How to Take Care of SAMSUNG Galaxy S21 Ultra Battery – Battery Optimization By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 13, 2021
How to Take Care of SAMSUNG Galaxy S21 Ultra Battery – Battery Optimization

Welcome, if you want to take care of your battery in Samsung Galaxy s20 on ultra at the first, you have to go for the settings. Next, we have to move for the battery in the device, click on the battery and then tap on the more battery settings so uh. If you want to really take care of your battery and the smartphone, you have to turn off fast charging or superfast charging whenever you can. So if you can just slow charging, and you don't have to hurry up, just use the slow charging and an equal good habit is to not the battery of our phone to the one hundred percent and discharge to zero percent uh. This is how we extend the battery lifespan in a very smartphone. So thank you guys for watching leave, thumbs.

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Source : HardReset.Info

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