iPhone XS and XS Max Color Comparison - My Apple Keynote Experience! By Karl Conrad

By Karl Conrad
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone XS and XS Max Color Comparison - My Apple Keynote Experience!

What's, going on guys just got back from Cooper Tina from my very first Apple Keynote and a ton of you actually want to see my experience. I did a tad bit of vlogging, so I've kind of stitched together a quick, little video and, of course, the color comparisons of all the new iPhone 10s and 10s maxes. Let's get to that just arrived here in San Jose, as you know, tomorrow is iPhone Apple Keynote day. I cannot contain the excitement. This has been an event that I have kind of dreamed of going to since I've started my tech YouTube channel. My buddy Nick is actually arriving later tonight to help me film, some content, let's switch to tomorrow, where we can turn the rumors into actual reality.

So Nick here we are, we've got our badges. Let's do it all Cheers Steve Jobs Peter, absolutely dream for me to be here very, very we're entering the Steve Jobs theater for the first time very surreal, and for a lot of this I was at a loss for words. I was just trying to take in the experience the Steve Jobs theater was so beautiful and the press kind of just gathers inside until you're. Let downstairs into the main theater area, this staircase beautiful, walking down, and you actually see the main area where they'll hold me hands on later and, of course, the Steve Jobs theater inside I grabbed a seat at the back, and it was just such a cool experience to be in the spot where I've kind of watched this keynote happen for countless years kind of just took in the experience there, the clicker, the clicker, and once the keynote ended its kind of a free-for-all. You saw people running to get their first hands-on, you're kind of elbowing people just to get the shots and I really want to get my hands on all the different 10s colors as I know.

That's something that you guys like to see this face. Gray and silver haven't changed from last year, and I'm, a big fan of the Space Gray and be darker stainless steel around the outside. The white is still super. Nice I wish this stainless steel was a bit darker. It's sometimes a bit too bright and stark for me and, as you guys know, the brand-new color this year, the gold which I thought was very beautiful, especially around the outsides I'd, say it's a mix between say, rose, gold and yellow gold, a very beautiful finish in between, and that's the one that I'm going to grab this year.

Just because it's the new color model, but I would say, the coolest thing for me was just seeing some other YouTubers that I've kind of looked up to you and KB HD snagged a pic with John and Justine, who I did not have the courage to talk to, but maybe next time and then, after all, the 10s footage trying to get all the iPhone 10 our stuff. The Apple Watch Series for until they finally kicked us, and then we had to get all the a roll shots. We chose three different locations around Apple campus and then, after that it was the mad slog back to the hotel and the crazy all-nighter edits which for me the adrenaline was pumping. Maybe not so much for Nick and I managed to get two of those videos done, and I got some sleep at 4 a. m.

and then caught my flight out the next morning. So a very, very hectic slog super happy, though, that I got to attend my first keynote experience and I hope this video kind of showcase, my giddiness and the giant smile on my face the entire time and, of course, some behind the scenes stuff and what it's actually like to be at an Apple, Keynote I hope you guys enjoyed this video and, of course, let me know what you want to see covered of the brand-new iPhone 10s is 10 ours and, of course, the Apple Watch Series for getting that very soon next week and I hope to catch you guys in one of those next episodes. Peace.

Source : Karl Conrad

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