and then we'll uh start the charging. So now we are done with 15 minutes of charging.

Let's see the temperature first, so there you go, you can see 39 degrees, so not much of heating happening. It's very nominal temperature rise in the heating. I mean charging. The 38 degrees is not an increase. So now 16 minutes of charging and let's see the uh the battery right now.

So you can see here 36 percentage charge in 16 minutes of charging. You can see flash charge, 36 percentage, uh, so 16 minutes of charging almost 36 percentage. Next, let's measure at um uh 30 minutes of charging. So now we are nearing almost 30 minutes of charging. Let's first have a look at the temperature first, so 39 degrees, so not much of our temperature rise, so almost close to 40 degrees.

So that's it! So no major increase we are seeing. It was around 38 uh before 15 minutes, so now, 39.9 almost 40 degrees. So now we are reached 30 minutes of charging, that's half an hour of charging, and you can see exactly 60 percentage, so 30 minutes of charging, and it is 60 percentage charge, so almost double the percentage we have. So now we are almost reaching 45 minutes of charging. Let's first see the temperature again, it's almost like 40 degrees, no increase after that, so the charging doesn't uh impact on the heat generated.

So it's almost like 40 degrees, so not much of a heating happening. So that's the temperature. Now, let's see how much it has in 45 minutes. So you can see here 83 percentage charge in 45 minutes. So now, let's wait for the 100 percentage compilation and see how much time it takes so right now you can see in one hour and one minute: that's 61 minutes! You can see it's 100 percentage, so it took 61 minutes to complete from 0 to 100 percentage.

It's definitely a good. It's a 50 watt charging, although it has a 65 watt adapter, it is using only uh the 50 watt charging. So that's the Oppo f19 pro plus charging test 4310 image capacity. Battery 0 to 100 percentage in 61 minutes, so that's the test. We are done so hope.

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Source : Techniqued

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