How to Activate Power Saving Mode in SONY Xperia 5 II – Battery Saver By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 14, 2021
How to Activate Power Saving Mode in SONY Xperia 5 II – Battery Saver

Welcome everyone, let me see, Sony opera, 5, mark ii, and today I'll show you how to enable the power saving mode and to get started, simply pull down the notification panel and find the battery saver um. It looks like it's going to be under here, just hold it. So if I tap on it, uh stamina mode turns off or restricts up, so that's kind of what we're looking for. So it's this one right here. It's called stamina mode on here and, as you can see, stamina mode turns off or restricts background activity, some visual effects or other high-powered features to extend battery life. Now you have a bunch of settings in here, and you can turn it on obviously set a schedule to it and yeah now to enable it.

It looks like we actually have to do it through here. So where is it all right? Let's turn on now. So, as you can see once you turn it on from here, everything turns well parish and also completely black, as you can see now, because this is an older display. Pixels on here are self-lit. So if they're black they're not even lit up, and that will also save a little of battery um now, if you want to push it further, something that as you can, I can see uh, you can also drop the brightness even further.

If you wanted to uh, and if you have some toggles turned on that you don't need uh things like, for instance, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi mobile network location, you can disable those as well, and this will also increase your battery now, once you're done with the power saving mode, simply tap on a toggle which is right here and everything will go back to normal. So if you found this video helpful, don't forget to hit like subscribe, and thanks for watching you.

Source : HardReset.Info

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