Google Pixel 3 And 3 XL First Impressions By Tech Insider

By Tech Insider
Aug 14, 2021
Google Pixel 3 And 3 XL First Impressions

I already know what you know what I want to say about the phone's hideous with the big massive, not hideous thing. Look at this thing. It's shouting at you shouting a meat we're back from made by Google's 2018, and we have the new pixel three and pixel three exile to try out so Tony. You have the pixel three exile. What do you think so far? This is a very familiar experience, but there is some nice little things like this nice frosted glass. Here it's super nice, it's much nicer than I thought it would be, but just through my overall initial reaction so far is I, really like this phone I, really like it.

So far, it's a really nice size which I really appreciate it's perfect for me, but I do agree. I think the back is really nice. This year it feels way more premium than the pixel has in the past. I was telling Avery before the event you know telling her I already know what you know what I want to say about the phone's hideous with the big massive, not hideous thing. Look at this thing.

It's shouting at you shouting a meet I also think it's worth mentioning that only the pixel 3 XL has that huge snow. That's right, I have the regular size, pixel 3, and it does not have a notch which I really like, so I, think kind of the most exciting feature of any pixel phone, and this year in particular, is the camera. The pixel has always been as long as it's been around my favorite smartphone camera, and they've made some changes to the camera this year, which I think are gonna, be really cool. All right. Well, first thing I, think on both phones is that they have a single lens, rear, camera right and yet Google makes it feel like it doesn't need an extra lens.

You know it's, they have added some extra features like nitrite, which I think is coming in about a month or so that basically will be a really, really good low light mode and that's like kind of lofty promise, and we'll see if they can actually fulfill that, but I'm really excited about that totally, so top shot Google presented that as a kind of like yeah there you go, you know if you screw up, you can still maybe get a good photo. The example they gave was like if action is happening, and you can't get to your phone in time, you don't press the shutter, and you miss the shot. You can kind of back up, and they'll, give you some better options and show you one that maybe you didn't mess up on and one that looks perfect. So another feature camera feature that Google announced was super resume and that basically takes the role you know dedicated zoom lens and just use. The software to you know make it look good when you zoom in with a single lens again, we got check it out.

We'll make sure that works. You know for Google's claims and yeah we'll see. One camera feature that I'm kind of excited about and I, don't know how often I'll use this but I. Think people who love to take selfies will use it. A lot is the wide-angle selfie mode, even though the back of the camera only has one lens.

The front of the camera has two lenses. One of the front cameras is a wide-angle lens which lets you take really wide selfies. So if you have a group of like five people, you're all trying to fit in the frame, you don't have to squeeze anymore, you can all fit, and we've played with this a little, and it totally works, and it looks really cool and something that I like about it. Is that there's not a lot of distortion like it, doesn't give you that weird fish eye effect if you still look normal, and the only change I have noticed is that your arms look super, super long yeah, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Google's camera app now lets you adjust the blurry sort of both effect.

The depth of field thing for portrait mode, which is cool and that's something that Apple announced recently with the iPhone 10s phones, Samsung's Galaxy phones- have had that for a little while I think a couple of years, maybe but hey it's a nice feature to have why not one of the new features is wireless charging and to make that work. Google has released a new pixel, stand wireless charging dock device and that's really cool. Just like last year with the pixel ?, there is no headphone jack, but an improvement this year that Google made, and I really appreciate it is that it included USB-C headphones in the box. Yeah, comes with a dongle to write for your wired headphones. If you want them, so there's one really cool Google Assistant feature that's built into this phone and everyone at the presentation that we saw was really wowed by it.

So it explains yeah that actually got probably the most claps out of everything. It was really impressive. It's a call screening feature, Google Assistant will answer for you, I suppose. You know whether, yet to see how this works or functions, I, don't know how it'll sound or anything, but Google Assistant will answer for you, and you'll be able to read the transcript of what's going on live. You know in this phone call, I think that these new AI features are going to be a huge selling point of the pixel phones and Google says that they're going to add them to pass pixel phones as well, which I think is really cool, and I think compared to other AI.

That's on the market. I think that Google assistants kind of coming out on top right now. You know it's hard to like just revolutionize a know: smartphone design, you know so Google's kind of doing revolutionizing inside the phone with the software and the AI, and it's huge it's kind of like really impressive, more pressie than other phones. To be honest, so the pixel three and the pixel three X I'll come in three colors they're a little different this year than they've been in past years. We have the pretty basic black.

We have the white with the little green button on the side and there's also a new color this year, which Google, ironically, is calling not pink. It is definitely pink and it's price-wise. Let's talk about the pixel three. That's going to start at $800 for the 64 gigabyte model, I believe and then add an extra hundred for the 128 gigabyte model. Now I'm talking about the pixel 3xl, that's starting at $900 to the 64 gigabyte model, again an extra hundred for the 128 gigabyte model, and you can pre-order these phones starting today.

I think our initial impression is that these phones are really rock-solid, build really nice features. Software is gonna, be really cool to check out I. Think I'm really excited to look at all this sort of AI and software stuff. I was pretty much sold on the iPhone.10 are up until today. I was sure I was getting it, and now I'm, not so sure so interesting.

Let's get Avery on to the Android side of things.

Source : Tech Insider

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