Kyocera S2300 Unboxing By Kristofer Brozio

By Kristofer Brozio
Aug 16, 2021
Kyocera S2300 Unboxing

Hey guys welcome to another edition of test freaks unboxing today, I've got another foam, but this is from a new company. It's just actually a subsidiary of Sprint called common sense, mobile, seven times a minute pay as you go plan, and it rounds down your minutes and actually the phone is the Kyocera s to three-zero-zero camera phone, full keyboard, hands-free, Bluetooth, etc. I did cut the plastic open already to make my life easier, I'm packing this stuff, but I haven't touched it yet so. Coming with this forgets about it. Okay, we have times of service, welcome to common sense, activate your phone etc. , and then we have a little uh power spot.

Of course, a small little key Oh see our battery, which is a three point: seven volt. Ninety-two hundred mAh. Now here's the phone here kind of resembled a blackberry. Doesn't it there's a little screen protector? We got going on here, uh yep, three buttons on each side. Let's say these are selection buttons, there's our little d-pad control.

We've got a nice full keyboard, which is an actually tiny, or it feels tiny to me. But as you can see, the numbers and symbols require function. Button it looks like they're got our little camera on the back. This will be a speakerphone, maybe on the top we have USB connection, and an audio port over here looks like a place for a lanyard or a strap on this side. We have a there's a button there and volume up and down I see no room for a micro SD slot.

It might be inside. Aha, nope I, don't see space for micro, SD slot, oh okay, I guess not, but the battery would uh pop in like so. It doesn't need charged, of course, before I play with it and I do have to activate this phone. They sent me a prepaid card to activate and use it, but this is the Kyocera s to three-zero-zero from common sense, mobile, a subsidiary of Sprint.

Source : Kristofer Brozio

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