Mobile Lens 12x Zoom Worth it ? Quality Zoom Lens Review By VickGeek

By VickGeek
Aug 16, 2021
Mobile Lens 12x Zoom Worth it ? Quality Zoom Lens Review

Hey guys, here's the ball Rex mobile zoo, so you might be thinking again. This is a crappy lens. That's not the case, I'm really happy with how this has been performing. That's why I'm, making this video, usually I, don't make mobile accessories related videos a lot until I find it really helpful as well as really nice, so that you can buy go ahead and try it with your camera as well. So have the Redmi Note 7 pro here, and this is a 12 X zoom lens, and this is 12 X fixed lens. That means you cannot change the focal length of this lens, but the zoom ring that which is really nice here with the proper grip you have.

So this is actually a focus ring, not the zoom ring. This is a focus ring. You can adjust the focus so that you get back sharp images every single time now this lens I, bought on gearbest. com I, will leave a link in the description section of this video. You can actually check that out there.

It will take I think around the 10 to 15 days or rather 20 days up to 20 days to ship it with your location to reach to your location, because it ships all the way from China direct from the manufacturer. So it's a simple and simple fixing lens. You have this clip over here in order to attach to the mobile's camera lens. So there is nice thread here which is very stable because for 12 X zoom without stabilizer, you need to be very steady and stable while holding the camera. So just fix this thread, and what you have to do is the lens where's, the camera lens.

You just fix it over here, like this, make sure you are fixing it properly. I'll just show you how to do it exactly: let's switch to the camera application on the Redmi Note 7 pro, as you can see, it's not looking proper. Don't worry just make sure you are fixing it perfect and properly just fiddle around it. So, while fixing, if you see the blurry shot, don't worry what you have to do is just like how I said this is the focusing ring. This is very important.

I'll just move the focusing ring now you'll see how clean and how sharp the image becomes. As you can see, it's really well. The quality of the class is really amazing for the price we are paying. As you can see. Obviously there will be a little of vignetting here of that particular lens itself.

You'll be seeing that don't worry, you have the 48 megapixel on this Redmi Note 7 pro so that you can post edit slightly. If you add it, it's enough you'll be getting really nice-looking images, as you can see how close we have gone to the subject. I'm holding very steady I will click the picture right now boom. There you go if you are finding the focus to be not so sharp, as we will see here slightly rotating the ring, slightly rotating the focus ring and once I'm happy with how the focus is just pick a picture right now, I am actually outdoor here. There is lot of wind here: I'll, try to focus it properly and hold it as steady as I can so again, let's take a picture now without the focus ring.

As you will see how far the subject is. This is bear this 12, X zoom really comes in handy and, as you are seeing here, that color boat is really, really far. I will show you just right now with the image so as you're, seeing it's really, really far again with the public zoom. You are up close this much so just a quick video on showing you what to Alex quality zoom lens can do these interests. You can go ahead and buy just like I said: I'll leave a link in the description section of this video.

Furthermore, you can go ahead, click them there and then bye. Alright. If this kind of videos helps you hit that, like button, don't forget to peek on that subscribe button also share it with your friends. There is also another lens that I have ordered 10 in one lens kit, again a quality lens kit. Hopefully it will give really amazing images.

I will be making a video very soon, so don't forget to pick on that subscribe button also hit that like and share with your friends. Alright guys see you all in another word until then take care everyone, bye-bye.

Source : VickGeek

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