Huawei P40 Pro vs Huawei Mate 30 Pro - BENCHMARK COMPARISON By Shaan Haider

By Shaan Haider
Aug 15, 2021
Huawei P40 Pro vs Huawei Mate 30 Pro - BENCHMARK COMPARISON

What's up guys this is Sean Heather and in this video we are going to do a benchmark test comparison between. While we made 30, Pro and valve a p40 Pro smartphones both of these smartphones. They are pretty much same in terms of hardware aspects. The only difference is in terms of emotion. You Iverson, both of them got green 990, processor, 8gb, ram, 256, GB storage, Android tin and a full HD plus screen, so the benchmarking applications we bought today. Here they are anchor2 benchmarking, 3d Marty, 25.

We have already performed all of these tests to save your time, and we are just going to have quick look on the benchmarking test, score results. So let us start it so, first, let's start with and to benchmark what would be 40 Pro I scored four hundred sixty-seven thousand nine hundred sixteen and make thirty Pro escorts 440 3446. So the winner is been 40 Pro here, if you go to the individual tester squad result here, you can compare the result of CPU GPU memory and UX and, as you can see, that in CPU GPU memory, UX and all of these four test performance off P 40 Pro is slightly better compared to make 30 Pro and that's why it is also a scoring overall, more points. So an end to debate mark the winner is valve a p40 Pro. Now, let's go back from here and let's have a look on Freddy mark, it's a gaming benchmarking test.

So, first, let's travel upon the slingshot in that made 30 Pro I scored four thousand two hundred eighty-four and p40 Pro I scored four thousand ninety talking about the slingshot extreme in OpenGL made thirty Pro escorts five thousand seven hundred forty-two and in slingshot extreme Welkin. It has caught five thousand four hundred six, while p40 Pro is called 5700, six and slingshot extreme OpenGL and five thousand four hundred eighty-one in slingshot extreme welcome so in out of these three tests in two of them: slingshot and slingshot extreme OpenGL. The winner is made thirty Pro and then slingshot extreme bulk and the winner is P, 40 Pro. So in this test we can consider made thirty provides a winner because out of these three in two of them performance of mid 30 Pro is better. Let's go back from here and let's have a look on the last test today and that's Geek bench pipe.

This one is divided in two parts: CPU and compute, and CPU is once again divided in single core multicore, so in single-core, med, 30 pro escorts 756 and in multicore, it has called 2953 p40 pro is called 757 in single core and 3073 in multicore. So, as you can see that in these two tests, the winner is p40 pro. The difference is just of one point and single cold result, but in multi-core it's a bit more, but we have to consider overall and in both of them the winner is p40 Pro. Now, let's go back from here. Let's have a look on the computer stressful result.

Once again, the difference is very my new, so p40 pro is the winner, because it has called three thousand six hundred seventy-five and make thirty Prescott three thousand six hundred seventy-one. So once again, as you can see, the difference is pretty neat legible, but again the winner of SP, 40, Pro, so in and to do benchmarking and keep in five. The winner is waffle, P, 40, Pro and in 3d mark performance of walkway made thirty Provost Baker. But if you are talking about the overall performance in real-life scenarios, both of them are going to perform pretty much same because, as I said in the very beginning that both of them got exactly same hardware, the only difference is in terms of software optimization, so it does not matter which device we are going to get. You will be happy with the performance because both of them are going to perform exactly the same.

So that's all for now friends, thanks watching this video, if you enjoyed this, give it a thumbs up, share it with your friends, subscribe the channel and do not forget to press the bell icon to get the notification for future uploads, and I'll see you guys next time in another video have a nice day.

Source : Shaan Haider

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